How are you doing?
It's Thursday, August 20, 2015.
It's cloudy and cool today.
It was very nice to see you after the vacation.
All of you looked more matured than you were three weeks ago.
I'm glad to hear some of you had been working hard to do your homework.
The due date of the assignment is September 2nd.
The speaker yesterday was Chiharu.
She prepared very well and presented her speech in a loud voice.
That's good!
The next speaker is Minori.
Please get prepared for it!
<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 28 Unit 1 Grammar in Use Preparing for the big trip Review
Chapter 28 Unit 2 Grammar in Use Traveling to Oxford-1
Chapter 31 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-1 受動態
Exercise-1 #1-a, 1-b
Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
See you on Saturday!Towako
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