How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, October 29th, 2013.
Most of you have gotten the result of the mid-term exams, haven't you?
If you work hard, you can get good results.
If you worked harder, you could get better results.
If you get bad results, you'll study harder for the next exams, right?
We read the story about crime in Cover to Cover lesson today.
Most of you seemed to find the vocabulary more challenging this time.
At the same time, you must have noticed that if there are some unknown words, you can understand the whole story anyway.
Unfortunately, our speaker Aoi was absent yesterday.
The next speakers are Aoi and Riko. Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
Cover to
Cover 2 Unit 4 Crime Part 1 Stupid
Criminals (pp. 44-47)
Comprehension strategy :
Recognizing the Author’s Purpose
Checking Comprehension A&B
Bridge WorkChapter 37 Unit 2 Grammar and Communication-3
条件を表すifの使い方の復習 (p. 195)
Exercise-3 (p. 195)
Open Forum Chapter 3 Part 2
Life Science Classroom Lecture on Bees
See you on Thursday!
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