Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, September 22, 2015.
It's sunny today.
How often do you clean your room?
Do you wash the dishes after dinner? Sometimes?
昨日のレッスンでは、新しい動詞 の使い方を練習しましたね!
when, how often, what time それぞれの使い方も学習しました。
家族紹介のShow and Tell は上手にできた人が多かったですね!
Great job!
<Lesson Review>
Chapter 6 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1 頻度の表し方
Exercise-1 #2-b
Grammar and Communication-2 動詞の紹介-2, How often ...?
Exercise-2 #1 and 2-a
This is Phonics Murmuring Vowels
Key Words => Jingle
Engage Unit 3
Show and Tell About your family
Enjoy the rest of the holiday.
See you on Thursday!
Towako and Miharu
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