Lesson Report-Adv.2-May 13th

Dear Adv-2 Classmates,
How often do you blink a day? Have you ever tried to count how many you do?
Although the reading text and problems are challening, the topic was interesting, wasn't it?
Try to enjoy reading, you'll understand the context better!

[1] Reading and Writing Book 2  Unit 4 Games: What makes a competition unfair? Lesson-2
Writing-1: The Fastest Man on No Legs #2
Writing Skill: Writing an Opinion Paragraph/p.76
Study the Graphic Organizer/p.77 for the Letter to the editor on p.72
=> What do you think/p.74: Do you think Pistorius should be allowed to compete against able-bodied athletes?
=> Plan to write a response to the question using a graphic organizer
=> Write five to eight sentences to respond to Q-1 within 15 min.
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Review #107 Welcome to Natural Products => Voc. Writing
- Practice #108, 109 Walk for Your Health (1) (2)
=> Lis Task What are the health benefits the website is showing?
[3] Special Reading: 入試問題
- Review: Task HW 立教大学統一問題2011年度 [] Why People Blink?/20min

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