Lesson Report-Senior 2p-Aug.4th

1. Cover to Cover-2 Unit 8  Viewpoints   Part 2  All in a Day’s Work
-Read aloud Par.3-7=> Task-2  six attitudes towards workについて、それぞれのsubheadingを日本語にし、その簡単な説明を各2文以内の日本語でまとめなさい。
- Vocabulary: reveal, distinctly, workplace, bore-boredom, job security, frequent-frequency
- What’s your opinion? => Pair What are the priorities when you look for a job?
2. Kikutan-4K  Day 17: Beethoven [beitouvn]  (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise -> Read=> Revise -> Shadow Reading
=> Study: play an important/a key role->role play, what it sounds/tastes like, by the time
=> Dic remain (v) continue to be sth; ~ silent/seated, be present after sth; an hour ~ed, ~ing crew
 remains (n) the part of sth left; human ~, ~ of food, ~ of a Roman castle
- Practice Voca Chant: brilliant, role, continue-discontinue
3. Read & Write-2  Unit 3 Courtesy: Reading 2: Answers to all your Travel Questions
- Review Vocabulary Skill: Prefixes=>Voc-B/p.56
Writing-1: Write a paragraph with supporting examples
- Writing Skill: Supporting your main idea with examples.=> Pair Explain
-> A. Study the response and identify the Main Idea and Examples to support it.
=> Writing Skill-B  Write examples to support the main idea and complete the paragraph.
Homework by 8/16
TS  Many people do not have good cell phone manners, and they are impolite when they use their phones.
CS  If cell phone users were more thoughtful of others, they might be more polite.

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