Lesson Report-Senior 2-Apr.30th: No Lesson on May 3rd

Dear Senior-2 Classmates,
How are you going to spend the holidays? You have four days off from your school and a day off from MEL School! Watching a movie or two in English would be nice. Don't you think?
Please don't come to MEL School on Saturday, the 3rd!
[1] Vocabulary in Use: C36-U1 #1  領土などに関することば
[2] Bridge Work/Asai: C36-U1  Sunday is when Jennifer puts make-up on
- G&C-3: more/less-> Ex-3
Speech in Reported Speech-> Q&A => Report Writing  (Speaker to revise w/T)
[3] Deep Listening -3  Lesson 12 T-rex
[4] Read & Write
- Review Reading-> Study Words/Expressions: time off, option
=> Rewrite your opinion in three to five sentences “Are you for or against the policy change?”
I’m for/against the policy change. I ... I also …
- Reading Skills/p.85-87
HW for GW => Replay email to TK with Tablet
=> tk@myenglish.co.jp by May 7th.

Lesson Report Primary-2 April 29th

 Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, April 30, 2014. 
It's rainy today.
Picture Dictionary では新しくUnit 26 The Pirate Shipに入りました
This is Phonics Unit 1 Consonant Diagraphs jingleは完璧でしたね。Good work!
Grammar ではJennyNickについてtheysheheに置き換えました。

<Lesson Review>)
Picture Dictionary Topic 26 The Pirate Ship(1)
Sing chant
This is Phonics Unit 1 Consonant Diagraphs
Sing jingle
Do P13
Grammar Starter Unit 2 Hello. I`m Jenny.
Do Exercise 5,6
Up and Away 3A P6-9

Have a great week! 
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 April 29th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, April 30, 2014.
It's rainy today. 
Picture DictionaryのTopic 2 Numbers (5)を学習しました。
This is Phonics のUnit 2 The Phonics Alphabetのカードをアルファベット順に発表できました。 Good work!
Up and Away Student book, Unit 12 Classroom Commandsを新しく学習しました。
Up and Away Student book Unit 3 のIt is .... の文を復習しました。
Up and Away Student book Review: Is it?/ It is. をノートに書きました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 2 Numbers
Sing the Chant
This is Phonics Unit 2 The Phonics Alphabet
Sing the jingle A-Z
Present the phonics alphabet cards in order
Up and Away Student book Unit 12 Classroom Commands
Up and Away Student book review P 10 Is it?
Up and Away Student book do Review : Is it?/ It is. P11
Write sentences in notebook

Have a great week! See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Apr.29th

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
The listening task seems to have been a little challenging this time with several unfamiliar words in the dialogue. As you learned, you've got to use inference when you don't understand everything.
Please don't forget to interpret the sayings in the Read & Write textbook by May 9th.
You have enough time to do the task.
[1] Bridge Work  C29-U1 How long have you studied English?
- G&C-1 => Ex-1 #3 => WB p. 10 Activity
- G&C-2 Ex-2 #2
[2] Vocabulary in Use/Asai: C28-U1 #1農業に関することば
✩Practice Reading: Words, Sentences => Voc-Writing ✩Practice Reading
[3] Deep Listening -3: Lesson 15 To go or Not to go
☆Vocabulary: vigorous, job- ~ interview, ~ offer, get a ~, accept/decline the ~ offer
Dic vigorous: very active, determined, strong, full of energy - ~ exercise/training, ~ athlete
[4] Read & Write: Unit 3 Long Distance: Why do people immigrate to other countries?
Review the email to give Sam advice about life in Japan.=> Peer Review => Revise=> Pair
Read & Write Book 1 Unit 4 Positive Thinking: What are the benefits of positive thinking?
Objective: Write about a time when you/someone changed a situation with positive thinking.
Preview the Unit: Listen to the Q Classroom=> Talk A/p.61
-> C/p.62: Underline/Mark the key word(s) of the saying and explanation-> Try to match
=> Interpretation of all the sayings.  => HW by May 9th

Lesson Report Junior-3 April 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, April 29th, 2014.
It's rainy today.
The weather isn't going to be nice for a couple of days.
We have to wait for a few days until we can enjoy the sunshine!
今日のレッスンでは、until, when, if などの接続詞の使い方のまとめをしました。
Book 3では前回練習した単語を使っての英作文にチャレンジしました。

Our speaker today was Yuhei.
He talked about his new class at school.
His class has a mascot. It's Ampanman!
The next speaker is Yuma.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 24 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 oneself の使い方
Grammar and Communication-3 接続詞のまとめ
Exercise-3  #1
(pp. 204-205, 208-209)
Chapter 26 Unit 1
Vocabulary in Use  #1 人の性格に関することば (p. 11)
Vocabulary writing  Practice with tablet

Have a wonderful week!
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-1 April 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, April 29th, 2014.
It's rainy today.

<Lesson Review>
Alphabet Phonics Plus
基礎英語 Lessons 15 & 16
Bridge Work Chapter 1 Unit 1
Word Box #3 Sports
Key Communication の練習
(p. 14)

See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report-Advancing-Apr.28th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
Did you find it difficult to write a summary only by listening once?
Did you make a better summary after reading the text?
In real world, not so many presenters or teachers are kind enough to say the same things twice.
Therefore, taking notes effectively and summarizing concisely are both essential skills for your future learning and working.
Daily 1500 Listen & Read #8, 9  Opinions on Social Issues
- Listen #8 -> Summary of A, B-> Listen #8-> Revise=> Read the Text and Check the Summary
- Listen #9 -> Summary of C, D-> Listen #9-> Revise=> Read the Text and Check the Summary
Open Forum Chapter 10 History Presentation about Ellis Island #2
=> Think & Discuss What do you think of immigrating to a totally new place where you have to start everything, a job, a place to live in, friends, and the language?
Read & Write Reading 2: A Song Becomes a Hit
Preview: What do you think the study will say?
=> What do you think -A/p.14: Discuss if you agree with what the magazine article says? Why/Why not?
=> What do you think -B/p.14: Why, when or how do you think certain things like a movie, song or book become popular?  Write 5-8 sentences to respond to the Question.
Listen to Summarize GTEC-IBT Writing
Task-1: Listen to the audio => Write a summary of the audio passage in about 30 words.
Task-2: Listen and Read the script => Re-write a summary in about 30 words.

MEL News May 2014

それでは、MEL News (2014年5月号)をお届けします。

News-1 ゴールデンウィークのお休みについて

News-2 New Teacher
4月からMEL Schoolに新しい先生が加わりました。
森實美春(Morizane Miharu) 先生は、静岡県出身でアメリカの大学を卒業されています。

News-3 夏休み短期留学および高校生向け留学案内

News-4 アンケート調査ご協力のお願い

Update-1 2014年度第1回英検申込
5級  1,500円(MEL Schoolでの受験)
4級  1,600円(MEL Schoolでの受験)
3級  2,800円(MEL Schoolでの受験)
準2級 4,100円(MEL Schoolでの受験)
2級  5,000円(本会場での受験)

Update-2 英検能力測定(無料)
13:00 開始 5級 および 4級
14:20 開始 3級 および 準2級
16:00 開始 2級

Update-3 服装について
MEL Schoolでは英語を使ってコミュニケーションをする力を身につけるためのスクールです。そのための学習に相応しい環境を保つために、服装や身だしなみ、マナーについて守ってもらいたいルールがあります。ご存知のことかと思いますが、季節の変わり目でもありますので、以下の点についてご注意頂けますようお願いします。


MEL School 三鷹
Towako Asai

Lesson Report-Senior 2-Apr.26th

Dear Senior-2 Classmates,
Aren't you willing to push yourself hard to be competitive in the future when you'll be judged no differently from foreigners even in Japanese companies?
There will be less borders and differences in the future between countries and regions. Try to be globally competitive!
[1] Vocabulary in Use/Asai: C35-U2 #2  証拠や調査などに関することば
[2] Bridge Work/Asai: C36-U1  Sunday is when Jennifer puts make-up on
- G&C-1: where, when-> Ex-1
- G&C-2: how, why-> Ex-2
[3] Read & Write  Unit 5 Vacation: why is vacation important?
Reading-1  Vacation from Work: Employee Vacation Policy/Toy’s Inc. #1
- Vocabulary: Read the Text aloud -> Answer with Part of Speech in mind-> Read the Text again
-> Dic reduce-reduction: to make sth less/smaller in size/quantity/price etc.
- Preview Reading 1: Scan the email to answer the questions
- Reading #1-> Main Ideas, Details => Pair
- Reading #2-> Study Words/Expressions: time off, option
- Reading Skills-> A/p.86-> B/p.87
WDT -1. Are you for or against the policy change? => Write your opinion in three to five sentences.
I’m for/against the policy change. I ... I also …
[4] Cover to Cover   Unit 3  Part 1: An Extra Sense
Unit 2-Part 2 The Experts Are Wrong!
Expanding Vocabulary
Communication Task-2 Let’s discuss!: Unemployment ratios of new college graduates in other countries are over 20%, middle or high class jobs are expected to converge in the world and there will be more college d educated hardworking talents will be flooded in such job market.
Are you ready to push yourself hard to be competitive with those talents in the world to get a good job, or stay as you are to take a low-wage local job with minimum skill requirements that could be replaced by part-timers or even foreign immigrants from developing countries?

Lesson Report Junior-2 April 26th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, April 26th, 2014.
It was sunny and warm today.
Do you usually study hard?
今日のレッスンでは、Chapter 13 Unit 2のまとめをしました。
A dog and a cat (p. 21) の音読がすらすらできなかった人はよく練習をしておきましょう。
Our speakers today were Minori and Ayu.
Minori talked about a new shopping building in Kichijoji.
Ayu talked about going to church in Yotsuya.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 15 & 16
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 2
Exercise-4 #1, 2 Review practice
Grammar and Communication-5  Verbs to learn
Exercise-5 => Practice with a tablet PC
(pp. 20-21)

Have a good weekend!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E April 26th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, April 26th, 2014.
It was sunny and warm today.
Do you usually study hard?
今日のレッスンでは、Chapter 13 Unit 2のまとめをしました。
A dog and a cat (p. 21) の音読がすらすらできなかった人はよく練習をしておきましょう。
We didn't have any speakers today again.
The next speakers are Chiharu, Ryuto and Shintaro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 15 & 16
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 2
Exercise-4 #2 Review practice
Grammar and Communication-5  Verbs to learn
Exercise-5 => Practice with a tablet PC
Grammar in Use
Key Communication
(pp. 20-23)

Have a good weekend!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-3 April 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Saturday, April 26th, 2014.
It's a beautiful sunny day!
We are surely heading for May.
Can you feel it?
お休みした人は、199ページのGrammar and Communicationで内容を確認し、
Our speaker yesterday was Takehsi.
He talked about his last basketball match.
Unfortunately, his team didn't win, but they are trying hard for another match in June.
The next speaker is Yuhei.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 15 & 16
Bridge Work
Chapter 24 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-3 不定詞のまとめ
Exercise-3 (pp. 199-200)
Chapter 26 Unit 1
Vocabulary in Use  #1 人の性格に関することば (p. 11)

Have a good weekend!
See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 April 25th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's  Saturday, April 26, 2014.
It's a beautiful day!
This is Phonics Unit 1 Consonant Diagraphs (二文字子音) P 6jingleが上手に歌えていました。Good work
Grammar Starter では It, he, she , they の使い方を復習しました。
Up and Away Reader 3Aに入りました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 2 The Fairytale Castle()
Sing chant
This is Phonics  Unit 1  Consonant Diagraphs
Sing chant  P6.
Grammar Starter  Unit 2 Hello! Im Jenny.  P10 Do exercise 4
Up and Away 3A    Read P 1-5

Have a great weekend.
See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 April 25th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Saturday, April 26, 2014.
It is sunny today. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

きのうのレッスンでは、Picture Dictionary のTopic 2 Numbers (4) を学習しました。
Good work!
This is Phonics のUnit 2 The Phonics Alphabet のjingle、A-Zは良く歌えていました。
カードを見て順番にA says a ,a, apple..といった発表もとても上手にできていました。

Up and Away student book Unit 11 P26 Good morningの復習をしました。

Up and away workbook P9   It is… の問題を解きました。
また、Up and Away student book P 9,10 Is it? を学習しました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 2 Numbers
Sing the Chant
This is Phonics Unit 2 The Phonics Alphabet . Review A-Z .
Up and Away student book . Review Good morning.
Write sentences in notebook
Up and Away work book P9 It is.
Up and Away student book P 9, 10 Is it?
 Practice asking questions and answering

Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Apr.25th

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
Have you ever suggested or advised a foreigner what he or she should do to enjoy staying in Japan?
You'd better be prepared to give several or at least a few options to recommend as Japan is working on increasing the number of foreign visitors for the coming years.
[1] Bridge Work/Asai: C28-U2 Have you done your homework yet?
- WB pp. 8-9 Gr. Writing => GIU:
[2] Vocabulary in Use/Asai: C28-U1 #1農業に関することば
- Repeat after CD-> Fill in the blanks->✩Practice Reading
[3] Read & Write: Unit 3 Long Distance: Why do people immigrate to other countries?
Review WDT If you can’t get a good job in your country, would you be willing to move to another country to work, live and have a family there?=> Revise=> Pair/Group
Writing #1 => Alternative Assignment/Q-Web
Read “Living in Tokyo” by Sam Johnson. Write him an email to give advice about life in Japan.
Plan Use the following questions to help you with your planning.
1. What is special about your country?
2. What are some things the person can enjoy seeing or doing particularly in your country?
3. What should the person know about your culture?
=> Choose one or two ideas to write.
Write an email to give him advice about life in Japan.
- 1st Paragraph: Introduction in two or three sentences.
- 2nd Paragraph: Write your advice in three to five sentences.
Write another paragraph for an additional idea if any.
- Last Paragraph: Conclude your email to encourage and cheer him up in two or three sentences.
☆ Try these! - suggest –ing: I suggest you (should) visit/see/try
- recommend ~ (to you), ~ is (highly) recommended - explain ~ / about / sth to sb
- ~ is worth –ing - try –ing - don’t forget to/remember to  - give advice on ~, a piece of advice

Lesson Report Junior-1 April 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, April 25th, 2014.
It's sunny today!

きのうのレッスンの基礎英語では Let's ... の表現が出てきましたね。
今日のようなよいお天気の日にはLet's go outside! とお友達と外で元気に遊ぶのもいいですね!
Bridge Workでは、最初のUnit の学習がすべて終わりました。
次回はきのう練習した Key Communicationのテストです。

<Lesson Review>
Alphabet Phonics Plus
基礎英語 Lessons 13 & 14
Bridge Work Chapter 1 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-4 my, your, our, your
Exercise-4  #1 Review
Grammar in Use
Key Communication
(pp. 11-14)

Have a good weekend!
See you on Monday!


Lesson Report-Advancing-Apr.24th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
First of all, please start reading and working on the Prep-Reading 1 and 2 to prepare for your Global Learning Class on May 1st. Neither of them is so lengthy but both have full of unfamiliar words for you.
Also, please be reminded that there is a task for each reading material. Therefore, try not to read them the night before the class.

Grammar in Use
Unit 4 : Present Simple & Continuous-2 4-A, B-> 4.3 4-C-> 4.4
Unit 54: Verb + -ing or to … 54-A-> 54.1,  54-B-> 54.2, 54.3
Open Forum Chapter 10 History Presentation about Ellis Island #1
Preparing to Listen: Images of immigrants to the US
Think & Discuss What do you think of immigrating to a totally new place where you have to start everything, a job, a place to live in, friends, and the language?
Read & Write Reading 1: The Popularity of Social Network #2
Write a Summary of The Popularity of Social Network within 100 words. <= Task/KP MP of each par.
Write the main ideas in the same order as they are presented and add important supporting details that are necessary or help to understand the main points.

Lesson Report Junior-2 April 23rd

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, April 24th, 2004.
It's sunny and warm today.
How many classmates do you have at school?
How many of them like studying English?
きのうのレッスンでは、of を使った表現を練習しました。
Our speakers yesterday were Haruka and Shun.
Haruka talked about her favorite band.
Shun talked about what he likes doing.
The next speakers are Minori and Ayu.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 13 & 14
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3 頻度の表し方
Exercise-3 #1 Review pair work
Grammar and Communication-4 some of them, most of them
Exercise-4 #1, 2 => Practice with a tablet PC

Have a wonderful week!
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E April 23rd

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, April 24th, 2004.
It's sunny and warm today.
How many classmates do you have at school?
How many of them like studying English?
きのうのレッスンでは、of を使った表現を練習しました。
We didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Chiharu and Ryuto.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 13 & 14
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3 頻度の表し方
Exercise-3 #1   Review pair work
Grammar and Communication-4   some of them, most of them
Exercise-4  #1, 2 => Practice with a tablet PC

Have a wonderful week!
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report-Senior 2-Apr.23rd

Dear Senior-2 Classmates,
You might have surprised how hard a Korean student is working to get a better future.
The same thing could be said to students in China and other developing countries.
And you're going to compete with them in the near future.
[1] Vocabulary in Use/Asai: C35-U2 #2  証拠や調査などに関することば
✩Review Reading=> Voca Writing p.102/WB=> ✩Practice Reading
[2] Bridge Work/Asai: C36-U1  Sunday is when Jennifer puts make-up on
Speech in Reported Speech-> Q&A => Report Writing  (Speaker to revise w/T)
[3] Deep Listening -3  Lesson 11 At Customs
☆Vocabulary: Customs, occupation, bureau, nothing to declare, expire, prohibit Dictation => Pair 
Dic expire-expiration, prohibit-prohibition, declare-declaration
[4] Read & Write  Unit 4 Positive Thinking Pair Read the re-write=> Q&A
[5] Reading: Cover to Cover Unit 2-Part 2 The Experts Are Wrong!
Reading-2: Read the text with CD -> Read aloud: Pr.1-3, 4-6
Communication Task-1
1. (Pr-5) I think you have to push yourself to be really successful.
2. (Pr-5) I can afford to have less sleep now if it means I’ll have a better chance in a future job interview.
mean: to have sth as a result or a likely result, = entail
We won’t go to the party if it means we (will) need a babysitter

Lesson Report Junior-3 April 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014.
It's sunny today after it rained for a few days.
Are you enjoying the sunshine?
Will we be able to enjoy the sunny weather throughout the week?
I truly hope so!
きのうのレッスンでは、will be able to の使い方を練習しました。
be able to 「~できる」のcan を同じ意味で使えますね。
able の発音が怪しい人が多かったので、タブレットでしっかり練習してください。
今回の練習課題は、Book 2の198ページのExerciseの文です。
Our speaker yesterday was Shunta.
He talked about his new class at school.
He said his class is noisy, and he is one of the nosiest students!
The next speaker is Takeshi.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 13 & 14
Bridge Work
Chapter 24 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2   will be able to ...
Exercise-2 #3, 4-a, and 4-b.
Chapter 26 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-3 形容詞と副詞の使い方
Exercise-3 #1

Have a wonderful week!
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 April 22nd

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, April 23, 2014. 
It's sunny today.
きのうのレッスンでは、Picture Dictionary ではUnit 25 Fairytale Castle のchantが上手に歌えましたね。
Good work!
This is Phonics Unit 1 Consonant Diagraphs の単語がまだ完璧でない生徒は頑張って覚えましょう!
Grammar Starter Unit 2 P 8 They, e, she, it you等の復習をしました。
Up and Away Reader 2D Sunny' Lucky Dayは終わりました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 25 The Fairytale Castle()
Sing chant
This is Phonics Unit 1 Consonant Diagraphs
Sing jingle
Do P11
Grammar Starter Unit 2 Hello. I`m Jenny. Review P8.
Do Exercise 3
Up and Away 2D Sunny`s Lucky Day P26-29

Have a wonderful week! 
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 April 22nd

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Wednesday, April 23, 2014.
It's sunny today. 

きのうのレッスンでは、Picture DictionaryのTopic 2 Numbers (3)を学習しました。  
Chantが上手に唄えました。Good work! 
This is Phonics のUnit 2 The Phonics Alphabetのjingleがとても良く唄えました。

Up and Away Student book , Unit 11 Good morningを学習しました。

Up and Away Student book Unit 3 It isの文を作りました。
It is a desk. 英語の学習をしている実感がわいてきましたね!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 2 Numbers
Sing the Chant
This is Phonics Unit 2 The Phonics Alphabet
Sing the jingle A-Z
Up and Away Student book.Unit 3  It is  P7,8
Write sentences in notebook.
Up and Away Student book Unit 11 Good morning and other greetings

Have an exciting week!
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Apr.22nd

Dear Senior 1 Classmates,
Would you be interested to work abroad or work with foreigners?
It would be exciting to work with people from different language, background and cultures.
English is a bridge to connect with people in the world!
[1] Bridge Work/Asai: C28-U2 Have you done your homework yet?
- Ex-1 #2 => G&C-3 => Ex-3 => WB p. 7 Activity-1
[2] Vocabulary in Use/Asai: C27-U2 #2職業に関することば
✩Practice Reading: Words, Sentences => Voc-Writing ✩Practice Reading
[3] Deep Listening -3: Lesson 14 Announcement
☆Vocabulary: connect, approach, land, book a flight-overbooking, emergency landing, close-closure
[4] Read & Write: Unit 3 Long Distance: Why do people immigrate to other countries?
Objective: Explain how a place changed because of international immigration or culture.
Reading-2: Immigrant Stories
Review the Summary: Not write anything not written in the text. => Rewrite
WDT If you can’t get a good job in your country, would you be willing to move to another country to work, live and have a family there?
=> Write your answer and explain the reason in five sentences.
=> Peer Review=> Revise=> Present

Lesson Report Junior-1 April 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014.
It's sunny today! We can see the beautiful sky!
Are you happy?
きのうのレッスンでは I と my, you とyour, we と our の使い方をさらに練習しました。
our がなかなか読めなかったようですが、しっかり覚えましょう。
基礎英語では、can ...の文が出てきましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Alphabet Phonics U-Z
基礎英語 Lessons 11 & 12
Bridge Work Chapter 1 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-4 my, your, our, your
Exercise-4  #1
Word Box #2  Foods (pp. 11 - 12)
BingoBongo What's your favorite food?

Have a great week!
See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report-Advancing-Apr.21

Dear Advancing-1 Classmates,
What do you think of summarizing, either writing or telling?
It's an essential skill that you want to develop for your future study and work.
It won't be so difficult once you get used to it,  So, practice!
Daily 1500  #6-7 Personality Questionnaire
Voc – interpret-interpretation, imply-implication,
Open Forum Chapter 10 History Conversation about the discovery of America #2
=> Communication Task: What would the today’s world be what if Zheng had colonized America?
Vocabulary: turn out, pre-history, in particular, colonize-colony, remains of, settlement, (southern) tip
Focus on the Listening Skill/p.81: Summarizing
Read & Write  Reading 1: The Popularity of Social Network #2
- Reading Skill/p.9: Identifying the Main idea of a Paragraph-> Exercise-A
- Read the Text-> Exercise-B
- Reading Skill/Q-Online: Predicting Future Trends
=> Write the main idea of each paragraph.

Lesson Report Junior-2 April 19th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, April 21st, 2004.
It's cloudy and chilly again. It's going to rain today.
We can't see the sun until Thursday.
Did you get up early yesterday?
Do you usually get up late on Sundays?
土曜日のレッスンでは、early, late, hard など、形容詞と副詞で形が同じものを練習しました。
Our speaker was Shun.
He tried to give a speech, but he couldn't.
The next speakers are Shun, Haruka, and Minori.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 11 & 12
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2 形容詞と副詞
Exercise-2 #1, 2-a => Write about your partner and yourself.
Grammar and Communication-3 頻度の表し方
Exercise-3 #1 => Practice with a tablet PC

Have a good week!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E April 19th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, April 21st, 2004.
It's cloudy and chilly again. It's going to rain today.
We can't see the sun until Thursday.
Did you get up early yesterday?
Do you usually get up late on Sundays?
土曜日のレッスンでは、early, late, hard など、形容詞と副詞で形が同じものを練習しました。
Our speaker was Kentaro.
He talked about going out.
The next speaker is Chiharu.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 11 & 12
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2 形容詞と副詞
Exercise-2 #1, 2-a, 2-b => Write about your partner and yourself.
Grammar and Communication-3  頻度の表し方
Exercise-3  #1  => Practice with a tablet PC

Have a good week!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report-Senior 2-Apr.19th

Dear Senior-2 Classmates,
How long are you going to sleep tonight? After reading two texts about sleep, you might have developed your own thoughts on sleeping. Are you now going to sleep longer or shorter?
[1] Vocabulary in Use/Asai: C35-U2 #2  証拠や調査などに関することば
Fill in the blanks-> Read aloud => ✩Practice Reading
[2] Bridge Work/Asai: C36-U1  Sunday is when Jennifer puts make-up on
Review: GIU-2 Learn from the EU #2=>✩Practice Reading =>
G&C-1-> Ex-1
[3] Read & Write Unit 4 Positive Thinking
Writing #2 A story that you/someone you know changed a bad event to a good one with positive thinking.
- T’s Review=>Rewrite=> Present=> Q&A
[4] Cover to Cover   Unit 2 Part 1 Getting Enough Sleep
Review Reading aloud: Pr.4~6 ->Review Com Task-1=> Com Task-2
Looking at Vocabulary in Context/p.19
Vocabulary: deprive-deprivation, impair, infant, bore-boredom-boring, build up a sleeping debt, catch up on, disorder, yawn-yawning, symptoms, nod off, make a decision, caffeine
=> Communication Task-2  How long do you usually sleep on weekdays?
=> Communication Task-3
- If you had an hour longer a day, what would you do? Do you think you would sleep longer or do something else?
- If you had an hour shorter a day, how would you manage your time? Do you think you would cut the time to sleep or to do some other things?

Lesson Report Junior-3 April 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Saturday, April 19th, 2014.
It's cloudy and chilly today.
I miss the sunshine!
Do you have enough time to study English?
How long do you usually practice English a day?
きのうのレッスンでは、enough ... to ... の表現を練習しました。
afford の使い方を忘れている人が多かったですね。
Book 2の30ページで学習したので、もう一度見直しをしておきましょう。
Book 3では現在進行形、予定の表し方、これからのことの表し方を練習しました。
Book 2の197ページのExerciseの文はタブレットを使ってすらすら読めるようになるまで練習しておいてください。
Our speaker yesterday was Sho.
He talked about his new English teacher.
He said he is very handsome and cool!
The next speakers are Shunta and Takehiro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 11 & 12
Bridge Work
Chapter 24 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2  enough ... to ...
Exercise-2  #1 & 2
Chapter 26 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2

Have a good weekend!
See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 April 18th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you? It's Saturday, April 19, 2014.
It was rainy and cold yesterday. It`s cloudy today. 
きのうのレッスンでは、This is Phonics Unit 1 Consonant Diagraphs (二文字子音) P 8復習しました。 
Grammar Starter ではHello Jennyの会話をもう一度確認しました。
皆良く理解できていました。It, he, she , theyの使い方は忘れないでください。
Up and Away Reader 2DではGrandpa LeeがやっとSunnyJimmyではない事に気づきました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 2 The Fairytale Castle()
Sing chant
This is Phonics Unit 1 Consonant Diagraphs
Sing chant P6.
Practice new words P10
Play BINGO using words from P10
Grammar Starter Unit 2 Hello! Im Jenny. P9 (2) Read, complete and practice
Up and Away 2D Sunny`s Lucky Day P 22-25
Read P22,23 together

Have a wonderful weekend !
See you on Tuesday.


Lesson Report Primary-1 April 18th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Saturday, April 19, 2014.
It was very cold and rainy last night but it's cloudy today.
きのうのレッスンでは、Picture Dictionary のTopic 2 Numbers (2) を学習し、 chant も唄いました。

This is Phonics のUnit 2 The Phonics Alphabet のjingleはA-Tの復習と、新しく
U-Zを学習しました。これでPhonics Alphabetのjingleが完成しました!

Up and Away student book Unit 11 P25 Hello. How are you?の復習をしました。
Thank you のth の発音に注意をしましょう。‘サンキュー‘と言うのは禁止にしましょう!

Up and Away student book の a / anを復習し、BINGO and BONGOに初挑戦。
皆ルールを理解し、覚えたので良くできました!Good Work!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 2 Numbers
Sing the Chant
This is Phonics Unit 2 The Phonics Alphabet . Review A-T .
U-Z. Sing chant. Write Uu umbrella …. In notebook.
Up and Away student book . Review Hello. How are you?
Up and Away work book Unit 11 P25 (A)
Up and Away student book Review a/an . BINGO and BONGO

Have a fun weekend!
See you on Tuesday.


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Apr.18th

Dear Sr-1 Classmates,
There are hot spots in the world where you've never remember the name or location before.
Nigeria now has the largest economy in Africa. You may have a chance to visit or even live there in the future because Africa is expected to grow faster than other part of the world.
Would you like to check more about the country and people?
[1] Bridge Work C27-U2
- G&C-3-> Ex-3=> Activity: I’ve done [A] but I still need/have to [B].
[2] Vocabulary in Use/Asai: C27-U2 #2 職業に関することば
- Repeat after CD-> Fill in the blanks->✩Practice Reading
[3] Read & Write: Unit 3 Long Distance: Why do people immigrate to other countries?
Objective: Explain how a place changed because of international immigration or culture.
Reading-2: Immigrant Stories
Review Reading
- Reading  Story-2, 3-> Main Ideas, Details
- Critical Thinking/p.53
=> Summarize one of the stories in five sentences. Use the Present tense and the third person narrative.
<- Critical Thinking: Restate or say again a different way to review information
=> Peer Review=> Revise=> Present
- Vocabulary Skills/p.54: Word Roots=> Dic-> A, B

Lesson Report Junior-1 April 17th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, April 18th, 2014.
It's rainy today.
Are you fine today?
What's your favorite day of the week?
きのうのレッスンでは Are you ...? などの質問と答え方、
そして my favorite ... などの表現を練習しました。
好きな色を聞くときは、 What's your favorite color?
I と my,  you と your, we と our をしっかり使い分けましょう。

<Lesson Review>
Alphabet Phonics Q-T
基礎英語 Review  Lessons 1-8
Lessons 9 & 10
Bridge Work Chapter 1 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-3  Am I ...? Are you ...? Are we ...? 
Exercise-3  #1-a. Review  #1-b
Grammar and Communication-4   my, your, our, your
Word Box  #1  Colors (pp. 10 - 12)
Bingo   What's your favorite color?

Have a good weekend!
See you next week!


Lesson Report-Advancing-Apr.17th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
Mongol to Northern China to Korean Peninsula to Hokkaido to Aleutian Islands to Alaska to North America to Central America and down to South America. Those who are regarded or called native in those areas share the same root. That's why they all look alike.
Ancient people wanted to explore new lands, didn't they?  
1. Grammar in Use
Unit 3 Simple-Continuous: 3.A-> 3.1, 3.2  3.B-> 3.3
Unit 53 Verb + -ing: 53.B->53.1, 53.2  53.C-> 53.3  53.D-> 53.4
2. Open Forum Chapter 10 History Conversation about the discovery of America #1
1. Introduction/p.79: Greenland, Iceland, Newfoundland, the Bering Strait, (the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas)
2 Listening Practice /p.80
[A] Preparing to Listen: Christopher Columbus, Leif Erikson, Zheng He
- Listening-1: Main Ideas,  More Details
3. Read & Write Reading 1: The Popularity of Social Network #2
- Vocabulary/p.5
- Useful Internet Terms/p.6: blog, chat, comments, instant messaging, interactive, link, online, post, site
- Reading-1: Stay focus on the main points, check the main points, underline the signal words/subjects
=> Main Ideas-A, B
- Scan: Find the answers for Details
=> What do you think?  Answer the Question-2 in three to five sentences like an Interview Test

Lesson Report-Senior 2-Apr. 16th

Dear Senior-2 Classmates,
You've learned what EU is about. Now you're ready to watch the news reports or read the paper about Ukraine's situation. It seems to be on the brink of war, doesn't it?
At high school, you've got to expand your knowledge to learn new things more and better.
You can even use your tablet to read the newspaper on the train! Give it a try!
[1] Vocabulary in Use C35-U2 #1  価値・発見・考えなどに関することば
✩Review Reading=> Voca Writing p.102/WB=> ✩Practice Reading
[2] Bridge Work/Asai: C35-U2 Have you gotten what you wanted?
GIU-2 Learn from the EU #1=>✩Practice Reading
Speech in Reported Speech
[3] Read & Write  Unit 4 Positive Thinking
Writing #1 A story that you/someone you know changed a bad event to a good one with positive thinking.
- Plan Organize your story.
=> Write your story about a time that you or someone you know changed a bad event to a good event with positive thinking. Include a title and use at least 15 verbs in the past tense, simple or continuous.
Write in the reported speech with time order words.
- Introduction: Introduce the story in two or three sentences.
- Main Story: First, write the situation when and how the bad event happened in three to five sentences. Then write how you or someone changed it to a good event in four to six sentences.
- Conclusion: Summarize or review your story within three sentences. Add any thoughts if necessary.

Lesson Report Junior-2 April 16th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, April 16th, 2004.
It was sunny and warm this afternoon.
Do you usually study English happily?
Are you happy now?
Our speaker was Hinako.
She introduced herself.
The next speakers are Haruka and Shun
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 9 & 10
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 形容詞と副詞
Exercise-1 #2-a, 2-b => Write about your partner and yourself.
確認プリント #2, 3

Have a good week!
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E April 16th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, April 16th, 2004.
It was sunny and warm this afternoon.
Do you usually study English happily?
Are you happy now?
Our speaker was Tomoya.
He talked about having a farewell party for his friend.
The next speakers are Chiaki and Kentaro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 9 & 10
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 形容詞と副詞
Exercise-1 #2-a, 2-b => Write about your partner and yourself.
確認プリント #3 Checking the answers
Grammar and Communication-2

Have a good week!
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-3 April 15th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, April 16th, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today.
Do you like walking around on sunny days?
Do you mind doing it on rainy days?
I don't mind walking in the light rain, but I don't like going outside on windy days.
What about you?
きのうのレッスンでは、things to do などの使い方、like -ing や mind -ing の使いかたなどを練習しました。
お話したように、p196 の会話はTablet で練習できるので各自しっかり取り組みましょう。
Our speakers yesterday were Akane and Mahiro.
Akane talked about the new students for the school badminton team.
Mahiro talked about going to the movies with her family.
The next speakers are Sho and Shunta.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 9 & 10
Bridge Work
Chapter 24 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1 Review
Exercise-1 #2, 3, and 4
Chapter 26 Unit 1
Exercise-1 #2

Have a good week!
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 April 15th

Hello Class!
This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you? It's Wednesday, April 16, 2014. 
It's sunny today.
Picture Dictionary ではUnit 25 Fairytale Castle に入りました。
This is Phonics Unit 1 Consonant Diagraphs の単語はほとんど覚えましたね。Great!
Grammar Starter Unit 2 P 8 Hello. I`m Jennyに入りました。He, she, it 等の学習をしました。
Up and Away Reader 2D Sunny's Lucky Day ではまた大変な事が起きています!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 25 The Fairytale Castle(1)
Sing chant
Write new words in notebook
This is Phonics Unit 1 Consonant Diagraphs
Sing jingle  -> Do P 9
Grammar Starter Unit 2 Hello. I'm Jenny. Exercise 1
Up and Away 2D Sunny's Lucky Day P18-22

Have an exciting week! 
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 April 15th

How are you? It’s Wednesday , April 16, 2014.
It's sunny today. 
What's your name?
 What's the date?
What's the weather like?
Picture DictionaryのTopic 2 Numbers (1)に入りました 。  
This is Phonics のUnit 1 The Phonics Alphabetを学習しました。
*A - Nを復習、O-Tを新しく学習しました。 O says o, o octopus!
Up and Away Student book では、 Unit 1 a/ an の復習をしましたね。
そしてUp and Away Student book Unit 11では  Hello. How are you ?を練習しました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 2 Numbers
Sing the Chant
This is Phonics Unit 2 The Phonics Alphabet
Sing the jingle A-T. Write new words O- T
Up and Away Student book.Review Unit 1 a /an
Up and Away Student book Unit 11 Hello. How are You? Pair work

Have a fun week!
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Apr.15th

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
Did you learn a lot of new words and phrases today?
Indeed, yes. But how many of them do you remember tomorrow?
It depends on how often and well you practice or use them.
[1] Bridge Work/Asai: C28-U21 Have you done your homework yet?
- G&C-1-> G&C-2-> Activity: I’ve already done [A] but haven’t done [B] yet. I have/need to …
=> Ask about [A]: When/How did you …?
=> Ask about [B]: When/How are you going to …?
[2] Vocabulary in Use/Asai: C27-U2 #1 時に関することば
✩Practice Reading: Words, Sentences => Voc-Writing ✩Practice Reading
Speech in Reported Speech-
[3] Deep Listening -3: Lesson 13 Troublesome Neighbor
☆Vocabulary: cope with, come up with, make matters worse speak ill of => Read aloud
Dic reasonable-unreasonable, cherish-cherished, situation, speak ill of, make matters worse
[4] Read & Write: Unit 3 Long Distance: Why do people immigrate to other countries?
Objective: Explain how a place changed because of international immigration or culture.
Reading-1: The World in a City
Review Reading 1
Dic origin-original,
- What Do You Think Tell your partner/group; =>Pair
Reading-2: Immigrant Stories
- Vocabulary: Study how to define words
- Preview Reading 2: Skim the article-> T/F
- Reading #1 Story-1: Sun Yun Wing-> Main Ideas, Details

Lesson Report Junior-1 April 14th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, April 15th, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today.
Are you happy today?
きのうのレッスンでは、Am I ...?  Are you ...?  Are we ...? を使って質問したり答えたりする練習をしました。
You can do it!

<Lesson Review>
Alphabet Phonics M-P
基礎英語 Review  Lessons 1-6
Lessons 7 & 8
Bridge Work Chapter 1 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2 I'm not, you aren't, we aren't  Review
Grammar and Communication-3 
Star Team  How old are you?
Bingo Bongo

Have a great week!
See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report-Advancing-Apr.14th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
You talked if you'd like to have a plastic surgery and most of you don't seem to be so interested in it.
But what about your boyfriend or girlfriend? What will you do if you find that he or she has taken one.
Will you change the way you look at the person? Try to explain what you will do in three to five sentences!
Daily 1500: #5 How People Feel Plastic Surgery
=>Would you like to alter something about your appearance?
Write your answer in 60 words. <= Task/KP Modal Verbs
Open Forum: Chapter 9  Earth Science-Web: Round the Word about the Driest Place on Earth
Explain; 1. what Atacama Desert is like.
2. how people get water in Atacama Desert
3. What amount of water is needed and made there
3rd Listening w/Script
=> Think & Speak How much water do you think is needed to live for a week without so much stress?
Read & Write: Reading 1: The Popularity of Social Network #1
Preview the Unit

Lesson Report Junior-2 April 12th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, April 14th, 2004.
It's sunny, but a bit chilly today.
The sky isn't very clear. We can see some clouds up in the sky.
Flowers are beautiful this time of year, aren't they?
There are many windy days in spring, so I don't like it so much but I'm really enjoying seeing flowers.
I'm so sorry I skipped "Today's speech" part.
The next speakers are still Hinako and Haruka.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 7 & 8
Chapter 13 Unit 1 Grammar in Use Jiro introduces his family 音読テスト
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 形容詞と副詞
Exercise-1 #2-a, 2-b

Have a good day!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E April 12th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, April 14th, 2004.
It's sunny, but a bit chilly today.
The sky isn't very clear. We can see some clouds up in the sky.
Flowers are beautiful this time of year, aren't they?
There are many windy days in spring, so I don't like it so much but I'm really enjoying seeing flowers.
Our speaker on Saturday was Arisa.
She talked about her father's birthday.
The next speakers are Tomoya and Chiaki.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語3 Lessons 7 & 8
Chapter 13 Unit 1 Grammar in Use Jiro introduces his family 音読テスト
Bridge Work Chapter 13 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 形容詞と副詞
Exercise-1 #2-a, 2-b

Have a good day!
See you on Wednesday!
