=> Write a summary in 2~3 sentences
- perceive to become aware of/know/identify by the senses; notice, see, understand, recognize: I ~ed an object
~ a change in his voice. ->perception: the way you notice sth with the senses: visual ~
- vanity (n) excessive pride in appearance/qualities/abilities/achievements; arrogance, pride; injure/wound ~
<-> modesty ->vain (adj) useless-> in vain: without success
- exhaust to drain of strength/energy, wear out, or fatigue greatly, as a person: I have ~ed myself working.
[2] Read & Write-3 Unit 2 Food and Taste – Reading #2 Finding Balance in Food
- Review HW Summary of Reading 1
- Vocabulary: property a thing owned by sb; gov’t/one’s ~, land/buildings; ~ prices/tax, a quality/characteristic of sth
- Reading Skill: Previewing the Text-> B, C
- Listen to Q-classroom=> Main Idea, Detail
=> Speak a summary of the in 90 seconds. Try to use your own words.
- Read-> Underline the main idea of each paragraph and compare to the previous answers
=> Write a summary of the text in four to six sentences. Use your own words.
=> HW email by 10/2
It is important to eat various foods for health but how to maintain a good balance seems to vary by culture.
In France, people enjoy foods from other places of the country. They also prefer eating small amount food in different dishes such as an appetizer, main and side dishes, a salad and a dessert.
Chinese try to keep balance between warm foods like chicken and eggs and cool foods like tofu and carrots, which are called yang and yin respectively. They believe food plays an important role for one’s health like medicine and even use it to rebalance physical conditions.
It seems that balancing what and how to eat foods is unique to each culture.
- What do you think-B.2: Which foods did you use to dislike but now you eat often?
=> Speak your answer in response to the question in 60 seconds.
[3] Topic: Japan’s Oversea Military Role
Study the Blog: Japan's Oversea Military Role-Blog
-> Vocabulary: pacifist provisions in the constitution
- pacifist (n) a person who supports pacifism
(adj) advocating, relating to, or characterized by pacifism
- pacifism the belief that violence of any kind is unjustifiable and that one should not participate in war
- provision supply, preparations, (legal) a condition or an arrangement; under the ~s of sth
=> Post your comment on the Blog by 10/2
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