- perceive to become aware of/know/identify by the senses; notice, see, understand, recognize: I ~ed an object
~ a change in his voice. ->perception: the way you notice sth with the senses: visual ~
- vanity (n) excessive pride in appearance/qualities/abilities/achievements; arrogance, pride; injure/wound ~
<-> modesty ->vain (adj) useless-> in vain: without success
- exhaust to drain of strength/energy, wear out, or fatigue greatly, as a person: I have ~ed myself working.
to use up/consume completely, deplete, empty, run out; He ~ed a fortune in stock.
- Practice Vocabulary Chant
[2] Inside Reading-2 Unit 4 Reading-1 Could Shakespeare Have Written Shakespeare’s Plays?
HW Review-1.1 - Study Words/Expressions in Par.1~5: [P1-L3] remain [L9]sheer volume [L10] elegy (a mournful poem or song for the dead) [P2-L22] neither side has … [P3-L26] tradesman (retail dealer) [P30] real-estate [L30] will [L33] Dic adequate (enough in quantity, good enough in quality for a purpose/need) enough, satisfactory, sufficient, suitable; ~ supply/answer, ~ for ones need, ~ to meet … -> adequacy (n)
[L37] noble family [P4-L48] coincidence-coincident <- co+incident
[P5-L53] “a naughty and crooked nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.”
[P5-L57] backward son (less progress than normal) [L58] Dic prosperous <- prosper - prosperity
[L60] high bailiff [bei] (officer, Brit: a person in charge of local administrative or magistrate authority) [L67] playwright (writer) [L-72] ailment (a physical disorder or illness)
- Study Sentences/Words/Expressions in Par.6~8:
-> Read aloud Par.6=> Pair Discuss interpretation=> Predict/Reword -> Study w/Dic=> Pair Check
[L79] hoax; deception, fraud [L79] protocol (rules of conduct, behavior in a certain situation) code, obligation, procedure [L80] the noble class, highborn earl [L81] common people [L84] front man <-> ghost writer
[L101] Dic persist (to continue steadily despite difficulty) carry on, continue, persevere, pursue; ~ in working for world peace/political activities. -> persistent-persistence
[L103] brought out as needed [L107] contemporary references to make the play look timely
-> Study Words/Expressions [Par.8] [L109] center on speculation-speculate [L111] accumulate [112] settle the matter
- HW Review-1.2 a summary of the Stratfordians’ case (Par.5-7) in 4~6 sentences
[3] HW Review-2 Japan's bitterest *feud: Kansai vs. Kanto
Task “What kind of differences are there between people in Kanto and Kansai?” Write your response to the question within 150 words. You can use two or three examples from the text or come up with any other example(s). Do not copy and paste the text. Try to write in your own words.
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