Lesson Report-Senior 2p-Jul.7th

[1] Cover to Cover-2 Unit 6  Science  Part 2 The Science of Weather Prediction
- Review Reading w/CD-> Read aloud: pr.4, 6
 => Task-2 1. (Pr-4, 6) 我々は来週どのような天気になるのか、未だ不確かである
We are still unsure of/as to what the weather is going to be like next week.
2. (Pr-6) 最新の技術を持ってしても、1週間先の天気を予想精度は未だにそれほど信頼できるものではない。
The accuracy of predicting the weather for a week in advance isn’t so reliable yet even with the latest technology available.
- Expanding Vocabulary: worry, dazzle, predict, observe, rely, accurate
- Check Vocabulary - military/election campaign, bank of the river, release, on the way, dazzling
- accurate-accuracy, inaccurate-inaccuracy - predict-prediction,
- observe-observation-observational, observatory, observer
- Task-3 What’s Your Opinion? Tell a partner your response in 90 seconds.
4. Weather forecasters should be punished if their incorrect forecast has caused major problems to public transportations such as delays and cancellations of flights and trains, traffic accidents and congestions on the road, and cancellations of important events.  (Think about the heavy snowfall in Kanto region in mid January which was originally predicted to be rainy not snowy)
[2] 2. Kikutan-4K  Day 14: Where does innovation come from?
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise the Main Idea -> Shadow Reading
=> Study Vocabulary: contrary to, tendency to, insight
=> Dic contrary to  different from/against sth,  completely different, opposite; ~ opinion/view
tendency  a ~ to eat/talk fast, tend to do; Women ~ live longer than men. I ~ think that …
gradual happening slowly; ~ change/increase/development gradually; ~ changed/improved
[3] Read & Write-2  Unit 3 Courtesy: Reading 1: Being Polite from Culture to Culture #1
- Reading Skill: Identifying Supporting Details-> Read Par.4=> Ex-A,  Par.5=> Ex-B,  Par.6=> Ex-C
Check the blog site for your writing assignment at
Refer to Reading Skill=> Write your response as MI and the fact/reason as Supporting Detail(s),
and explain it/them clearly with examples.
=> Revise Box the Subject, Bold the Verbs and Underline the Verb pattern
=> Post your writing on the Library Blog by the end of July 12th.

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