- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sen-> Lis-2=> Revise-> Shadow Reading=> Read aloud
Today’s baseball was born in the 19th century and is now played professionally in many places in the world.
=> Study Vocabulary: found, reform, strike, defeat, pastime
=> Dic strike –struck-struck hit sb/sth hard; struck by a car, struck sb in the face, struck the base
2. Read & Write-2 Writing: an opinion paragraph
- Review: Read the Writing aloud: A paragraph about your opinion in response to the question
Support your opinions with reasons and examples. Make sure to introduce your opinions with appropriate phrases, and end your paragraph with a strong concluding sentence.
=> Revise the paragraph=> Edit with Self-Assessment Checklist => Pair
3. Tactics for Listening Unit 18 Phone Messages
Listening-3 Take notes to tell the message to Daniel. => Pair 1/2, 3/4 => 2nd Round 2/1, 4/4
<= Script on Blog
- Pronunciation/p.73: Saying Phone Numbers
=> Tell a partner your/a phone number and what time you want him/her to call back=> Repeat
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