Now, you might have learned just one technological innovation doesn't change the whole world. It could influence substantially but chain reactions are necessary to make a big change.
Printing revolution surely triggered historic changed followed for the next a couple of centuries.
And those reactions collaboratively made history.
Daily 1500 15 min.m
Review #18 Online Criminals Attack PayNet=> J to Eng
#19 Online Encyclopedia:What are unique about Online Encyclopedia compared to ordinary encyclopedia.
Open Forum Chapter 12 Law Radio Call-in Program about Legal Questions
Pronunciation: Exercise 1, Exercise 2 => Listen and Write the questions
Speaking Skills: B: So my question is, did I steal this painting? I mean, they threw it out, but now I know it’s worth something, and I’m worried about it.
Speaking Practice
My Global Learning Program 2 – Part 1: Printing Revolution #3
Revise/Rewrite Writing-1 Explain what the Printing Revolution is about in 100 words
Discussion-2 How fast and drastically did those changes occur?