- Introduction: Weather forecast program/Web
- Pair - Do you check weather reports regularly? Why?
- How much percentage of rain probability makes you take an umbrella with you when you go out in a sunny morning?
- Fluency Strategy: Skimming of the Main Idea-> Skimming-> Task-A: Find the main idea
- Reading-1-> Checking Comprehension-> Read w/CD-> Read aloud: Par. 5, 6 => Task-1
1. (Par.5) Scientists also collect ~ the upper atmosphere. を日本語にしなさい
2. Par. 6を日本語で説明しなさい。
2. Kikutan-4K Day 13: Who Invented Calculus? #2
Review Shadow Reading -> Read
=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences. Use; accuse of, mathematician
=> Pair Tell the summary without the writing.
3. Tactics for Listening Tactics for Listening 2e Unit 14 Shopping Problems
Getting Ready-> Talk about a shopping problem with a partner. Explain how you dealt with the problem.
Listening-1 Listening-2 Pair 1/2, 3/4, 5/6
=> Task-1 Complete the sentences to summarize the conversations. Use the reported speech properly.
=> Task-2 Tell the summary to a partner without the writing in 60 sec.
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