It's January 20, 2016.
It's cold today!
Picture Dictionary のTopic 18 (1)を学習しました。
This is Phonics 1,。Unit 5 P37のChantを唄いました。
Silent eの復習に入りました。次回はミニテストにチャレンジしましょう!
Good Luck!
Up and Away Student Book P74, Up and Away workbook のP46の復習をしました。
Up and
Away Student Book P9,10,11
Is it a
Up and
Away reader book 1D P24,25,26 のNew words
Picture Dictionary Topic 18 (1)
Sing the chant
Write new words from list in notebook
This is Phonics 1 Sing P37, read words from list.
Picture Dictionary Topic 18 (1)
Sing the chant
Write new words from list in notebook
This is Phonics 1 Sing P37, read words from list.
Divide class into 2 groups. Memorize and
write silent e words on board
Review Up and Away student book P 74 and Up and Away workbook P46
Review Up and Away student book P 74 and Up and Away workbook P46
Up and
Away student book P9,10,11 Is it a -----? Make sentences
Up and Away reader book 1D P24,25,26 New
Have a nice week !
Stay warm!
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