Is being quiet or not telling the truth the same as lying?
Is yes, how often do you tell a lie a day? More often than you tell the truth or what you think?
Think and write what you think of a white lie.
[1] Reading: Cover to Cover Unit 3- Part 2 The Top Seven Things that
Someone is Lying to You #2
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Review #41 Japanese Businessperson
Wanted => Voc. Writing
- Practice #42 Part-Time Assistant
[3] Writing: Cover to Cover Unit 3- Part 1 On the Decay of the Art of
- Review: Your response to “Should
students be taught to lie carefully and cleverly?”
- Write your opinion on “What do you
think of a white lie?” in 150 words
=> Presen Test on 8/6
Introduction: State your opinion clearly
and why you think so briefly.
Body: Explain the reasons and
rationales specifically with examples to support your opinion.
Conclusion: Restate or reinforce your
opinion and add further thoughts if any.
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