Lesson Report-Adv.1-Jan.6th

1. Kikutan-6K  Day 36 The Schengen Agreement 
The Schengen Agreement [ʃɛŋən] led to the creation of Europe's borderless Schengen Area. The treaty was signed on 14 June 1985 by five of the ten member states of the then European Economic Community near the town of Schengen in Luxembourg but was only partially implemented until 1995. The Schengen Area operates like a single state for international travel purposes with external border controls for travelers entering and exiting the area, and common visas, but with no internal border controls. It currently consists of 26 European countries covering a population of over 400 million people.
The Schengen Agreement allows people to travel within the 26 EU member countries without immigration or customs controls once they enter an EU country.
- compulsory  required by regulations or laws; required, binding, obligatory: ~ subject/education, it’s ~ to …
- obliged  to bind sb to do sth by legal, moral, or physical means; bound, obligated: All citizens are ~d to …
- entitle  to give sb the right to do/have sth; qualify, allow, permit, make eligible, authorize: sb is ~d to …
2. Show & Tell 
3. Typing Practice-1  http://www.learntyping.org/  Lesson 1: Beg. Lesson-1, 2 => HW Practice
4. Inside Reading-2  Unit 8  Reading-1  Judging Roommates by Their Facebook Covers 
- Review Words and Expressions <= HW
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
- Corpus - intervene (in) to become involved in in a situation to improve/solve ; mediate, arbitrate, negotiate:
 sb ~ in the crisis/dispute. -> intervention: call for government ~ to save …, military ~
- interfere  to get involved in and try to influence that does not concern you in a way annoying to others ; ~ in family/domestic problems. -> interference : foreign ~ in the domestic problem
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- Word Form Chart  converse [kɒnvɜːs] (adj) reversed; opposite; contrary: the ~ effect, (n) [the ~]  something that is opposite or contrary: ~ and the ~ is equally true.  [kənˈvɜːs] (v) to have a conversation (with)
- D. Read and understand
5. resentment<- resent  to feel bitter/angry about sth; VN+sth/-ing; I ~ed him/his laughing at me.
6. bound to do/be sth (adj) certain or likely to happen; liable, responsible, obligated:
There are ~ to be changes when …, It’s ~ to be sunny. You’re ~ to pass the exam.
- going or intending to go towards; on the way to: a ship bound for Jamaica, homeward bound
- bind-bound-bound (v) - to fasten or secure with a band or bond. -> binding clause
5. Read & Write-2  Unit 7 Buy or Reuse
Blog Review  Write your response in five to eight sentences <= HW Jan.4th

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