How are you doing?
It's Saturday, August 22, 2015.
It's sunny and hot today.
What industry do you think plays the key role in Japan?
Do you think the important industry for Japan will change in the next ten years?
I'm sure it will do. Otherwise, we can't survive in the global market.
The due date of the assignment is September 2nd.
Today's speaker was Minori. She talked about her stay in Europe during the summer.
Many questions were asked this time! That's great.
The next speaker is Shun.
Please get prepared for it!
<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 30 Unit 1
Vocabulary in Use #2 産業や経済に関することば
Chapter 28 Unit 2 Grammar in Use Traveling to Oxford-1 Review
Chapter 29 Unit 1 Grammar in Use Traveling to Oxford-2
Reporting page 55
Chapter 31 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-1 passive
Exercise-1 #2
Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
See you next week.Towako
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