・Vocabulary in Use C34-U2 #2: Voc, Sentences, practice
2. 基礎英語3
Lesson-125: embarrass/embarrassing/embarrassed
Lesson-126: used to
3. Cover to Cover Unit 8 Part 2: Just Ask!
Com Task-2
1. 私は自分の外見にそんなに自信が持てないので、友達と出かけるときはたいていかなりおとなしくしている。(pr-3): I don’t feel so confident about/of my appearance that I’m usually quite quiet when I go out with my friends.
2. 彼氏や彼女を見つけるとなると、必ずしも誰でも見た目が全てだとは考えていない。(when it comes to …) (pr-6): Not everyone thinks looks are everything when it comes to finding a boyfriend or girlfriend.
3. あなた方は明らかにお似合いのカップルのようですね、というのも同じ関心を分かち、多くを共有しているから。(pr-1,5): You obviously seem to be made up for each other because you share the same interest and have a lot in common.
- Vocabulary: outgoing, in common, sense of humor, ridiculous, obvious-obviously, definition, go ahead, go out with, break up with, get in touch with, catch someone’s eye, be made for each other
- What’s Your Opinion?/p.107: Check your answers if you agree or disagree with the statements.
I think Jon should ~ because … What do you think? Do you think he should…?
☆ HW=> Comm Task-3: Write a response letter to Jon in five sentences Email by Jan.1
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