Did you learn a lot of new words and phrases today?
Indeed, yes. But how many of them do you remember tomorrow?
It depends on how often and well you practice or use them.
[1] Bridge Work/Asai: C28-U21 Have you done your homework yet?
- G&C-1-> G&C-2-> Activity: I’ve already done [A] but haven’t done [B] yet. I have/need to …
=> Ask about [A]: When/How did you …?
=> Ask about [B]: When/How are you going to …?
[2] Vocabulary in Use/Asai: C27-U2 #1 時に関することば
✩Practice Reading: Words, Sentences => Voc-Writing ✩Practice Reading
Speech in Reported Speech-
[3] Deep Listening -3: Lesson 13 Troublesome Neighbor
☆Vocabulary: cope with, come up with, make matters worse speak ill of => Read aloud
Dic reasonable-unreasonable, cherish-cherished, situation, speak ill of, make matters worse
[4] Read & Write: Unit 3 Long Distance: Why do people immigrate to other countries?
Objective: Explain how a place changed because of international immigration or culture.
Reading-1: The World in a City
Review Reading 1
Dic origin-original,
- What Do You Think Tell your partner/group; =>Pair
Reading-2: Immigrant Stories
- Vocabulary: Study how to define words
- Preview Reading 2: Skim the article-> T/F
- Reading #1 Story-1: Sun Yun Wing-> Main Ideas, Details
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