・Vocabulary in Use C34-U1 #2: Voc Writing
2. 12月号基礎英語3: Listen to Communicate Listen w/o Textbook=> Task-> Read
- L-117 Listen=> Repeat-> Read the Text: Do you mind if I ask you/Would you mind if I asked you…?
=> Pair Do you mind if I ask you to …?
- L-118 Listen=> Repeat-> Read the Text:
I was invited to ~ but didn’t go.
I’ve been invited to …, it’s going to be …/ but I haven’t replied my RSVP yet.
Are you invited to …? => Yes. I’m invited to … Here is the invitation.
3. Cover to Cover Unit 7 Survivors Part 2: An unlikely friendship
・Review Reading-2 w/CD
- Review Writing: Com Task-2 Explain why the two animals got close to each other within 100 words.
=>Com Task-3/Pair Retell what happened to the hippo in two minutes.
4. Read & Write Unit 9 Life Changes Writing/Q-Classroom Write about Your Life
Write a paragraph about your life.
☆ Try These!: Then, After ~, Soon after ~, After that, Before ~, As soon as, When ~
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