1. Cover to Cover-2 Unit 7 Intelligence Part 1 What is Intelligence
- Read w/CD-> Read aloud:Par-TBD=> Task-1 MIとは何か、それぞれの才能の説明も含めて、分かりやすく説明しなさい。
アメリカのHoward Gardner は、言語と数学能力が強く反映されるIQに因る一面的な知性の見方に対して、
以下の7つの多面的な(=MI: Multiple Intelligence)観点から人の能力を測るべきと論じている。
- Linguistic Intelligence: 言語能力(言語を習得し操ることができる)
- Logical-Mathematical Intelligence:物事の論理性やパターンを見抜く論理的、数学的な能力
- Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: 身体や運動の能力
- Musical Intelligence: 音楽的な能力
- Spatial Intelligence: 相対的な位置関係を認識できる能力
- Interpersonal Intelligence: 相手を理解して対応することが出来る対人的な能力
- Intrapersonal Intelligence: 自己、即ち自分の能力や特性、を理解して対応、活用する能力
- Task-2 1. (Par.1) 環境にやさしいエネルギーは、特に発展途上国(新興国)で重要が旺盛だ。(green energy)
Green energy is in demand particularly in developing countries. (green energy)
2. (Par. 5) その新しいボスは、その仕事を辞めるという彼女の決心とは、何の関係もない。(have ~ to do with)
The new boss has nothing to do with her decision to quit the job. (have ~ to do with)
- Vocabulary: - underachiever - verbal-oral, - refer to - spacious-spatial/special
-> inter, intraの使い: Read Par.6 aloud
- inter: between; interface, intercity, internet, interaction, international, intercontinental,
- intra: inside; intra-city, intra-company, intranet, intrapersonal, intra-species
- Task-3 Do you agree or disagree with Gardber’s theory of multiple intelligences?
2. Kikutan-4K Day 15: New Ideas
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise the Main Idea -> Shadow Reading
=> Study Vocabulary: occasionally
=> Dic universe the whole space and everything in it, a system of stars, space; lives in one’s own ~
->universal worldwide, entire, common, ubiquitous; ~ feature/design/concept/trend
promise-promising showing signs of being good, successful; future is ~. ~ future, ~ plan/person
3. Read & Write-2 Unit 3 Courtesy: Reading 1: Being Polite from Culture to Culture #1
- Review Writing Assign. By Jul.12th: Five to eight sentences in response to one of the questions below.
In your culture, what is the polite or appropriate way to; - to greet someone - to receive a gift
- to say good by - to show respect to sb - to be polite to sb posted by
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