Did you learn how serious the water crisis could be in the future?
As the world population increases, the demand and consumption of water rises at a much faster rate than the population growth because modernization and urban life consume more water than traditional rural life.
Will humans be wise enough to manage the situation? It seems to depend on how your generation is going to deal with it. And you're one of them.
1. Daily 1500 #15 Convenient On-line Shopping
Explain the concerns and benefits of online shopping.
Voc repute(n, formal)=reputation-reputable
2. Open Forum Chapter 11 Math and Technology
Web: A Tour Guide in Science & Tech Museum
Lis #1-> MI, More Details
Lis #2: 1. What is BBC? 2. What could BBC Model-B do?
=> Talk to you friend about what you learned in the tour in three minutes.
3. Topic Reading: A future of thirst: Water crisis lies on the horizon
Task-1 テキストの内容を踏まえて、説明や補足を加えて日本語にしなさい
Task-2 Underline the main ideas of each paragraph and the key figures essential to support the main ideas to highlight the key points. Then, Write a summary of the article by describing the present and foreseeable situations, potential problems and adoptable solutions in five to eight sentences.
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