・Vocabulary in Use C34-U2 #2: Voc, Sentences, practice
2. 12月号基礎英語3: Listen to Communicate
- L-123 Listen=> Repeat-> Read the Text:
- L-124 Listen=> Repeat-> Read the Text: I
3. Cover to Cover Unit 8 Part 2: Just Ask!
- Before Reading: What personal quality is important for your partner?
- Fluency Strategy: Scanning
- Listen => Task-A, Checking Comprehension
- Read -> check the answers
- Read aloud Par.2-3, 5-6=> Com Task-1 Par.6を日本語にしなさい
4. Read & Write Unit 10 Fear: What are you afraid of?
- Preview Reading 1-> Check the subtitles and the image-> Skim the text=> What is this article about?
- Reading #1: Underline Main Ideas -> Main Ideas, Details
- Reading Skill: Identifying Facts and Opinions-> A=> B: Read the text and underline the Statement of Opinion with think, believe and should.
=> Pair Check the opinions
- WDT-1: Pair Discuss the Q-1: Do you watch the news on TV, read the news online or in the newspaper?
=> Write a summary of the magazine article within five sentences.
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