How are you doing?
It's Sunday, September 27, 2015.
The weather changed a lot today.
Did you understand the story in Cover to Cover today?
Last time, you had a very hard time to understand what is written in the textbook.
Now you understand if you try again, you have a better chance to learn many things from the same text.
We're learning about superstitions in many countries next time!
As for Show and Tell, the next speaker on Wednesday is Ayu.
Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 77 & 78
Bridge Work
Chapter 31 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3 受動態 ーhave to, be going to, used to の受動態
Chapter 31 Unit 1 Vocabulary in Use #2 文化や政治などに関することば
Cover to Cover
Unit 3 Part 1 A sixth sense?
Review reading => Looking at Vocabulary in Context
Part 2 Unlucky
for Some?
Fluency strategy: Prediction
the Topic
Fluency and Comprehension
Have a great week!
See you on Wednesday!Towako
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