You've learned about the Printing Revolution and what it brought about. Things changed significantly after the technological revolution, didn't it? But it couldn't have been done without affordable paper and educated readers that were later emerged. Sounds like the chicken or the egg kind of cause-and-effect story.
1. Grammar in Use
Unit 20 will-1: 20.B-> 20.1, 20.C-> 20.3
Unit 21 will-2: 21.A-> 21.1, 21.B
Unit 22 I will and I’m going to: 22.A, 22.B-> 22.2
2. Open Forum Chapter 12 Law Web Listening: A meeting with a lawyer
- Exercises => Present What would you do if the builder refuses to pay for the repair but offers a free repair work of the kitchen damage? State your answer and explain why and how you’d proceed.
3. My Global Learning Program 2 – Part 1: Printing Revolution #4
Discussion-3 The elements of the Printing Revolution
Technology could ignite fuels but doesn’t burn itself.
=> Summary: It wasn’t until the Reading Revolution in the mid18th century that Printing Press contributed as a means of Public and Mass Communication. Letters were means of Private and Closed Communication between a limited number of people with literacy.
Writing-2 Write an essay about what the Printing Revolution brought about in 100~150 words.
- Review what you learned and discussed about before and after the Printing Revolution.
- Revise your Writing-1, what the Printing Revolution is about, to use it for the first paragraph.
- Choose one or two most essential change(s) brought about by the Printing Revolution.=> Write TS(s)
- Organize the supporting points, facts and examples to support each topic sentence.
=> Write one or two paragraphs and conclusion to clarify/restate your point.
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