By now, you must have learned how serious the national college entrance exam is for Chinese students.
Whether it offers a fair opportunity to students of all classes, backgrounds or registered addresses, it is still an exam that measures all the test takers by one test.
What do you think?
[1] Reading: Cover to Cover
Unit 2- Part 1 Travel Mistake and Miscommunication #1
- Read-> Comprehension
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Review #31-32 Pre-Departure Tips => Voc. Writing
- Practice #33-34 A Truly American Experience => Lis. Task What
places are there in DC?
[3] Writing: Gaokao-2
Review Reading Gaokao-2: Gaokao, the bottom line of social
equality=> HW Review
Gaokao-3: More students looking overseas
If you were an upper-middle class Chinese student whose parents
could afford an oversea educational opportunity, which would you choose,
applying to a foreign university or taking gaokao for a domestic university?
Write your response & explain why you think so in 100 words.
=> Homework: Write and email to TK by Jul.8th.
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