Did you like the story of the couple who have had wedding ceremony and party every year? Simply, it's an affectionate form of anniversary but is also a good form of education to their children and grandchildren. When they become adult and get married, they might want to have such affectionate and long-lasting relationship.
[1] Bridge Work C30-U2 - G&C-2 Ex-2 #2, G&C-3=> Ex-3
[2] Vocabulary in Use: C30-U2 #1 Practice, Voc.Writing-> Practice
[3] Read & Write: Unit 5 Vacation: why is vacation important?
- Grammar: Sentence with because-> A/p.96=> B/p.96 => Pair
- Writing Skill: Using correct paragraph structure/p.94-95 <= ☆ Using Time Order Words/p.74
-> Study another paragraph from Q-Skills: Vacations Are Important
=> Write your paragraph that argues either text (against/textbook or for/Q-skills vacation).
[4] Reading – Cover to Cover: Unit 1-Part 2 The Couple That Loves Weddings
1. (pr-8) They asked the priest who ~ do it again日本語にしなさい
2. Paragraph-9: それまでの経緯を踏まえて、このパラグラフを日本文でまとめなさい
3. The couple sent invitations to those who had attended their first wedding to another wedding and a party
Expanding Vocabulary: unable, unhappy, impatient, impossible, unusual, unlike
What’s your opinion? : What do you think makes a good marriage?
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