Denmark is a highly social country where social welfare, health and education are all provided free. In order to sustain such costly programs and high living standard, Denmark’s tax rate is higher than most other countries.
2. Typing Practice-6
- Free Typing Test C, D Advanced Typing Skills-1 => Advanced Typing Skills-2
3. Inside Reading-2 Unit 8 Reading- 2 High School Society: Who Belongs Where?
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
- A. Read the words in the box-> Fill in the blanks without reading (voca task) -> Read the text aloud.
=> B. Put the sentences in a logical order. Identify the topic of each sentence and sort them=> Pair
- C. Write synonyms of the informal words-> Check the chart on page 113.
- D. Dic diverse => Pair Talk about the diversity of the students/activities/events/backgrounds of your school or community in 90 seconds. Use diverse, diversity, diversify or diversified at least twice.
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- E. Read the situations and opinions
=> Speak-1 your opinion on one of the situations that should have a rule in 60 sec.
=> Speak-2 your opinion on one of the situations that should not have a rule in 60 sec.
- G. Check the arguments on page 128 for “for” and “against”
=> Write your opinion in five to eight sentences or 100 words.
=> HW by Jan.25th
4. Open Forum-1 Chapter 11 Math and Technology
#1 Radio Program about the Fibonacci Sequence
- Lis #3 w/Script -> Vocabulary
- pinecone, seashell, knuckle - spiral
- It’s a series of numbers, and in the sequence, each number is the sum of the preceding two numbers.
- coincident happening at the same time; simultaneous, synchronous
-> coincidence: It was just (a) ~ . By (sheer) ~, … <= happen to be/do at the same time
-> coincide to take place at the same time: The centers of concentric circles coincide. Our vacations coincided.
- intrigue to make sb very interested; attract, delight, please : The idea ~d him. You’ve ~d me.
(n) [ɪnˈtrig/ˈɪn trig] political ~ -> intriguing; interesting, alluring, appealing, exciting
- precede to go/come/happen before sth/sb in order; go ahead of: The resignation was ~ed by speculation. <-> succeed-> preceding: the years ~ the war, See the ~ chapter
-> precedent [prɛsɪdənt] an example/instance used to justify later similar occurrences ; example, model, standard.:
set/establish a new ~
->precedence act of preceding/the condition of being precedent; priority: take ~ over the needs, in order of ~
- decimal based on tens/tenth: ~ point (小数点 ./US ,/UK) ~ scale/system(10進法) ~ fraction(小数)
- all the better used for saying that if something is true or possible, it will be even nicer; better, improved:
It’ll be so nice to see Ruth again, and if she can bring the children along, all the better. (ますます結構)
- Vocabulary-1, 2, 3 Adjectives with –ing and –ed Endings
fascinate, bore, confuse, exhaust, interest, intrigue, surprise, tire
=> Task Speak with the adjective with –ing and –ed ending, and the verb in 90 seconds.
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