What will you do if the temperature goes over 35 degrees Celsius tomorrow?
Do you think you'll do as you usually do or stay home with air-conditioning running?
Probably, most of you would prefer doing the latter.
・Read & Write Unit 6 What makes you laugh? Writing #1
- Writing Skill: Writing a topic sentence-> Ex-A=> Ex-B: TS <-> CS
・Cover to Cover Unit 5 Part 2: A Team Player #1
- Before Reading: Do you prefer to make decisions on your own or as a part of a team?
- Fluency Strategy: Skimming - Read the title, the first paragraph and the first sentence of each paragraph and the last paragraph.-> Task-A: Find the main idea.
・Bridge to MEL Book 3
- C37-U1: G&C-3 Ex-3, Key Communication
- Vocabulary: C37-U1 #1 - Voc. Writing
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