Lesson Report-Senior 2p-Jul.31st

1. Cover to Cover-2  Unit 8  Viewpoints   Part 2  All in a Day’s Work
- Before Reading: Which job statement do you agree with more than the others?
- Fluency Strategy: Previewing and Predicting=> Task-A
- Read-1-> Checking Fluency and Comprehension
- Read w/CD -> Read aloud Par.1-2=> Task-1
Par-1 Their answers revealed some ~ attitude towards work.を日本語で説明しなさい。
- Expanding Vocabulary-A, B
2. Kikutan-4K  Day 16: The man who invented a writing system
Review  Shadow Reading -> Read=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences. Use; characters, principles
- Practice Voca Chant  population-populous, form-foam, a copy of, keep one’s word.
3. Tactics for Listening  Unit 15 Hotel Services
Listening-3  Fill I the blanks and complete the sentences.
Pronunciation/p.61: Reduction of the vowel sound in can.
Task-1 Describe a staying experience at a hotel or inn in 90 sec. => Q&A
Pair Guest I’d like to … Could you …? => Front Desk You’d like … I’ll have someone ~ for you.
Vocabulary Worksheet

Lesson Report Junior-1 July 31st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, July 31, 2015.
It's sunny and hot today.
Do you like watching a movie?
Do you like playing basketball?

<Lesson Review>
Vowel Digraphs
Key words, Jingle, Writing
Chapter 4 Unit 1
Exercise-3 #1 Review #2
Grammar and Communication-4 play, live, likeの疑問文
Grammar and Communication-5 like -ing
Exercise-5 #2

Practice with the tablet  C4-U1 Ex-5

Enjoy your weekend.
See you on August 4!


Lesson Report Primary-2 July 31st

Hello Class! 
This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's sunny and extremely hot and humid today!  
It's August!
Picture Dictionary Topic 35 (2)を学習しました.
Oxford Discover student book Unit 7 P72, 73を学習しました。
Good work!
Oxford Discover workbook P60, 61を完成させました。

<Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 35 (2
Sing chant
Say your favorite word
Oxford Discover  Student book  Do P 72,73  Write new sentences in notebook
Oxford Discover Workbook  P60, 61

Have a great weekend! 
Drink lots of fluids and see you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 July 31st

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It’s Saturday, August 1, 2015.  
It's sunny and very hot as usual!  
And it's August!
Picture Dictionary のTopic 7 (4) を学習しました。
BINGO and BONGOは楽しかったですね!
Good work everyone!
This is Phonics ではUnit 6 P53 の Chantをうたいました。
P64, 65を学習しました。P65のミニテストはできましたか?
Up and Away Student Book P33 を復習しました。

<Lesson Review> 
Picture Dictionary Topic 7 (4)
Sing the chant.
BINGO and BONGO game
This is Phonics 1  Unit 5  Silent e  
P53 Listen and write  words  Do P64, 65
Up and Away Student Book  P33, 34

Have a nice weekend!  
Drink lots of fluids!


Lesson Report Junior-1 July 30th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, July 31, 2015.
It's sunny and hot today.
Do you like watching a movie?
Do you like playing basketball?

<Lesson Review>
Vowel Digraphs
Key words, Jingle, Writing
Chapter 4 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-4 play, live, likeの疑問文
Grammar and Communication-5 like -ing

Practice with the tablet  C4-U1 Ex-3

Enjoy your summer!
See you next week!

Towako and Miharu

Lesson Report Junior-2 July 30th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, July 31, 2015. It's the last day in July!
August is starting soon!
It's sunny today.
What are you doing tomorrow?
Are you studying hard to finish your summer homework early?
What time are you getting up tomorrow?
Are you getting up early to go out with your friend?
Our speaker yesterday was Kosei.
He made a good presentation.
The next speaker is Shunsuke. Try your best to present yourself well!
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 18 Unit 1
Exercise-1 #3-a.
Chapter 18 Unit 2
Grammar adn Communication -1   be -ing 予定の表し方
Exercise-1  #1, 2-a, 2-b

Enjoy your day!
See you on Monday.

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report-Adv.1st-Senior 2p

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 18: The Natural Beauty Within
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise -> Shadow Reading => Revise
- accuse to charge with the fault/crime; allege, charge; ~ sb of murder.  - to find fault with; blame, complain
- inhabit to live/dwell in; locate, occupy; ~ the area -> habitable, habitation, inhabitant, inhabited
- perish to die in a violent way; die, disappear, vanish, decay; The family ~d in the fire.
- Practice Voca Chant: intervention, mere, primitive, mammal-reptile-amphibian, capture-captive
[2] Inside Reading-2  Unit 4  Reading-1 Could Shakespeare Have Written Shakespeare’s Plays?
- Make a Guess  What does Earl (the ~ of Southampton/Oxford) mean? => Dic
The ranks of the English peerage are, in descending order, Duke, Marquees, Earl, Viscount, Baron
- Traitor of 2011 movie Anonymous (2 min) => Dic What was the early 17th century like in England, Japan?
- Reading Skill Outlining using Roman numerals and Capital letters=> Apply 
- Study the Structure-> Read the first par, Skim par 2-7, Read the last par. 
=> Write a summary in 3 sen. w/o Dic => Pair Compare => Revise with Dic
[3] Read & Write-2  Reading 2 : The Fastest Man on No Legs #1  Preview: Oscar Pistorius
- Revise Writing: What do you think?-A.1 => Pair Speak your opinion in 60 sec.
Do you think Pistorius should be allowed to compete against able-bodied athletes? Why, why not?
- Vocabulary Skill: Using the Dictionary
Reference Reading Oscar Pistorius From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia => Blog
- Photos: Superman to Gunman  -Time Pistorius at Court-BBC The Couple-BBC - CNN Video: 60sec Video

=> Task Post your comment in three to five sentences by Jul.31st

Lesson Report Junior-3 July 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, July 29, 2015.
It's sunny and hot again. Did you know we got a shower this afternoon?
We have only one lesson to go before summer holiday.
Wow, time flies!
When I'm on the train, I often see students trying to memorize English words.
I often see students playing games with their smart phones.
The teachers at MEL School all enjoy watching their students grow!
Are you now familiar with this form?
Our speaker today was Shintaro.
He talked about his summer holiday last year and this year.
He did a great job on the speech!
The next speaker on Saturday is Chiharu.
Please get prepared to present your plans for summer holiday.

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 29 Unit 2
Vocabulary in Use #2  概念や理論に関することば
Practice with the tablet PC.
基礎英語 Lesson 63 and 64
This week's summary
Practice  知覚動詞+目的語+動詞の原形/-ing

Enjoy the summer.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Senior-1 July 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, July 29, 2015.
It's sunny and hot again. Did you know we got a shower this afternoon?
We have only one lesson to go before summer holiday.
Wow, time flies!
How did you find your new reading textbook?
There are a lot of topics you are going to learn.
As for speech, we didn't have any speakers today.
The next speaker on Saturday is Ayu.
Please get prepared to present your plans for summer holiday.

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 29 Unit 2
Vocabulary in Use #2  概念や理論に関することば
Workbook page 78
基礎英語 Lesson 63
Cover to Cover Unit 1 Part 1  #1

Enjoy the summer.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report-Senior 2p-Jul.28th

1. Cover to Cover-2 Unit 8  Viewpoints   Part 1 Stereotypes
- Read w/CD-> - Expanding Vocabulary: physical, unimportant, alien, set free, ordinary, solitary
- Read aloud Par. 4-6 => 2. Pr-5: Stereotypes help us ~ It saves us time. を必要な補足をつけて日本語にしなさい。
- Vocabulary and Expressions: obvious-obviously, prejudice, complex-complexity, move beyond, the other way around, characteristics, discrimination-discrimination, engage in, gender, form prejudice, sociology-sociologist, complex-complexity, regardless of ~, place(v)
-What’s your Opinion?  Do you agree or disagree with the statement 4 and 5?=> Pair
-> Dic discriminate(vi) to treat one person/group differently from another in an unfair way-> discrimination
=> prejudice an unreasonable dislike of or preference for a person/group/custom; racial ~, based on ~
2. Kikutan-4K  Day 16: The man who invented a writing system
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise the Main Idea -> Shadow Reading  - Practice Voca Chant:
=> Study Vocabulary: tribe, genius, labor, as a source of, character-letter-number, work out
=> Dic principle  moral rule, strong belief; moral ~s, against/follow/stick to one’s ~s, a matter of ~
3. Read & Write-2  Unit 3 Courtesy: Reading 2: Answers to all your Travel Questions
- Review HW Blog do you think? B-2 Do you think that people are naturally polite? Or do they learn to be polite? Explain with examples. Write 5-8 sentences in response by Jul.27
- Vocabulary Skill-A/p.55: Prefixes - in, im, un-> Voc-B/p.56
=> Write as many adjectives as you can think of using these prefixes.

Lesson Report Primary-2 July 28th

It's sunny and very hot today!  
It's summer!
Picture Dictionary Topic 35 (1)を学習しました。
Oxford Discover student book Unit 7 P70, 71を学習しました。
皆季節の内容の音読が良くできていました!Good work everyone!
Oxford Discover workbook p. 58, 59 を完成させました。

<Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 35 (1
Sing chant
Write new words in notebook
Oxford Discover  Student book  Do P 70, 71  Write new words and season sentences in notebook
Oxford Discover Workbook  P58, 59

Have a great week!  
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 July 28th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.

It’s Wednesday July 29, 2015.  
It’s sunny and very hot today.  
It’s summer!
Picture Dictionary のTopic 7(3) を学習しました。
This is Phonics ではUnit 6 P53のChantをうたいました。
P61, 62を学習しました。
新しくTail, snail, sea等の単語が出てきました。覚えましょう!

<Lesson Review> 
Picture Dictionary Topic 7 (3)
Sing the chant.
Say your favorite word from the list (2words)
This is Phonics 1  Unit 5  Silent e  P53 Listen and write  words  Do P61, 62

Have a nice week!  
See you on Friday !


Lesson Report Junior-1 July 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, July 28.
It's cloudy and humid today.
Do you like movies?
Do you play video games in your free time?
今日はさらに、play, live, like などの言葉を使った表現を練習しましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Vowel Digraphs
Key words, Jingle, Reading
Chapter 3 Unit 2  Key Communication test
Chapter 4 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication -1  Review
Exercise-1   Review & practice with the tablet PC
Grammar and Communication-2  3単現の-s
Grammar and Communication -3  play, live, likeの否定文
Exercise-3  #1

Enjoy your summer!
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-2 July 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's it going?
It's Tuesday, July 28, 2015.
It's cloudy and humid today.
You must drink a lot of water when it's too hot.
You must practice English hard to use it in the future.
You mustn't be lazy during summer holiday.
昨日のレッスンでは、must, mustn't の使い方を練習しましたね。
EngageではAmericaのHigh school と日本の学校の違いについてグループごとに発表してもらいました。上手に発表できた人が多かったですね!
Well done!
Our speaker yesterday was Hikaru.
He prepared well for the speech.
The next speaker is Kosei. Try your best to present yourself well!
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 18 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  I went to the shopping mall to buy new sneakers.
Exercise-1 #3 Review
Verbs to learn #12
Exercise-1  #4
Grammar and Communication-2  must, mustn't
Group presentation
基礎英語 Lessons 63 & 64

Have a great summer!
See you on Thursday.

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-1 July 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Monday, July 27. 
It's sunny and hot today.
Do you like movies?
Do you play video games in your free time?
今日はさらに、play, live, like などの言葉を使った表現を練習しましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Vowel Digraphs
Key words, Jingle, Reading
Chapter 4 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication -2  play, live, likeの否定文
Grammar and Communication-3 play, live, likeの疑問文

Enjoy your summer!
See you on Thursday!

Towako and Miharu

Lesson Report-Adv.2-Jul.27th

1. Listening & Vocabulary: Kikutan-6K   Day 13: The Washington Monument <= Check
2. Inside Reading-3  Unit 5  Film Studies   Reading-2  Freeze Frames – Stopping Time
- Before You Read-1. What are the differences among walking, race walking and running?
gallop : the fastest speed at which a horse can run with a stage in which all four feet are off the ground together.
-> canter: a pace of a horse between trot and gallop, with not less than one foot on the ground at any time.
-> trot: proceed at a pace faster than a walk, lifting each diagonal pair of legs alternatively.
- Skim-> Check the title, photos and captions-> Mark Muybridge, Edgerton
-> Read the 1st and last par, first sentence of each par and mark the subject/topic. Number the pars.
=> Study the structure-> Group the paragraphs and identify the topic of each chunk.
- Read-1-> Reading Skill
3. Read & Write-3  Unit 1 First Impressions Reading #1 How to Make a Strong First Impression
Reference Reading-1  Writing a Paragraph
- Review HW Writing to give advice, suggestion or instructions for something you’re familiar with
- Reading Skill-A. Identifying Main Ideas and Supporting Details -> B.
Ref. Reading-  Why Critical Thinking?=> Write a summary of the text in three sentences. Do NOT copy the words/phrases from the text. Try to paraphrase with your own words/phrases as much as you can.=> HW by 8/1

Lesson Report Junior-3 July 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Sunday, July 26, 2015.
It's sunny and hot again. It's even hotter than yesterday!
I'm glad to find most of you did a good job on the test for the high school entrance exam!
I can tell you you are on the right track.
Just keep practicing, and you'll be able to communicate in English in the future.
Our speaker today was Yoshiki.
He talked about his plans for this summer holiday.
The next speaker is Shintaro.
Please get prepared to present your plans for summer holiday.

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 30 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3  知覚動詞+目的語+動詞の原形/-ing
Exercise-3  Review => Writing and presentation about what you saw/heard next time.

Stay cool!
See you on Wednesday.


Lesson Report Senior-1 July 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Sunday, July 26, 2015.
It's sunny and hot again. It's even hotter than yesterday!
I'm glad to find most of you did a great job on the test for the high school entrance exam!
I can tell you you are on the right track.
Just keep practicing, and you'll be able to communicate in English in the future.
As I told you on Wednesday, you need a dictionary from next week.
Don't forget to bring your dictionary with you.
Our speaker today was Sae.
She tried to explain what her family is like very hard!
The next speaker on Saturday is Ayu.
Please get prepared to present your plans for summer holiday.

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 31 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  受動態
Exercise-1  Review #3-a. => 3-b.

Stay cool!
See you on Wednesday.


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Jul.25th

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 17: John Muir the Father of Conservation
Review  Shadow Reading -> Read=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences. Use; reveal, expeditions
[2] Inside Reading-2  Unit 4  Reading-1 Could Shakespeare Have Written Shakespeare’s Plays?
- Previewing and Predicting: Read the Titles, Headlines, Check the Photos and Captions
-> Title: Could Shakespeare Have Written Shakespeare’s Plays? => What is this reading about?
-> 2nd photo caption: ~ 2011 movie Anonymous => Dic (with a name not known or made public)
 ~ donor, caller, buyer -> anonymity (n) the state of remaining unknown; on the condition of ~
-> Sub titles: Oxford vs. Stratford (Stratford-upon-Avon)
- Oxfordian: a view that Edward de Vere wrote under Shakespeare’s name, a person related to Oxford Univ,
- Stratfordian: a person who, in the controversy over who wrote Shakespeare's plays, holds it was Shakespeare himself, a resident of Stratford
=> Predict the Topic-1
-> Read the first and last paragraphs=> Predict the Topic-2
about literacy history that describes two points of view the authorship of Shakespeare’s plays.
- Read-1 -> Underline the topic sentence of each paragraph. Mark the years and titles of the plays
-> Reading Comprehension: T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements.
- A. -> B. Mark Signal words-> Put the paragraphs in order by chunk: a, d-g-b, e-f
[3] Open Forum Chapter 7 Health   A Book Review of Why zebras don’t get ulcers (p.57-58)
- Before Listening: Vocabulary - ulcer - baboon - primate
-1st Lis [B] Main Ideas: What does the author intend to present in this book?
★ What are the two kinds of stress? ★ What is humans stress like?
★ What is the main idea of the talk?
- 2nd Lis by Part: Main Ideas/Details
Part-1: [A] What is the book Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers about?
Part-2: [B] What kind of stress do zebras get?  [C] What kind of stress do baboons get?
Part-3: [D] What kind of stress do humans get? [E] What is important for your body?
Part-4: [F] What kind of strategy should we do to relieve our stress?
=>Speak a summary of the book in 90 sec.

Lesson Report-Adv.2-Jul.25th

1. Open Forum-2 Chapter 12 International Studies   #2 A Lecture about Culture Shock
- Lis-3 with Script-> Voca: superior-superiority, romance-romanticize, reverse-reversible
 => Paraphrase the five stages of culture shock. Avoid using the key words from the script. Try to use your own words.
=> Integ. Speech Describe the five states of culture shock in 90 seconds.
- Pronunciation: Linking
- Speaking Skills: Managing a Group Discussion
=> Discuss advantages and challenges to study with students from different countries whose traditions, cultures, values, languages, climate, foods and lifestyles are so different from yours. Respect others’ opinions and ask questions or give your thoughts on their opinions.
2. Inside Reading-3  The Dartfish Olympics, BBC Sport Uses Stromotion Technique
- Study Words/Expressions/Grammar-2: Part-2 BBC Sport Uses StroMotion Technique
(L5) stunning; extremely attractive/beautiful: ~ woman, look ~ing, extremely surprising; ~ defeat, loss
- Dic stun : to deprive of consciousness/strength by or as if by a blow; The blow ~ him, to astonish; astound; amaze; ~ned the audience, I was ~ned, sth ~ned me. ~ gun,
(L10~ 13) such as the line of ~ frame-by-frame sequence (L14) stroboscope
(L14)Dic a means: the medium/method/instrument used to obtain a resul: a means of communication
(L16) static image: motionless, fixed <-> dynamic: changing, active  (L17) trajectory: course, path
(L23) Dic maneuver [nu:] - a movement performed with care/skill, movement, action; a complicated/skillful ~
 - a clear plan/action/movement to take an advantage, tactic, tric; political/diplomatic ~
(L24) inclination-incline: Dic tend to think/behave in a particular way, tend toward; ~ to think/view  - lean in a particular direction, bend, lean (L27) applied to Dic apply – to make a formal request; ~ for a job/passport, ~ to a company/college - to use; ~ sanction/pressure/technology  - to put on; ~ paint/cream (L27) gravity-extreme sports  (L34) patent protected  (L41) terrain: landscape, territory; mountainous ~  (L53) visualize
(L58) tiny flaws made ~ of the medal stand -> Dic flaw [flo:] mistake, a crack/fault in sth; a fatal/fundamental/tiny ~
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
- A ->Dic obtain: (formal) to get sth with effort; ~ advice/information/permission, ~ a copy; get, acquire, earn, gain
- appreciate Dic (vt) - be grateful for sth; ~ your help, ~ it if you could … - recognize worth; value highly, respect, regard, honor  - increase in worth: gain, improve; recognize the quality/value; ~ art/literature/talent
(vi) increase in value over time <-> depreciate – depreciation
-> B. appreciate -> C. value Pair -> D. appreciate Pair
=> Ind. Speech What do you think your parent(s) appreciate the most? S
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- image: the spitting image of: the exact double to -> E. skip
- E. version: Mark the key words that determine the answer.
-> remake, revision, revised ~, the latest/updated/original ~

MEL News August 2015

間もなくMEL Schoolの夏休み、無事に1学期のレッスンを終えることができるのも保護者の皆様の支えがあってのことと感謝いたします。
それでは、MEL News 2015年8月号をお届けします。

News-1 新コースについて

今年度からMEL Schoolでは高校生については目標別のコースを設けます。
具体的には中学3年生の途中からAdvancing コースに移行するクラスと、高校進学後からPractical Course に移行するクラスに分かれます。
Advancing コースは海外の大学への留学や日本の国際学部への進学など、英語で大学の授業が受けられる力をつけることを目標としたコースです。
Practical コースは英語での高いコミュニケーション能力をつけることを目標とし、英語を得意科目にすることで大学受験に備え、将来英語を使った仕事に携わることができる力を身につけることを目標をしています。現在MEL Schoolのホームページをリニューアルしていますので(近日公開予定)、MEL News9月号で改めてリンクのご案内を差し上げます。

News-2 Junior-1クラスでタブレットの利用を開始
7月から中学1年生が主な対象のJunior-1クラスでもタブレットを使った練習活動が始まりました。夏休みの宿題も音声での答え合わせをし音読練習をすることになっています。高校2年生以上のクラスでは、Tablet PCを使ったライティングの練習に加えてプレゼンテーション原稿の掲示とコメントの書き込みも始めました。大学の学習環境は勿論、TOEFLなどPCを使った試験も広まっているので今後使いこなせるように練習してもらいます。

News-3 TOEFL-iTP試験結果報告
Advancingクラスの生徒17名は6月22、24日に米国留学に際しての能力測定や大学のクラス分け試験に使われているTOEFL試験のペーパー版を受験しました。660点満点のテストで、MEL SchoolではAdvancingコース終了時に500点(国際学部や海外の大学で英語で授業を受けられる目安)以上の取得を目指しています。
今回は高校1年生の受験者も含まれますが、全員が420点-520点という結果でした。ほとんどの生徒は高校1年生も含め460点以上で、コースの目標かそれ以上のスコアでした。高校生以上は全員毎年3月にTOEICを、Advancingコースの生徒は6月にTOEFL ITP試験を実施して力の伸びを測定していきます。

Update 夏休みについて
今年の夏休みは8月5日(水)- 8月15日(土)です。

*新入生や前回のMEL Newsをご覧になっていない方は服装規定、出欠連絡についてご確認をお願いいたします。


MEL School 三鷹
Towako Asai

Lesson Report-Senior 2p-Jul.24th

1. Cover to Cover-2  Unit 8  Viewpoints   Part 1 Stereotypes
- Introduction: pin-striped suit, loose-fitting dress, accountant-accounting
- Comprehension Strategy: Recognizing Reference Words - these, him, they, it, them
- Reading-1=> Task-A, Checking Comprehension
- Looking at Vocabulary in Context => Dic stereotype
(n) a fixed idea/image that many people have of a particular type of person/thing; cultural/gender/racial ~
(v) to form a vised idea/image about a person/thing which may not really be true; ~ sb as sth
- Read w/CD => Task-1 Read aloud Par. 2-3 =>
- 1. Stereotypes とは何か、どういうものであるのかについてPr.2-3を基に日本語で説明しなさい。
2. Kikutan-4K  Day 16: The man who invented a writing system
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise the Main Idea -> Shadow Reading  - Practice Voca Chant:
=> Study Vocabulary: tribe, genius, labor, as a source of, character-letter-number, work out
=> Dic principle  moral rule, strong belief; moral ~s, against/follow/stick to one’s ~s, a matter of ~
Tablet=> Sequoyah, named in English George Guess, was a Cherokee silversmith. In 1821 he completed his independent creation of a Cherokee syllabary, making reading and writing in Cherokee possible. This was the only time in recorded history that a member of a pre-literate people independently created an effective writing system. The people of the Cherokee Nation rapidly began to use his syllabary and officially adopted it in 1825. Their literacy rate quickly surpassed that of surrounding European-American settlers. Nearly 300,000 people live in the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma and still uses Cherokee as official language.
3. Tactics for Listening  Tactics for Listening 2e Unit 15 Hotel Services
Listening-3  Fill I the blanks and complete the sentences.
Pronunciation/p.61: Reduction of the vowel sound in can.
Task-1 Describe a staying experience at a hotel or inn in 90 sec. => Q&A
Vocabulary Worksheet Copy from TB
Write in English. 1. 私の名前はGoodrich, Ron Goodrichです.  5泊の予定で一部屋予約してあります。
2. 私の部屋はたばこでひどく臭い。違う部屋にして欲しい 3. 隣の部屋の人がうるさくて眠れない。すぐに何とかして欲しい
4. 来週水曜日まで滞在するはずだったが、予定が変更になった。明日チェックアウトする必要がある。(be supposed to)
5. チェックアウトします。荷物を取りに来て欲しい
1. My name is Ron Goodrich. I booked a room for five nights.   2. The room I got smells badly with cigarette smoke. I want a different room. 3. The people in the next room are so noisy that I can’t sleep. Please do something right away.
4. I was supposed to stay until next Wednesday but my schedule has changed. I need to check out tomorrow.
5. I’m checking out. Please send someone to pick up/have someone pick up my bags/baggage.

Lesson report Primary- 2 July 24th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School. 
It's Saturday, July 25, 2015.  
It`s sunny and very hot today! 
Picture Dictionary Topic 34 (4)を学習しました。
次回はTopic 35に入ります。
Oxford Discover workbook P55を完成させました。
Oxford Discover student book Unit 7 P68,69に入りました。
Oxford Discover workbook P56,57を完成させました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 34 (4)
Sing chant
Say your favorite word
Oxford Discover workbook P55
Oxford Discover  Student book  Do P 68, 69
Oxford Discover Workbook  P56, 57

Have a great weekend!  
See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-1 July 24th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Saturday, July 25, 2015. 
It's sunny and very hot today.  Again!
Picture Dictionary のTopic 7 (2) を学習しました。
This is Phonics ではUnit 6 P53のChantをうたいました。
P59, 60を完成させました。
Up and Away Student Book 前回はSingular nouns P31のPersonsを学習しました。
Picture Dictionaryにもたくさん出てきましたので皆得意ですね。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 7 (1)
Sing the chant.
Say your favorite word from the list
This is Phonics 1  Unit 5  Silent e  P53 Listen and write  words  Do P59, 60
Up and Away Student Book  
Unit 14  singular nouns Review persons
Study a place  P32 Write words in notebook

Have a good weekend! 
See you !


Lesson Report Senior-1p July 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's everything going?
It's Friday, July 24th, 2015. 
It was really humid today. We got a shower!

Unfortunately, the shower didn't cool the town down so much.
Do you think the amount of sleep you have every day is good enough to stay healthy?
Speep deprivation can cause a lot of problems to your health both physically and mentally.
If you don't get enough sleep, you can't concentrate on your studies.
In other words, you can't learn much unless you are healthy.
During the summer holiday, I don't assign speeches.
Next time, you don't have to do VIU practice.
If you have any part you haven't finished, please work on that.

<Lesson Review>

Cover to Cover Unit 2
Part 1 Vocabulary review
Review Communication task
What is an ideal marriage for you?

Enjoy the summer!
Don't be too lazy.
See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-1 July 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, July 24. 
It's cloudy and hot today.
We got a shower this afternoon!
Do you like summer?
Does your mom like ice cream?
Do your grandparents live in Tokyo?
play, live, like などの言葉を使った表現を学しました。
次回はKey Communication のテストです。

<Lesson Review>
Vowel Digraphs
Key words, Jingle, Plus Jingle
Chapter 3 Unit 2
Key Communication practice
Chapter 4 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication -1  play, live, like
Check the answers with the tablet PC

Enjoy your summer!
See you on Tuesday.


Lesson Report Junior-2 July 23rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's it going?
It's Friday, July 24, 2015.
It's cloudy and humid today.
Do you go to school during summer holiday to play sports?
Does your family sometimes go to Tachikawa to watch a movie?
EngageではAmericaのHigh school と日本の学校の違いについて整理する
Our speaker yesterday was Aoto.
The next speaker is Hikaru. Try your best to present yourself well!
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 17 Unit 2
Recap test
Chapter 18 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  I went to the shopping mall to buy new sneakers.
Exercise-1 #1, 2, and 3
Unit 1 & 2  Video => Group work
基礎英語 Lessons 61 & 62

Have a great summer!
See you on Monday.

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-1 July 23rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, July 24. 
It's cloudy and hot today.
Do you like summer?
Does your mom like ice cream?
Do your grandparents live in Tokyo?
play, live, like などの言葉を使った表現には慣れてきましたか?

<Lesson Review>
Vowel Digraphs
Key words, Jingle, Plus Jingle
Chapter 3 Unit 2
Key Communication test
Chapter 4 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication -1  play, live, like
Grammar and Communication-2

Enjoy your summer!
See you on Monday.

Towako and Miharu

Lesson Report Junior-3 July 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, July 22, 2015.
It's sunny and hot today.
Have you ever seen someone on the train eating noodles?
Have you ever heard your mom crying?
Both grammar and vocabulary are getting challenging.
Please review what you learned as often as possible.
Our speaker today was Chiaki.
She talked about what she is going to do during summer holiday.
The next speaker on Saturday is Yoshiki.
Tell your classmates about your summer holiday!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 61 & 62
Bridge Work 
Chapter 29 Unit 2 #2 概念や理論に関する言葉  page 61
Practice with the tablet PC
Chapter 30 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3  知覚動詞+目的語+動詞の原形/-ing形

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday.


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Jul.22nd

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 17: John Muir the Father of Conservation
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise theMI-> Read=> Revise the MI.
-> Shadow Reading=> Predict compel, retreat, reveal => Dic/Tablet
- compel to cause sb by force to be/do sth; enforce, oblige; ~ sb to pay sth  - to obtain by force
- compelling; irresistible, fascinating; ~ need/desire/evidence
- retreat (v) pull back, withdraw, back off, pull out  (n) –withdrawal   -resort/sanctuary/shelter
- reveal to expose to view/show sth concealed, secret; disclose, show, expose, uncover, unveil,
- Practice Voca Chant:
[2] Inside Reading-2  Unit 3  Reading-2  ID Fraud
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level - C. analyze – analysis (pl: analyses [si:z] ); make an ~ of sth
=> Task Do you consider yourself analytical or an analytical person? Tell your answer in 60 sec.
Use analyze or make an analysis/analyses at least once.
Unit 4  Reading-1 Could Shakespeare Have Written Shakespeare’s Plays?
- Blog William Shakespeare
- Blog  Shakespeare's plays by genre
Before you Read 2. What do you know about Shakespeare? What did he write?
[3] Read & Write-2  Reading 2 : The Fastest Man on No Legs #1  Preview: Oscar Pistorius
- Vocabulary/p.70: ban (v)
- Read-1: Magazine Article=> Main Ideas A. Details
- Read-2: Read “Letter to the Editor”-> Main Ideas B
- Writing Skills/p.76-77: Writing an Opinion Paragraph-> A=> B
=> What do you think?-A.1 => Post your opinion in response to the question on the Blog
Do you think Pistorius should be allowed to compete against able-bodied athletes? Why, why not?
=> Pair Speak your opinion in 60 sec. The partner asks questions or argue.

Lesson Report Senior-1 July 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, July 22, 2015.
It's sunny and hot today.
Unfortunately, some of you forgot your homework!
Please pay mote attention to what to do by the time when you have a next lesson.
What do you say "the consumer protection law" in Japanese?
You need to learn a lot of things in Japanese first, otherwise, you can't understand things written in English.
Our speaker today was Ryuto.
The next speaker on Saturday is Sae.
Please get prepared to present your family!
*Don't forget to bring your dictionary with you next time!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 61 & 62
Deep listening  Lesson 20
Bridge Work 
Chapter 29 Unit 2 #2 概念や理論に関する言葉  page 61
Chapter 31 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  受動態
Exercise-1  #2, 3-a

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday.


Lesson Report-Senior 2p-Jul.21st

1. Cover to Cover-2 Unit 7  Intelligence  Part 2  Animal Intelligence
- Review Reading w/CD
- Task-1 Animal Intelligenceの本文をParagraphのtopicに従って日本語で要約しなさい。
- Task-2  (Pr-5) コミュニケーシンは、それが他の動物の間でもごく普通にあることだと発見されるまでは、
Communication had been thought to be one of the most notable aspects of human behavior
until it was discovered/found that it is/was also common among other animals.
- Expanding Vocabulary: physical, unimportant, alien, set free, ordinary, solitary
- Vocabulary: Dic recognize: recognition-recognizable
- Dic aware: be (well/fully) aware of ~, become aware of/that ~ awareness: awareness of ~
- Pair Think of your favorite kind of animal for a pet. If there was one that can speak, would you like to keep it as your pet? State your opinion and explain why you think so and conclude your answer.
2. Read & Write-2  Unit 3 Courtesy: Reading 2: Answers to all your Travel Questions
Preview: What is Online discussion/Internet forum/Message board?
- Vocabulary: typical  usual, normal, ordinary, regular, average: ~ example, ~ day, ~ way, being a representative example of a particular type; characteristic, symbolic: The painting is a typical Rembrandt
- Read-1=> Main Ideas, Details<= Underline the word(s) to be looked at in the text to find the answers.
- What do you think? A-2 Group Describe rules of table manners in general and specific to Japan.
=>Discuss Is it good advice? Tell your opinion and explain. Ask and answer questions.
- What do you think? B-2 Pair Do you think that people are naturally polite? Or do they learn to be polite? Explain with examples.
=>Write 5-8 sentences in response and post on the lesson blog by Jul.27

Lesson Report Primary-2 July 21st

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's Wednesday, July 22, 2015.  
It's sunny and very hot today!  Again!
Picture Dictionary Topic 34 (3) を学習しました。
Oxford Discover student book Unit 6 P64を音読練習しました。
Oxford Discover workbook P51-54の問題を解きました。
次回はP55を終わらせてからNew Chapter に入ります。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 34 (3)
Sing chant
Say your favorite word and use it to make a sentence
Oxford Discover  Student book  Do P 64
Oxford Discover Workbook  P51, 52, 53, 54

Have a great week!  
See you on Friday.


Lesson Report Primary-1 July 21st

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Wednesday, July 22, 2015. 
It's sunny and very hot today. 
Picture Dictionary のTopic 7 (1) を学習しました。
This is Phonics ではUnit 6 P53のChantをうたいました。
P57, 58を完成させました。
Up and Away Student Book Singular nouns P31のPersonsを学習しました。
A boy, a zookeeper など。これから名詞の学習が続きます。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 7 (1)
Sing the chant.
Write new words in notebook
This is Phonics 1  Unit 5  Silent e  P53 Listen and write  words  Do P57, 58
Up and Away Student Book  
Unit 14  singular nouns  Study person.  A boy, a zookeeper (P31)

Have a good week!
See you soon!


Lesson Report Senior-1p July 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's it going?
It's Tuesday, July 21st, 2015. 
It's hot today! Summer has finally come!

Did you find it difficult to memorize the words you learned?
It's not easy to memorize a lot of words, but if you don't make any efforts, you won't learn anything.
Please find some time to review what you learned, even for ten minutes, which makes a big difference.
During the summer holiday, I don't assign speeches.
Next time, you don't have to do VIU practice.
If you have any part you haven't finished, please work on that.

<Lesson Review>

Cover to Cover Unit 1
Part 2  Vocabulary review
Communication task
What is an ideal marriage for you?

Enjoy the summer!
See you on Friday.


Lesson Report Junior-1 July 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, July 21. 
It's sunny and hot today.
How many brothers or sisters do you have?
What about your mom?
Is she an only child?
今日のレッスンでChapter 3 Unit 2の学習がほぼ終わりました。
次回はGrammar in Use, Key Communicationの練習をして次のChapterに入ります。

<Lesson Review>
Chapter 3 Unit 2
Grammar in Use 
Key Communication practice

Enjoy your summer!
See you on Friday.


Lesson Report Junior-2 July 20th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's it going?
It's Tuesday, July 21, 2015.
It's sunny and hot today.
Do you sometimes go to the library to borrow a book?
Where do you usually go to get an ice cream?
きのうのレッスンでは to ...を使って「~するために」と理由を説明する表現を練習しました。
EngageではAmericaのHigh school と日本の学校の違いについて整理する
Our speaker yesterday was Yasuhiro.
The next speaker is Aoto. Try your best to present yourself well!
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 17 Unit 2
Let's check -1 #9-11
Grammar in Use
Chapter 18 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  I went to the shopping mall to buy new sneakers.
Unit 1 & 2  Video => Group work
基礎英語 Lessons 59 & 60

Have a great summer!
See you on Thursday.

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-1 July 20th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, July 21. 
It's sunny and hot today.
Do you play the piano?
Do you like video games?
次回はKey Communicationのテストです。しっかり準備をしておきましょう。

<Lesson Review>
Vowel Digraphs
Key words, Jingle, Plus Jingle
Chapter 3 Unit 2
Grammar in Use 
Key Communication practice
Chapter 4 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication -1  play, live, like
Word box #12

Enjoy your summer!
See you on Thursday.

Towako and Miharu

Lesson Report-Adv.2-Jul.20th

1. Listening & Vocabulary: Kikutan-6K   12: The Qanats of Gonabad <= Check
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise -> Shadow Reading=> Predict hostile, horizontal, penetrate => Dic/Tablet
- hostile [stl] (to/towards sb/sth) ready to argue/fight: unfriendly, hateful, opposed; ~ reception/comment
- horizontal (lying flat to the vertical, parallel to level ground) flat, level, even, parallel <->vertical
- penetrate  enter, invade, go/pass through; ~ the wall/skin/security  seep, extend influence
- Practice Voca Chant: hostile, civil-civilize-civilization, convey, canal, carve, flourish
=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences. => Pair Tell the summary without the writing.
2. Inside Reading-3 Unit 5 Film Studies  The Dartfish Olympics, BBC Sport Uses Stromotion Technique
- Read Part-2 BBC Sport Uses StroMotion Technique -> Mark the Subject/Topic, main idea of each par.
=> Apply-2  Identify and Write two main ideas=> Pair Compare-> Read and Revise
StroMotion enhances the image of sports games and competitions, so that the viewers can enjoy the moves and performance of the sports event more excitedly.
SimulCam is another exclusive video application by Dartfish that simultaneously shows two competitors in different places and time in one screen as if they were competing together.
- Read Part-1, Part-2 -> Apply-3  Check the photos and review the text to think what the main ideas.
=> Apply-4  Combine the main ideas and write a summary in two sentences => Pair Compare
StroMotion is a photo software that enhances the image of sports games and competitions.
It not only helps athletes improve their performance by the precise images but also entertains the viewers of the sports events more lively.
- Study Words/Expressions/Grammar-1: Part-1 The Dartfish Olympics
3. Read & Write-3  Unit 1 First Impressions Reading #1 How to Make a Strong First Impression
Reference Reading-1  Writing a Paragraph
- Review the paragraph to give advice, suggestion or instructions for something you’re familiar with=>7/26

Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Jul.18th

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 16: Why World Heritage?
Review  Shadow Reading -> Read => Write a summary in 2~3 sentences. Use; preserve inherit
=> Pair Tell the summary without the writing.
[2] Inside Reading-2  Unit 3  Reading-2  ID Fraud Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
- A. -> B. Mark Signal words-> Put the paragraphs in order by chunk: a, d-g-b, e-f
-> Find where h and c should be placed=> a, d-g-b-> h, e-f-> c => Pair=> Study the order/flow
- C. analyze – analysis (pl: analyses [si:z] ); make an ~ of sth
=> Task Do you consider yourself analytical or an analytical person? Tell your answer in 60 sec.
Use analyze or make an analysis/analyses at least once.
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- D-1. Write a sentence to answer the question including why. => Pair
- D-3. Write two or three sentences to answer the question. Use could or might. => Pair
- E. Write a short explanation for your one “yes” and one “no” answer respectively. => Pair
- F. Restate one of the arguments for “justify” and “consequence” respectively.
=> Write a paragraph to express your own opinion. => Pair
[3] Open Forum Chapter 7 Health   Topic-1: Conversation about fidgeting #2
- 3rd Lis with Transcript-> Vocabulary: make a difference, more/most likely-less likely, with a tendency to/tend to, keep ~ from -ing, daily routines=> Practice with a tendency to
- A: I think most humans are born with a tendency to …. -> B: You think … What makes you think so?
=> A: I think … because people tend to … For example, when someone …
- Focus on Lis. Skill: Identifying Speculative Language: decide whether the info is fact or speculative.
1. Yes, seriously, it’s apparently true.  2. They found that all kinds of minor everyday activities like standing up to stretch or getting off the sofa to change the TV channel and even fidgeting could make a difference between being thin or being overweight. 3. The extra activity of thinner people might make a difference of something like 10 to 30 pounds in weight per year.  4. No, you don’t have to worry about your weight.
5. …they think that people may be born with a tendency to either be fidgety or not fidgety
6. The people in the study wore special clothes that had sensors in them.
=> Integ. Speech Explain the research findings and speak yr thoughts on the results in 90 sec.
- Vocabulary  Multi-word Verbs (1)/p.56 

Lesson Report-Adv.2-Jul.18th

[1] Open Forum-2 Chapter 12 International Studies   #2 A Lecture about Culture Shock
- Preparing to Listen => Pair Talk about the culture shock you experienced in a place, community or school.
- Lis-1 -> Answer WS  (1) What is culture shock?  (2) What are the five stages of culture shock?
 (3) Why it’s important to know about culture shock?
  => Integ. Speech Explain (1) what culture shock is and (3) why it’s important to know about it in 90 sec.
- Lis 2 -> Complete WS-> Organize Question (2) => Integ. Speech Describe the five states of culture shock.
- Working Out Unknown Vocabulary
=> Integ. Speech Which stage of culture shock sounds more difficult to deal with to you?
[2] Inside Reading-3  Unit 5 Film Studies  Bodies in Motion
Target Words:  encounter, expose, restore
Reading-1  The Dartfish Olympics, BBC Sport Uses Stromotion Technique
☆What?: Online magazine column, Press release by BBC
Reading Skill: Summarizing a Text Using Nontext Elements
Before You Read-3. Pair Have you ever seen video of your performance? Was it helpful?
- Preview: Check the titles, photos and captions.
-> strobe (n) a bright light that flashes rapidly on and off.
-> simul-> Dic simultaneous (adj) occurring, existing, or operating at the same time; concurrent
- Reading Skill: Summarizing a Text Using Nontext Elements
- Read Part-1 The Dartfish Olympics-> Mark the Subject/Topic and main idea of each paragraph
=> Apply-1  Identify and Write two main ideas=> Pair Compare-> Read and Revise
StroMotion is a photo software that shows an athlete’s move by motion, which allows athletes to analyze their moves to improve their performance.
It is also used to judge the performance and result of games and competitions.
- Read Part-2 BBC Sport Uses StroMotion Technique -> Mark the Subject/Topic, main idea of each par.
=> Apply-2  Identify and Write two main ideas=> Pair Compare-> Read and Revise
StroMotion enhances the image of sports games and competitions, so that the viewers can enjoy the moves and performance of the sports event more excitedly.
SimulCam is another exclusive video application by Dartfish that simultaneously shows two competitors in different places and time in one screen as if they were competing together.
- Read Part-1, Part-2 -> Apply-3  Check the photos and review the text to think what the main ideas.
=> Apply-4  Combine the main ideas and write a summary in two sentences => Pair Compare
StroMotion is a photo software that enhances the image of sports games and competitions.
It not only helps athletes improve their performance by the precise images but also entertains the viewers of the sports events more lively.

Lesson report Junior-3 July 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, July 18, 2015.
It's still a bit stormy today.
Do you think it's reasonable to ask someone to do your homework?
Of course not! You should do your homework by yourself.
It should be ok to ask someone for help if your homework is really difficult.
Does it look strange to wear a yukata in winter?
If you wear a kimono on New Year's Day, it won't look strange, will it?
Our speaker today was Ami.
She talked about her family.
The next speaker on Wednesday is Chiaki.
The next theme is your plans for summer holiday!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 59 & 60
This week's summary
I was so tired that I couldn't get up this morning.
Bridge Work 
Chapter 29 Unit 2 #1 経済や市場に関する言葉  page 61 Review
Practice on your tablet.
Chapter 30 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2  It ... to ... #2

Have a good Sunday!
See you on Wednesday.


Lesson Report Senior-1 July 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, July 18, 2015.
It's rainy today.
Where was your pencil case made?
Do you know where it was made?
What is your pencil case made of?
Can you tell what it is made of?
You were told you have some homework during summer.
Please don't forget to finish page 77 in your workbook!
Our speaker today was Kota.
The next speaker on Wednesday is Ryuto and on Saturday is Sae.
Please get prepared to present your family!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 59 & 60
This week's summary
I was so tired that I couldn't get up this morning.
Deep listening  Lesson 19
Bridge Work 
Chapter 29 Unit 2 #1 経済や市場に関する言葉  page 61 Review
Workbook page 77 => HW
Chapter 31 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  受動態
Exercise-1  #1-a, 1-b

Have a good Sunday!
See you on Wednesday.


Lesson Report Primary-2 July 17th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's Saturday, July 18, 2015.  
It's sunny and very hot today.  
Picture Dictionary Topic 34 (2)を学習しました。
Oxford Discover student book Unit 6 P62, 63の問題を解きました。
Oxford Discover workbook P50の問題を解きました。
Who's, What'sの疑問文がとても上手になりました!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 34 (2)
Sing chant
Do worksheet
Oxford Discover  Student book  Do P 62, 63
Oxford Discover Workbook  P50

Have a great weekend.
See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 July 17th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Saturday, July 18, 2015. 
It's sunny today. 
Picture Dictionary のTopic 6 (5) を学習しました。
今日の対決はできましたか?Strawberry, cherryが難しかったようです。
This is Phonics ではUnit 6 P53、P54のChantをうたいました。
ee says e,e tree等をリズム付けて覚えましょう。
Up and Away Student Book May I?を復習しました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 6(5)
Sing the chant.
Write words on board.  Each student writes at least 2 words.
This is Phonics 1  Unit 5  Silent e  P53,54 Listen and write words 
Write words on board.
Up and Away Student Book   Unit 13 May I go to the bathroom? 
May I get a drink of water?  Review sentences.  Present

Have a good weekend! 
See you next week !


Lesson Report-Senior 2p-Jul.17th

1. Cover to Cover-2   Unit 7  Intelligence  Part 2  Animal Intelligence
- Introduction Experiments: Chimps, Gorillas, Dolphins
- Vocabulary Before Reading: Tablet crow – raven
  monkey: with tails, tree-dwelling except baboons <-> ape: no tails; orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, humans
- Comprehension Strategy: Scanning => Task-A
- Skimming=> Read the title, first and last par, first sentence of par.2-5=> Check the topic of each paragraph
1st: Animal researchers have learned ~ mental or cognitive abilities of animals
2nd: ability to use tools 3rd: solving problems 4th: ability to learn 5th: self-awareness
Last: Some animals have high levels of cognition
- Reading-1 => Checking Fluency and Comprehension - A
- Read w/CD=> Read aloud Pr.1, 2-5, 6=> Predict what cognitive ability and cognition mean.
Dic cognition The mental process of knowing; understanding, comprehension, awareness
- cognitive  connecting with mental process of understanding; ~ ability/behavior/development, ~ psychology
2. Kikutan-4K  Day 15: New Ideas
Review Shadow Reading-> Read=> Write a summary in 2~3 sen. Use; promising, occasional/occasionally
=> Pair Tell the summary without the writing. - Practice Voca Chant
3. Tactics for Listening  Tactics for Listening 2e Unit 15 Hotel Services
Listening-1  Describe what each guest wants in one sentence in reported speech.
Listening-2  Describe the two requests each guest makes in the present tense in reported speech. Also, write what he/she was told to do in reported speech.

Lesson Report Senior-1p July 17th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's it going?
It's Friday, July 17th, 2015. 
It's hot and humid.

Do you agree with the idea of that men should do more housework?
If you agree with that, what makes you think so?
As we learned today, there are a lot of ways to memorize new words.
Please try as hard as you can to learn as many vocabularies as possible!
Your efforts will pay off.
During the summer holiday, I don't assign speeches.
Next time, you don't have to do VIU practice.
If you have any part you haven't finished, please work on that.

<Lesson Review>

Cover to Cover Unit 1
Part 1  Vocabulary review
Communication task -2  Write your opinion

Have a great weekend!
See you on Tuesday.
