Lesson Report Junior-3 September 30th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, September 30, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Are you allowed to use your mobile phone at school?
Are you required to wear a school uniform when you go to school?
We learned how to use these words today.
We'll practice more next time!
Our presenter yesterday was Minori.
She showed the brochure of her school festival and told you about this year's theme.
The next speaker is Shun.
Get ready for your speech!

And, bring 基礎英語10月号!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 79 & 80
Summary writing
Bridge Work
Chapter 31 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2  受動態  allowed, required を使った表現
Exercise-2 #2
Chapter 31 Unit 1  Vocabulary in Use #2 文化や政治などに関することば

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


Lessson Report-Adv.1-Sep.30th

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 24: Smartphones and Education
[2] Inside Reading-2  Unit 5 Weather Warning  Reading-2 Weather, Climate, or Both?
- Read-2=> Write a summary of the text in three sentences. Use your own words or paraphrase. Blog
=> Pair Compare the summary and discuss the main points=> Revise the summary
Climate shows the weather conditions for a long period time. It has significant impacts on people’s lives and history. It is still difficult to make reliable predictions for climate change even with today’s technology.
- Study Words/Expressions/Sentences: [P1-L16] phenomenon-phenomena(pl) fact/event in nature or society; cultural/.natural/social ~  [P2-L21] shiver  to shake or tremble, as from cold or fear; tremble, shake ->shivery(adj)  [L24] post ~ on record: to announce sth officially  [P3-L40] faulty- Dic fault (n)  a mistake or error; It’s my ~ that …,  an imperfection; failure, defect, flaw; a fault in the brakes; a fault in one's character  [P4-L46] exhibit present, demonstrate, show, display, express ->exhibition, exhibitor  [L49] coherent tale  understandable, reasoned, rational,  logical  [P5-L57] establish (oneself)  to hold a position firmly; ~ oneself as …, get ~ed,  [L58] qualifies as a climate feature    to have the right qualities to be described as sth; designate, characterize; ~ as a doctor - feature; a distinct aspect of sth; character  [p6-L93] die off (phrv) to die one after the other until there are none left -> die down  to become gradually less strong/loud/noticeable; the applause ~d down, the flame ~.  [P7-L96] climatologist-climatology – [klaɪ məˈtɒl ə dʒi] [L103] vicious storm  violent, crucial, brutal; ~ attack/murder/offender  [L112] hindsight (<-> foresight) the understanding after sth happened; retrospect, experience; with ~ it’s easy to say, it’s obvious in ~ that…, with the benefit of ~ 
[3] Read & Write-2  Reading 1: Family Unity Builds Success #1 
- Review Writing: five to eight sentences in response HW
Members of a successful team respect each other. How does this help them bring about successful results?
Reading 2 : The Challenge of Running a Family Business
Vocabulary: pass sth down 
Blog Preview-1: The Wall Street Journal is an American international daily newspaper with a special emphasis on business and economic news. It is published in New York City by Dow Jones & Company, a division of News Corporation, along with the Asian and European editions. The Journal is the largest newspaper in the United States, with a circulation of 2.4 million copies, including 900,000 online paid subscriptions, as of March 2013, compared to USA Today's 1.7 million. It primarily covers American economic and international business topics, and financial news and issues. Its name derives from Wall Street, located in New York City, which is the heart of the financial district; it was first printed in 1889, purchased by a journalist Clarence Barron, succeeded and controlled by his descendants, the Bancroft Family in 1928 until it was sold to News Corporation.
Preview-2: Think of businesses that are owned and run by family members. Then discuss why some family businesses are being passed to the next generation successfully but others aren’t. 
- Read-1: Magazine Article-> Main Ideas A, B
=> Details B: Discuss two of the reasons why family businesses fail.

MEL News October 2015

News-1 Halloween 2015
今年もHalloween のデコレーションで教室が賑やかな季節になりました。早くも「どんな仮装にしようかな?」と毎回楽しそうにお話している生徒さんもいます。以下の日程でクラスごとにTrick-or-treating を行います。記念写真を撮りますのでぜひ仮装の用意をしてきてください! 

10月29日(木)    Junior-1, Junior-2 クラス      
10月30日(金)    Primary-1, Primary-2, Junior-1, Senior-1, Senior-2p クラス
10月31日(土)    Junior-3, Advancing -1, Advancing-2 クラス

News-2 高校生Debate講座@文教大学
午前中は、MEL Schoolのカリキュラム監修をしていただいた文教大学の阿野幸一先生を中心とした先生方による英語でのディベートについての指導があります。
MEL SchoolからはSenior-1以上のクラスの生徒が参加します。みんな頑張りましょう!

Update-1 2015年度第2回英検集合時間
10月11日(日)に 4級、3級、準2級、2級の検定試験をMEL Schoolで実施します。受験者は集合時間を確認のうえ、遅刻のないようにスクールに来てください。持ち物は筆記用具のみです。

4級      9:40 集合  11:10 終了予定 
3級    13:10 集合  14:40 終了予定 
準2級     9:40 集合  11:35 終了予定 
2級    13:10 集合  15:15    終了予定 


Update-2 2学期の主な予定
秋は祝祭日が多い季節ですが、MEL School のレッスンはお休みがありません。特に新入生は祝祭日のレッスンを忘れないように気を付けてください。


MEL School 三鷹
Towako Asai

Lesson Report Senior-1p September 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's everything?
It's Wednesday, September 30, 2015. 
It's sunny and beautiful today. 

Most of you seemed to prefer living in a city to living in the countryside.
I think when you are young, you tend to prefer enjoying a city life.
I'm curious if you say the same thing in thirty years!
You are supposed to be joined by other students on Friday.
Get ready for everything you need for lesson.
Charge your tablet and bring your dictionary, BW textbook, Workbook, and Cover to Cover textbook.
You don't have to bring Deep Listening textbook any longer.
I'm looking forward to the new class!

<Lesson Review>
Deep listening Level 3  Lesson 17 & 18
Vocabulary; campaign, candidate, vote, appropriate, abandon
What do you think?
Write an opinion essay

Have a great week.
See you all on Friday.


Lesson Report Junior-1 September 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, September 30, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
How often do you clean your room on weekends?
What time do you usually have lunch?
When do you do your homework?
EngageではSouth AmericaにあるIguazu Fallsについて学びました。
Phonics の文はみんな速く正確に言えましたね!Great job!

<Lesson Review>
Chapter 6 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2 Verbs to learn #6, How often ...?
Exercise-2 #1 & 2
This is Phonics Murmuring Vowels
Key Words => Jingle => Reading
Engage Unit 4  Favorite places

Have a great week!
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 September 29th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's Wednesday, September 30, 2015.  
It's a beautiful day!
Picture Dictionary Topic 38 (4) を学習しました。
Oxford Discover student book Unit 10 P98, 99 Stone Soupを音読練習しました。
CDをもう一回聞いて練習問題をときました。P100, 101
Oxford Discover workbookP84, 85 を完成させました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 38 (4)
Sing chant
Oxford Discover  Student Book Unit 10
REVIEW P98, 99
Do P100, 101
Oxford Discover  workbook Unit 10 P84, 85

Have a wonderful week! 
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 September 29th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It’s Wednesday, September 30, 2015. 
It's sunny and beautiful today!
Picture Dictionary のTopic 11(1) に入りました。
サポートタイムでUnit 1 の復習をしました。
This is Phonics 2のP21 の新UnitのChantを唄いました。
Up and Away Student Book Unit 9 You areの復習をしました。
Are you?を学習しました。ロールプレーで練習もしました。
Up and Away workbookのP15Bを解きました。
Up and Away reader book 1A Reading Comprehensionと最初からの個別音読発表をし
Good work everyone! 1Bに入り少し練習しました。

<Lesson Review>
 Picture Dictionary Topic 11 (1)
Sing the chant.
Write new words in notebook
This is Phonics 2, Unit 1  REVIEW 
Unit 2 P21 sing chant and write new words in notebook
Up and Away student book  Unit 9, You are. REVIEW 
Do Are you?  Ask the person next to you a question.
Do Up and Away workbook P15  B
Up and Away reader book, read 1A book from the beginning. 
Do reading comprehension questions! 
Read 1B  P1, 2, 3

Have a great week!


Lesson Report-Sr.2-Sep.29th

1. Kikutan-4K  Day 23: Baseball through the Ages
- Read w/CD=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences-> Read it yourself
Modern baseball originated in the 19th century in Europe (<=Western pastime). It is a simple ball game that is played by two teams (<=the team with ~ the other team). It is now played professional players in many places in the world. => Pair Tell the summary without the writing=> Practice Vocabulary Chant
2. Read & Write-2  Unit 5 Family Ties Write a personal letter describing a new family biz
Reading 1: Family Unity Builds Success
- Vocabulary/p.85: courage, manage, unity
- Reading Skill/p.86: Skimming - Underline the Main Idea and Identify the Supporting Ideas
- Skim the text=> Discuss with a partner what the text is about.
- Reading-1: MI and Identify the SS of each Paragraph -> Main Ideas, Details
3. Cover to Cover-2  Unit 10 Wise Words   Part 1 The Wisdom of the World
- Read aloud Par. 2-4. Study the text and sayings Dic
   -value  - reveal - furnish -stumble -ditch -remain -ignore-ignorance
   - emphasize-emphasis -rather than - stand still
- Read aloud Par. 5-6. Study the text and sayings Dic
- bundle -illustrate - state -statement -rattle
=> Task-1 Choose a saying you agree with the most
=> Explain why you agree with the saying the most with an example/episode in the Blog.

Lesson Report Junior-2 September 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, September 28, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
What are you hoping to do during this coming Christmas holiday?
Do you have any plans to do?
You didn't decide to do anything?
今日のレッスンでは動詞+to ...の様々な表現を練習しましたね。
Our speaker today was Shunsuke.
He talked about his summer holiday.
The next speaker is Hikaru.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 20 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2
Exercise-2 #1-a, 1-b, 2, 3-a, and 3-b
基礎英語 Lessons 77 & 78
Bridge Work  Chapter 21 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-4 #18-25 Write in English

Have a great week!
See you on Thursday!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-1 September 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Monday, September 28, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
What's your favorite TV program?
When is it?
Do you have a pet dog?
How often do you take a picture of your dog?
今日のレッスンでChapter 6 Unit 1の学習が終わりました。
Are you ready for Key Communication test?
Engageでは新しいUnit に入りましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Chapter 6 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2  How often ...?
Exercise-2 #3 and 4
Grammar in Use  Jennifer's talk with her grandma
Key Communication practice
Chapter 6 Unit 2 
Grammar and Communication-1 Question words
This is Phonics Murmuring Vowels
Key Words => Jingle => Writing
Engage Unit 4  Favorite place

Have a great week!
See you on Thursday!

Towako and Miharu

Lesson Report Senior-1 September 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Sunday, September 27, 2015.
The weather changed a lot today.
Did you understand the story in Cover to Cover today?
Last time, you had a very hard time to understand what is written in  the textbook.
Now you understand if you try again, you have a better chance to learn many things from the same text.
We're learning about superstitions in many countries next time!
As for Show and Tell, the next speaker on Wednesday is Ayu.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 77 & 78
Bridge Work
Chapter 31 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3  受動態 ーhave to, be going to, used to の受動態
Chapter 31 Unit 1  Vocabulary in Use #2 文化や政治などに関することば
Cover to Cover
Unit 3 Part 1  A sixth sense?
Review reading  => Looking at Vocabulary in Context
Part 2  Unlucky for Some? 
Fluency strategy: Prediction the Topic
Checking Fluency and Comprehension

Have a great week!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-3 September 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Sunday, September 27, 2015.
The weather changed a lot today.
Who chocolate is sent to on Valentine's Day in Japan?
I heard girls give chocolate girls these days.
The chocolate is called "Tomo-choko".
You will be given some sweets at MEL School at Halloween!
Our presenter yesterday was Chiharu.
She showed her wallet she bought in England when she traveled there.
The next speaker on Wednesday is Minori.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 77 & 78
Bridge Work
Chapter 31 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2  受動態 ー目的語を2つ取る文の受動態
Exercise-2 #1
Chapter 31 Unit 1  Vocabulary in Use #2 文化や政治などに関することば
Deep listening  Lesson 4

Have a great week!
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report-Adv.2-Sep.26th

[1] Kikutan-6K Day 19: Conservation
=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences
- perceive to become aware of/know/identify by the senses; notice, see, understand, recognize: I ~ed an object 
~ a change in his voice. ->perception: the way you notice sth with the senses: visual ~
- vanity (n) excessive pride in appearance/qualities/abilities/achievements; arrogance, pride; injure/wound ~
<-> modesty  ->vain (adj) useless-> in vain: without success
- exhaust to drain of strength/energy, wear out, or fatigue greatly, as a person: I have ~ed myself working.
[2] Read & Write-3  Unit 2 Food and Taste – Reading #2  Finding Balance in Food
- Review HW  Summary of Reading 1 
- Vocabulary: property  a thing owned by sb; gov’t/one’s ~, land/buildings; ~ prices/tax, a quality/characteristic of sth
- Reading Skill: Previewing the Text-> B, C
- Listen to Q-classroom=> Main Idea, Detail
  => Speak a summary of the in 90 seconds. Try to use your own words.
- Read-> Underline the main idea of each paragraph and compare to the previous answers
 => Write a summary of the text in four to six sentences. Use your own words.
 => HW email by 10/2
It is important to eat various foods for health but how to maintain a good balance seems to vary by culture. 
In France, people enjoy foods from other places of the country. They also prefer eating small amount food in different dishes such as an appetizer, main and side dishes, a salad and a dessert.
Chinese try to keep balance between warm foods like chicken and eggs and cool foods like tofu and carrots, which are called yang and yin respectively. They believe food plays an important role for one’s health like medicine and even use it to rebalance physical conditions.
It seems that balancing what and how to eat foods is unique to each culture.
- What do you think-B.2: Which foods did you use to dislike but now you eat often? 
=> Speak your answer in response to the question in 60 seconds.
[3] Topic: Japan’s Oversea Military Role
Study the BlogJapan's Oversea Military Role-Blog
- Discuss in Class. State an opinion or thought and support it clearly, with an example if possible.
   -> Vocabulary: pacifist provisions in the constitution 
  - pacifist (n) a person who supports pacifism 
    (adj) advocating, relating to, or characterized by pacifism 
  - pacifism  the belief that violence of any kind is unjustifiable and that one should not participate in war
 - provision  supply, preparations, (legal) a condition or an arrangement; under the ~s of sth
 => Post your comment on the Blog by 10/2

Lesson Report-Adv.1-Sep.26th

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 24: Smartphones and Education
- Lis-1=> Write the MI in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise -> Read w/CD=> Revise-> Read it yourself
In most cases, smartphones are troublesome to classrooms but there are also cases to use it positively in class.
- Practice Vocabulary Chant
[2] Inside Reading-2  Unit 5  Reading-2  Weather, Climate, or Both?
Reading-2  Weather, Climate, or Both?   Newspaper article about climate change
- Before You Read-2. ☆Ind. Speech Describe the climate in Japan in 90 seconds.
- Before You Read-3. Locate the places=> Pair Talk what you know about these places.
- Skimming: Title, sub titles, chart, Read Par.1, 2, first sentences and the last paragraph 
- Before reading: CE (Common Era=AD), BCE (Before Common Era=BC)
- Read-1 -> Reading Comprehension: T/F, Mark the paragraph/Line #, Correct false statements.
[3] Open Forum  Chapter 8 Social Studies  On-the-street interview about community involvement
-> Vocabulary: social involvement, fund raising, sign petitions, prefer to, go out for dinner, 
get together with friends
 -> Expressions: it’s always easier to do something else.
It’s funny you should ask that,   I make my voice heard
- Speaking Skills-1: Elaborate your answers further and better- 2nd time
- Pronunciation: Unstressed Object Pronouns
- Speaking Practice-1, 2 

Lesson Report Senior-1p September 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's everything?
It's Saturday, September 26, 2015. 
It's cloudy today. 

Did you enjoy organizing your thoughts?
It's fun to make your thought clear and express your opinion, isn't it?
We learned about the food shortage in Ireland.
Hope it gave you a good opportunity to get familiar with relating famine.
Please try to review the vocabulary you learned even in a short period.

<Lesson Review>
Deep listening Level 3  Lesson 16
Vocabulary; famine, starvation, emigrate, migrate, immigrate
Cover to Cover Unit 4
What do you think?
Write an opinion essay

Have a great weekend.
See you all on Tuesday.


Lesson Report Junior-1 September 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, September 26, 2015.
It's cloudy today.
How often do you go to bed after twelve?
What time do you usually go to bed?
How often do you watch TV after dinner?
昨日のレッスンではalways, usually, often, sometimes, never の使い方を練習しました。
次回はKey Communicationテストです。

<Lesson Review>
Chapter 5 Unit 2  Grammar in Use-1
Key Communication practice
Chapter 6 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  alway, usually, often, sometimes, never
Exercise-1 #1 & 2
This is Phonics Murmuring Vowels
Key Words => Jingle => Writing
Engage Unit 4  Favorite places

Have a great weekend!
See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 September 25th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's Saturday, September 26, 2015.  
It's cloudy today!
Picture Dictionary Topic 38 (3) を学習しました。
Oxford Discover student book Unit 10 に入りました
Oxford Discover workbook を完成させました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 38 (3)
Sing chant
Say your favorite word from the list
Oxford Discover  Student Book Unit 10 P96, 97, 98, 99を学習しました。
StoryにはBeginning, middle, endがあることがわかりました。
Stone Soup のお話について解説をしました。
Oxford Discover  workbook Unit 10 P82,83の問題を解きました。

Have a wonderful weekend! 
See you !


Lesson Report Primary-1 September 25th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Saturday, September 26, 2015. 
It's cloudy today. 
Picture Dictionary のTopic 10 (3) を学習しました。
This is Phonics 2のP18, 19, 20 を完成させました。
Up and Away Student Book Unit 9 You areを学習しました。
Up and Away workbook のP15Aを解きました。
Up and Away reader book 1Aの音読発表を最初からしました。
本文の内容のTrue, False問題を答えました。
Good work everyone!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 10 (3)
Sing the chant.
Say your favorite word from the list
This is Phonics 2, Unit 1  Do P18, 19, 20
Up and Away student book  Unit 9, You are.
Do Up and Away workbook P15  A
Up and Away reader book  Read book together from the beginning. 
Do TRUE, FALSE questions! 

Have a great weekend!


Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Sep.25th

1. Kikutan-4K  Day 23: Baseball through the Ages
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sen-> Lis-2=> Revise-> Shadow Reading=> Read aloud
Today’s baseball was born in the 19th century and is now played professionally in many places in the world.
=> Study Vocabulary: found, reform, strike, defeat, pastime
=> Dic strike –struck-struck  hit sb/sth hard; struck by a car, struck sb in the face, struck the base
2. Read & Write-2  Writing: an opinion paragraph
- Review: Read the Writing aloud: A paragraph about your opinion in response to the question
Support your opinions with reasons and examples.  Make sure to introduce your opinions with appropriate phrases, and end your paragraph with a strong concluding sentence. 
=> Revise the paragraph=> Edit with Self-Assessment Checklist => Pair
3. Tactics for Listening   Unit 18 Phone Messages
Listening-3  Take notes to tell the message to Daniel. => Pair 1/2, 3/4 => 2nd Round 2/1, 4/4  
<= Script on Blog
- Pronunciation/p.73: Saying Phone Numbers
=> Tell a partner your/a phone number and what time you want him/her to call back=> Repeat

Lesson Report Junior-2 September 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, September 24, 2015.
It's rainy today.
What do you want to do this weekend?
今日のレッスンではwant to ...を使ったいろいろな会話文などの練習をしましたね。
We didn't have any speakers today.
The next speaker is still Aoto.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 20 Unit 1
Exercise-1 #3-a, 3-b, 3-c, 3-d, 4, and 5
Let's check -1
基礎英語 Lessons 75 & 76
Bridge Work  Chapter 21 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-4 #11-17  Write in English
Practice #18-25

Have a great weekend!
See you next week.

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-1 September 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Thursday, September 24, 2015.
It's rainy today.
How often do you go to Kichijoji??
Do you sometimes wash the dishes after dinner?
When do you usually do your homework?
今日のレッスンでは、when, how often, what time それぞれの使い方とこれまで学習してきた動詞の使い方をいろいろな文で練習しましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Chapter 6 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2  How often ...?
Exercise-2 #2-a., 2-b., and 3
This is Phonics Murmuring Vowels
Key Words => Jingle => Reading
Engage Unit 3
Reading  W24 #1, 2, 3, and 4

Have a good weekend!
See you on Monday!

Towako and Miharu

Lesson Report-Adv.1-Sep.23rd

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 23: The Beginning of Room to Read
- Read w/CD=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences.-> Read it yourself=> Pair -> Chant
When John Wood visited Nepal, he found children there were provided only a limited number of books. He quit his job at Microsoft and founded an organization to give more books to children.
The organization is called Room to Read and has founded many libraries and schools in the world.
- Practice Vocabulary Chant
[2] Inside Reading-2  Unit 5 Weather Warning  The Weather Goes to Court: Forensic Meteorology
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- energy  – a source/forces of power; solar/nuclear/renewable ~, generate/produce/conserve/save/ ~, 
  - the ability to be active; full of ~, have/lack ~, save/conserve/waste ~
  -> energetic: ~ person/speaker/actor, feel/be ~ energetically: support/campaign/play/put effort/work ~
- Word Form Chart
☆ Integ. Speech: Review the text and tell what forensic meteorology is in 90 sec with an example. #2
Try to use words that describe the content specifically from the text
[3] Read & Write-2  Unit 5 Family Ties Reading 1: Family Unity Builds Success #1 
- Review Summary/HW in 3-5 sen. Blog => Class/Group Review
- What do you think-1? => Prepare to Answer the question. State the main point and include example(s)
What qualities do you have that can help you when working with a group of people? => Pair-Q&A
- What do you think?-2  Members of a successful team respect each other. How does this help them bring about successful results?
=> Write five to eight sentences in response. (1/p.89-rev) Blog=> HW by Sep. 28th

Lesson Report Junior-3 September 23rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, September 23, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Now, you are able to explain what Japan is like in English, aren't you?
It's hard to memorize names of foreign countries in English, isn't it?
Did you enjoy listening to Beethoven's third symphony?
How did you like it?
How much did you know about Beethoven?
The presenter today was Shintaro.
He showed some of his fossil collections and told you about their story.
The next speaker on Wednesday is Chiharu.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 75 & 76
Bridge Work
Chapter 31 Unit 2
Exercise-1 #3  Beethoven
Making sentences with 'known to', 'known as', 'covered with', and 'crowded with'

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Senior-1 September 23rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, September 23, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Now, you are able to explain what Japan is like in English, aren't you?
It's hard to memorize names of foreign countries in English, isn't it?
Sometimes a name sounds really different from the one we know in Japanese.
All of you had a hard time to understand the text in Cover to Cover today.
Yes, the vocabulary was challenging.
We'll learn more about psychics next time!
The presenter today was Tomoya.
He showed his black bag and told you about its story.
The next speaker on Wednesday is Ayu.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 75 & 76
Bridge Work
Chapter 31 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2  受動態 ーallowed, required の受動態
Exercise-2 #2 Review practice
Workbook page 22  practice with can and must
Chapter 31 Unit 1  Vocabulary in Use #1 物質に関することば
Workbook page 83
Cover to Cover Unit 2  Part 2
The experts are wrong!  Review reading
Unit 3 Part 1  A sixth sense?
Comprehension strategy: Finding the main idea in paragraphs
Comprehension check

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 September 22nd

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's Wednesday, September 23, 2015.  
It's sunny today!
Enjoy your last day off from school!
Picture Dictionary Topic 38 (2)を学習しました。
Oxford Discover student book Unit 9の内容を復習しました。
Oxford Discover Grammar Student Book P44-47 を完成させました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 38 (2)
Sing chant
Say your favorite word from the list
Oxford Discover  Student Book Unit 9 Review Unit 9
Oxford Discover Grammar student book P44-47

Have a great day! 
See you in a couple days!


Lesson Report Primary-1 September 22nd

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Wednesday, September 23, 2015. 
It's sunny today. 
Today is the last day of your vacation. Enjoy!
Picture Dictionary のTopic 10 (2) を学習しました。
This is Phonics 2のP16, 17 を完成させました。
Up and Away Student Book Unit 8 I am.. I am not を学習しました。
Up and Away workbookのP14を解きました。
Wonderful everyone!
Up and Away reader book 1AのNEW WORDSをCDを使って学習しました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 10 (2)
Sing the chant.
Say your favorite word from the list
This is Phonics 2, Unit 1  Do P16, 17
Up and Away student book  Unit 8 I am/ I am not
Do Up and Away workbook P14
Up and Away reader book  NEW WORDS 
Listen to the CD and underline the words

Enjoy your day! 


Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Sep.22nd

1. Kikutan-4K  Day 22: The History of Pasta
- Read w/CD=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences-> Read it yourself=> Pair -> Chant
2. Read & Write-2  Unit 4 Games 
- Review the comments posted on the Blog
Writing: Write an Opinion Paragraph
- Grammar: Modals/p.77-78
- Review Writing Skill: Writing an opinion paragraph
Writing Assignment: Some people think it is a good idea for children to compete in team sports. Others believe it is a bad idea. What do you think? Is it good or bad for children to play on sports teams?
- Complete the graphic organizer in page 79 with your reasons and supporting details.
=> Write a paragraph about your opinion in response to the question. Support your opinions with reasons and examples.  Make sure to introduce your opinions with appropriate phrases, and end your paragraph with a strong concluding sentence. => Post on the Blog by Sep.25th
3. Cover to Cover-2   Unit 10 Wise Words   Part 1 The Wisdom of the World
- wise: able to make sensible decision and give good advice by experience and knowledge; 
- wise man, wise saying, wise advice, wise choice, wise decision
- Wise men learn by other men's mistakes, fools by their own. 
-> wisdom: - the ability to think and act using knowledge/experience/understanding/common sense/insight
- Comprehension Strategy: Making Inferences; Reading between the lines
- Read -> Task-A, Checking Comprehension
- Read w/CD-> Read aloud: Par. 2-4, 5-6
- Vocabulary in Context-A-> Dic ignore-ignorance, emphasize-emphasis 
-> Vocabulary in Context-B

Lesson Report Senior-1p September 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you spending your holiday?
It's Tuesday, September 22, 2015. 
It's sunny and beautiful today. 

Did you fully understand the story in Cover to Cover?
As I told you, it's very important to find the things you don't understand and try to understand everything. The first step is to ask yourself if you really understand what is written.
As for the next lesson, you'll write a short essay.
Please think about it whenever you have a chance.
That makes a lot of difference!

<Lesson Review>
Deep listening Level 3  Lesson 15
Vocabulary; convince, vigorous, depressed
Cover to Cover Unit 4
Review the story

Have a good day!
See you all on Friday.


Lesson Report Junior-1 September 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, September 22, 2015.
It's sunny today.
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Do you usually do your homework after dinner?
What's your favorite season?

<Lesson Review>
Chapter 5 Unit 2
Exercise-1  #3-a and 3-b
Grammar and Communication-2  12ヶ月、天気、季節の表し方
Grammar and Communication-3  When ...?
Chapter 6 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  頻度の表し方
This is Phonics Murmuring Vowels
Key Words => Jingle
Engage Unit 3
Reading  W24

Enjoy the rest of the holiday.
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-2 September 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, September 22, 2015.
It's sunny today.
How are you spending your holiday?
Do you have any plans today?
昨日のレッスンでは、want to ...を使って「〜したい」と伝える表現をさらに練習しました。
Our speaker yesterday was Yasuhiro.
He talked about visiting Cambodia during summer vacation.
The next speaker is Aoto.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 20 Unit 1
Exercise-1 #1-b, 2-a, and 2-b
Grammar and Communication-1 #2  want to be a/an.../become
Exercise-1 #3-a, 3-b, 3-c, and 3-d
基礎英語 Lessons 73 & 74
Bridge Work  Chapter 21 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-4 #1-10  Write in English

Enjoy the rest of the holiday.
See you on Thursday!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-1 September 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, September 22, 2015.
It's sunny today.
How often do you clean your room?
Do you wash the dishes after dinner? Sometimes?
昨日のレッスンでは、新しい動詞 の使い方を練習しましたね!
when, how often, what time それぞれの使い方も学習しました。
家族紹介のShow and Tell は上手にできた人が多かったですね!
Great job!

<Lesson Review>
Chapter 6 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  頻度の表し方
Exercise-1  #2-b
Grammar and Communication-2  動詞の紹介-2, How often ...?
Exercise-2 #1 and 2-a
This is Phonics Murmuring Vowels
Key Words => Jingle
Engage Unit 3
Show and Tell  About your family

Enjoy the rest of the holiday.
See you on Thursday!

Towako and Miharu

Lesson Report-Adv.2-Sep.19th

[1] Listening & Vocabulary: Kikutan-6K Day 18: The Natural Beauty Within
- accuse to charge with the fault/crime; allege, charge; ~ sb of murder.  - to find fault with; blame, complain
- inhabit to live/dwell in; locate, occupy; ~ the area -> habitable, habitation, inhabitant, inhabited
- perish to die in a violent way; die, disappear, vanish, decay; The family ~d in the fire. The buildings ~d
[2] Inside Reading-3  Unit 6 The Physics of Fun Reading-1  A Whale of a Wheel  
- Study Words/Expressions/Grammar
(P1-L4) glamorous; attractive, elegant, fashionable, fascinating; ~ actor/job (adj) – glamor/glamour (BrE)  
Dic (L5) surpass  greater than in degree/extent, superior to in excellence/achievement; beat, exceed, outperform; ~ the record/expectations  (P2-L11) grand  impressive in size/appearance/general effect; ~ scenery/house/occation highly ambitious or idealistic: ~ ideas/design  (L14) taper (tapering) to become gradually narrow; decrease, recede
(L15) daring; adventurous, courageous, fearless; ~ spacewalk, more/less ~ activity  -> dare (v) take a risk, challenge; I wouldn’t ~ to say it. (P3-L27) outrageous very bad, beyond reasonable limit; crazy, shocking, offending; ~ behavior/clothes  (P5-L35) distort to change the shape/appearance/sound (not in positive way); ~ the shape/voice, misinform/alter/falsify; ~ the truth/fact/image – distortion (n)  (L35) beam  long pieces of metal/stone used as support, ray of light, smile broadly  Dic(L38)sound(adj) sensible/thorough/logical/reasonable; ~judgement/advice/knowledge 
->(L46) soundness  (L49) tower over/above  to be much higher/taller/better than others: The cliff/mountain/boy/dancer ~ than other … (v) (P7-L64) rigid; hard/solid/stiff/strict/stern/fixed/inflexible <-> (L64) elasticity ; flexibility/adaptability  (L94) sprocket  (chainwheel) a toothed wheel engaging with a conveyor or power chain; gear  
Dic (L101) regulate  to control/adjust by a rule/principle; manage/organize/control; ~ expenses/temperature/a clock 
Dic (P11-L104) give credit for; praise/approval; I can’t take all the ~ for the success because it was a team effort. I gave him ~ for trying. C~ was given for good spelling.  (L105) marvel  a wonderful/surprising person/thing; wonder, miracle; the ~s of nature/technology (P12-L123) dazzle  to overpower/dim the vision of by intense light; He was ~d by the sudden sunlight.  to impress deeply; astonish with delight: The glorious palace dazzled him.
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level 
- A.  - revise  to change opinion/plan/book/document to correct/improve; ~d estimate/edition/draft ->revision
- credit (n)  (praise) approval; give/take ~ for, deserve ~ for
- (money) buy now pay later, money borrowed, money in bank, money back <-> debit (card)
- deserve  be entitled to, be qualified for: ~ a rest/praise/mention, ~ to win/be awarded
- elastic (rubber material that can stretch and resume normal shape), 
- B.  1. brief-briefer-briefest  3. draft
- C. Choose five activities and prioritize them in 1~5 
=> Ind. Speech Speak your opinion as to which activity you think should be regulated by the government more than the others in 60 seconds. => Q&A
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level 
- D. -> Read aloud=> Pair Read aloud by turns=> Switch the turn
[3] Read & Write-3  Unit 2 Food and Taste – Reading #1  Knowing Your Tastes
- Reading-2: Practice Reading aloud w/Audio
=> What do you think?/p.31: Speak five to eight sentences about your taste, in response to Q1 & Q2.
Write a summary of the text between 100 and 150 words 
=>email by Sep.25th
The kind of tongue a person has affects the person’s food selection and health. Taste buds, tiny bumps on the tongue, sense the taste such as sweet, sour, bitter or salty and send the message to the brain. The more taste buds a person has, the more sensitive the person is to bitter, fatty or spicy food. People with more taste buds are called Supertasters while those who have fewer are called Nontasters, who tend to enjoy hot and spicy food. Since either tasters choose or avoid certain foods, their diet isn’t always balanced, which could put them at risk for certain diseases. Therefore, it is helpful to know which kind of taster you are to choose better foods for your diet. (122 words)

Lesson Report-Adv.1-Sep.19th

[1] Kikutan-6K  Day 23: The Beginning of Room to Read
- Lis-1=> Write the MI in one sentence-
John Wood is the founder of an organization called Room to Read to provide books and build libraries and schools for children in Nepal and also in the world.
- Practice Vocabulary Chant
[2] Inside Reading-2  The Weather Goes to Court: Forensic Meteorology
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level 
- A. => Pair Read aloud: Odd numbers/Even numbers=> Switch
- B. interval Dic period of time/distance between two events/instants; between parts of play-> intermission (AmE)
- strategy Dic a long-term plan for success, esp in biz/politics; planning/conduct of a war; Strategy wins the war, tactics win the battle. marketing/financial/political/diplomatic/military ~/-ies: 
-> Strategy and action plan
[3] Open Forum  Chapter 8 Social Studies On-the-street interview about community involvement
- Lis-3 w/Script-> Study how the interviewees Answer => elaborate their answers
-> Vocabulary: social involvement, fund raising, sign petitions, prefer to, go out for dinner, 
get together with friends
  -> Expressions: it’s always easier to do something else.
It’s funny you should ask that,   I make my voice heard
- Speaking Skills-1: Elaborate your answers further and better- 2nd time
=> Pair 2-1. Local events and festivals 2. Do you volunteer or donate money to charities?
3. Family=> grandparents/relatives 4. How often do you go out with your friends?
- Pronunciation: Unstressed Object Pronouns
- I told him the news. – I told the news to him.
- He sent me a card. – He sent a card to me.
- Give me the gun. – Give the gun to me.
- Speaking Practice Situation 1, 2 Pair Try to let your partner know the issue and persuade him/her to join you.  
[4] Topic: Japan’s Oversea Military Role   
   =>Library Blog:  Japan's Oversea Military Role-Blog
 Discuss in Class. State an opinion or thought and support it clearly, with an example if possible.
-> Vocabulary: pacifist provisions in the constitution
 - pacifist (n) a person who supports pacifism 
   (adj) advocating, relating to, or characterized by pacifism
 - pacifism  the belief that violence of any kind is unjustifiable and that one should not participate in war             
- provision  supply, preparations, (legal) a condition or an arrangement; under the ~s of sth

Lesson Report Senior-1 September 19th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, September 19, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
The five-day weekend called Silver Week is starting!
Are you excited?
Do you think you should sleep for short time if you want to be successful in the future?
Do you agree with the Korean boy?
What do you recommend your friend to do if he or she wants to be successful in the future?
The presenter today was Sae.
She showed her black pencil case and told you about its story.
The next speaker on Wednesday is Tomoya.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 73 & 74
Practice: consist of ..., how to explain what Japan is like
Bridge Work
Chapter 31 Unit 2
Exercise-1 #3  Beethoven  Review
Grammar and Communication-2  受動態 ーallowed, required の受動態
Exercise-2 #2
Chapter 31 Unit 1  Vocabulary in Use #1 物質に関することば
Cover to Cover Unit 2  Part 2
The experts are wrong!
Fluency strategy: Skimming for the main idea
Checking Fluency and Comprehension
Expanding vocabulary A and B

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-3 September 19th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, September 19, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
The five-day weekend called Silver Week is starting!
Are you excited?
Are you told to clean your room on weekends?
Do you make an excuse in order not to clean your room like Sarah?
Are you sometimes asked to buy food for dinner?
Maybe it's good for you to help your mom with the housework during the long holiday!
The presenter today was Yoshiki.
He showed his baseball cap with eight autographs and told you about its story.
The next speaker on Wednesday is Shintaro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 73 & 74
Deep listening  Lesson 4
Bridge Work
Chapter 31 Unit 2
Exercise-1 #1  Review practice   You were told to ...
#2  Many things have been designed to ....
Chapter 31 Unit 1  Vocabulary in Use #1 物質に関することば

Have a great holiday!
See you on Wednesday.


Lesson Report Senior-1p September 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, September 19, 2015. 
It's sunny and beautiful today. 

Do you have any plans for the five-day weekend, or Silver Week?
Parents usually provide their children with everything they need.
You should appreciate what you are supplied by your parents.
Don't take it for granted!

<Lesson Review>
Deep listening Level 3  Lesson 14
Practice  'provide sb with sth', 'supply sb with sth'
Cover to Cover Unit 4
Part 1. Vocabulary review

Enjoy the long holiday!
See you all on Tuesday.


Lesson Report Junior-1 September 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, September 18, 2015.
It's cloudy today.
What do you usually eat for breakfast?
How long do you usually sleep at night?

<Lesson Review>
Chapter 5 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1
Exercise-1  #1, 2, and 3
This is Phonics   Murmuring vowels
Key Words => Jingle
Engage Unit 3
Speaking  Talk about your family

Have a great weekend!
See you on Tuesday.


Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Sep.18th

1. Kikutan-4K  Day 22: The History of Pasta
Summary: Pasta, which is made with flour, is eaten/enjoyed by people not only in Italy but also other places in the world.
2. Read & Write-2  Reading 2 : The Fastest Man on No Legs #1  Preview: Oscar Pistorius
Review Writing
Reference Reading Oscar Pistorius From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia => Blog
- CNN Video: 60sec Video
Task Post your comment in three sentences.
3. Tactics for Listening  Unit 18 Phone Messages
Getting Ready Pair How many phone calls, text messages do you make/send/post a day?
Listening-1  Listen and take memos to give the message to a partner in reported speech.
=> Pair 1/2, 3/4
1. David, who you met at Bob’s party with curly blond hair and green eyes, wants to see you again.
2. Sarah wants you to call back about the cute blond guy she and you met at the party.
3. Peter Rogers from Morning Star Travel called about your plane reservations.
4. Linda Wong wants you to call her on Saturday either in the morning or afternoon.
Listening-2  Take memos to describe what each in reported speech.=> Pair 1/2, 3/4, 5/6

Lesson Report Primary-2 September 18th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's sunny today!  It's nice to see the sun!
Picture Dictionary Topic 38 (1)を学習しました。
Oxford Discover student book P94, 95 を学習しました。
Oxford Discover workbook P80, 81を完成させました。
Support time中にfall, winter の単語を使ってBINGOをしました。
PS 9月22日(火)は休日ですが、MELスクールでは通常のレッスンがあります。お休みの生徒は必ず連絡をしてください。

<Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 38 (1
Sing chant
Write new words in notebook
Oxford Discover  Student Book Unit 9 P94, 95
Oxford Discover Workbook  P80, 81  make sentences and  present

Have a great long weekend!  Don’t forget we have classes on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 September 18th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.

It’s Saturday, September 19, 2015.  
It's sunny today.  
It's so nice to see the sun!
Picture Dictionary のTopic 10 (1) に入りました。
This is Phonics 2のP13, 14を完成させました。s, thの発音の違いを一生懸命
Up and Away Student Book Unit 7 What is he/she?を学習しました。この質問の
答え方も学習しました。Up and Away workbookのP13を解きました。 
Good work everyone!
PS  9月22日(火)は休日ですが、MELスクールでは通常のレッスンがありま

<Lesson Review> 
Picture Dictionary Topic 10 (1)
Sing the chant.
Write new words in your notebook
Do BINGO game using phonics 25 words from spelling list P4, 5, 6, +  days of
the week(summer HW) 
This is Phonics 2, Unit 1  Do P13,14
Up and Away student book  Unit 7, What is he/she?
Do Up and Away workbook P13

Have a wonderful long weekend!  See you Tuesday!
