Lesson Report-Adv.1-Aug.26th

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 20: Ogasawara Islands
- fulfill achieve what was expected; ~ dream/ambition, to do/have what is required; ~ a duty/obligation/promise
- isolate to separate/cut off sth from others; sb was ~d from the other …-> isolation; geographical ~, ~ hospital
- vary to differ, fluctuate, range; The quality of sth ~ies considerably. 
[2] Inside Reading-2  Unit 4  Reading-2  Fame in a Foreign Language: Joseph Conrad
- Profile of Joseph Conrad->Blog
- Preview the text, identify the pars-> Skim the text 
=> Write what this text is about in one sentence=> Post on Blog=> Compare the sentence.
- Read-1 -> Reading Comprehension: T/F, Mark the paragraph/Line #, Correct false statements
[3] Read & Write-2   Writing: Write an Opinion Paragraph
- Grammar: Modals/p.77-78 A->B
ought to: = should - to say what is the right thing to do; You ~ to apologize/pay it now, You ~ not to be late.
- to say what you advice/recommend; We ~ to be leaving now. You ~ to try some. You ~ to have come.
should: to show what is right/appropriate esp. to criticize; you ~n’t eat too much. You ~ have been careful.
- giving/asking for advice; You ~ leave now. Should I call sb? 
- expect to happen; We ~ arrive before noon. I ~ have done it. The roads ~ be less crowded today.
Alternative Writing Assignment: Some people think it is a good idea for children to compete in team sports. Others believe it is a bad idea. What do you think? Is it good or bad for children to play on sports teams?
- Complete the graphic organizer in page 79 with your reasons and supporting details.
=> Write a paragraph about your opinion in response to the question. Support your opinions with reasons and examples.  Make sure to introduce your opinions with appropriate phrases, and end your paragraph with a strong concluding sentence. => email it by Aug.31

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