Lesson Report Senior-2 July 8th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday
, July 8th, 2013.
Most of you finished the exams while some of you are in the middle of them.
Did you agree with Rob in Cover to Cover today?
Do you think you should be grateful for what you have?
You have the healthy body and family who always support you.
Don't you think you have nothing to complain?
Hope you will learn a lot of lessons when you communicate with people like Rob.
Our speaker today was Azusa.  She talked about her busy days this month.
She has a lot to do!
Next speakers are Michihiro and Aoi.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Warm up: Explain what Tanabata is.
Cover to Cover Unit 10 Part 2 A Living Legend?  Vocabulary review
Unit 11 Part 1  A Lesson Learned
Deep Listening  Lesson 12  Dinosaurs

See you on Thursday!


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