MEL News March 2016

News-1 2016年度新学期ご案内

News-2 新入生のお申込み状況
Primary-1 クラス(おもに小学5年生対象) 定員まで残り1-2名
Junior-1E クラス(水・土 5:45-7:30 中学1年生対象) 定員まで残り数名
Junior-1Lクラス(火・金 7:30-9:15 中学対象) 定員に達しています

1.MEL Schoolの第五期生が2月27日に最後のレッスンを終えました。中学1年から6年間、大学受験中もほとんど休まずに頑張ってくれた生徒もいて感無量です。

2.中3以上のクラスでTOEIC、TOEIC Bridgeの IPテストを3月15、16日のレッスン時に行います。
受験料はTOEIC 4,155円、TOEIC Bridge 2,915円です。

3.2016年度のクラス編成と授業料改定はMEL News 2月号でご案内しています。


MEL School 三鷹


2016年度 Senior-3コースのご案内

- 語彙・リスニング: 現在使用中の教材(アルク)を使って引き続き聞く、まとめる、ことばを使う練習
- リスニング: 現在使用中の大学生向けテキスト (Open Forum-1/Oxford)を使って聞く、話す練習
- 読解・語彙: 現在使用中のテキスト(Inside Reading-2/Oxford)を使って読む力と語彙対応力を強化
- ライティング: 現在使用中の読解と語彙のテキスト (Oxford)終了後は時事テーマや入試問題も使って練習
- ライティングは引き続きパソコンやタブレットPCなどでキーボード入力して作成します(スマホ不可)

当クラスのレッスンは 木曜日7:30-9:30     土曜日 5:00-7:00  になります。
<コースの費用>  (各消費税8%込み)
・月謝 (月8回分)    33,480円 (消費税抜き31,000)
・教材費                                        月謝に含まれます)       
・テキスト代              3,500  (Writing
・登録サービス料 4か月分)  3,240  (4か月分の月謝を一括で納入頂く場合は不要です)
お振込み先:三菱東京UFJ銀行 三鷹支店 普通 1560629  株式会社AIDEA  

MEL School 三鷹

Senior-2 コースのご案内

2016年度 Senior-2コースのご案内

- 読解: 高校中級レベルの読解テキストを使って、理解を確認しながら語彙を広げる学習します。
- リスニング・スピーキング:大学生向けの教材を使って実践的なコミュニケーションの仕方を練習します。
- 読解とライティング: 分かりやすい文章を書くための教材を使って要約やパラグラフの書き方を練習します。
- ライティングは大学での授業やTOFLE試験への練習も兼ねて、タブレットPCやパソコンでキーボード入力して作成します(スマホは不可)。

当クラスのレッスンは火曜日7:30-9:30    金曜日 7:30-9:30 です。

<コースの費用>  (各消費税8%込み)
・月謝 (月8回分)     33,480円 (消費税抜き31,000)
・教材費                      月謝に含まれます)       
・テキスト代              9,390 Read & Write, Tactics for Listening, Cover to Cover-2
・登録サービス料        3,240   (4か月分の月謝を一括で納入頂く場合は不要です)
お振込み先:三菱東京UFJ銀行 三鷹支店 普通 1560629   株式会社AIDEA  

MEL School 三鷹



2016年度 Advancing-2コースのご案内
- 語彙・リスニング: 現在使用中の教材(アルク)を使って引き続き聞く、まとめる、ことばを使う練習
- ライティング: 現在在使用中の読解と語彙のテキストの上位レベル(Oxford)に移行してエッセイを書く練習
- リスニング: 現在使用中の大学生向けテキストの上位レベル (Open Forum-2/Oxford)で聞く、話す練習
- 読解・語彙: 現在使用中のテキストの上位レベル (Inside Reading-3/Oxford)を使って更に語彙対応力を強化
- テーマ学習: 時事問題の読解や視聴、及び、My Global Learningを適宜行います。

当クラスのレッスンは 水曜日7:30-9:30   土曜日 7:30-9:30  です

<コースの費用>  (各消費税8%込み)
・月謝 (月8回分)         33,480円 (消費税抜き31,000)
・教材費                                       (月謝に含まれます)       
・テキスト代                    9,900   (Reading\3,600, Listening\2,800, Writing \3,500
・登録サービス料             3,240  (4か月分の月謝を一括で納入頂く場合は不要です)
お振込み先:三菱東京UFJ銀行 三鷹支店 普通 1560629  株式会社AIDEA  

MEL School 三鷹

Lesson Report-Adv.1-Feb.27th

1. Kikutan-6K  Day 43: Flu Season
Because there is no cure for the flu, it’s important for everyone to try to prevent it from spreading to others. Paraphrase => Dic-> Expression-> Chant
- remedy  sth that cures or relieves a disease or bodily disorder; cure, solution, treatment: ~ for/to a problem
- diminish  to make/cause to seem smaller, less, less important; lessen; reduce: decrease: resources are ~ing.
2. Inside Reading-2  Unit 9 True and Faults   Reading- 2  Playing with the Pixels
- Preview: alter to change, to become/make sb/sth different; change, revise, adjust, modify, amend
- falsify, forge, fake, counterfeit, manipulate  doctor (v)  to change sth to deceive sb; falsify 
- Check the title, headings, image/captions-> Predict the topic
- Skim the text: Introduction, the first and last sentence of each paragraph and the last paragraph.
=> Speak the main ideas in sentence
Even with restrictions, photos are taken or altered intentionally and don’t always show the truth.
- Read-1 for Reading Comprehension  T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements. Mark the key words to look for the answers before reading.
3. Open Forum-1 Chapter 12 Law  Radio Call-in Program about Legal Questions  
A = Host,  B = Patty,  C = Sarah Cole(legal expert),  D = Andrew
Before listening  What would you do if you found something valuable like an iPad or 10 lottery tickets on the street and no one was around you?
-> Vocabulary: ethic-ethical, liable-liability
- 1st Listening: Main Ideas, More Details=> Pair-1
[A] Describe Patty’s problem in the first person speech
=> Give the legal expert’s answer in the first person speech.
[B] Describe Andrew’s problem in the first person speech
=> Give the legal expert’s answer in the first person speech.
- 2nd Listening=> Pair-2 Switch the roles
[A] Describe Patty’s problem in the first person speech
=> Give the legal expert’s answer in the first person speech.
[B] Describe Andrew’s problem in the first person speech
=> Give the legal expert’s answer in the first person speech.
=> What do you think?  Discuss with a partner what you would do if you were Patty. 

Lesson Report-Adv.2-Feb.27th

[1] Listening & Vocabulary: Kikutan-6K  Day 40: Canada’s National Parks
In Canada, three percent of the land is assigned as national parks to conserve nature and wildlife there.
- foster  - to promote the growth/development of; further; encourage, promote, support: ~ new ideas  
- to bring up, raise, as a foster child: ~ father/parent/family/home/child
- conservation -> conserve  - to use or manage (natural resources) wisely; preserve; save, protect
   - to prevent injury, decay, waste, or loss of: ~ your strength for the race.
[2] Speaking Practice
What have you learned the most in MEL School?
What are you going to do in college?
What do you think is important for the future?
[3] My Global Learning Program-3  The Pacific War
7. Korea's aftermath of the war
8. East Asia: China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan
- 1. Review how the four east-Asian countries were ruled and lead after the war.
- 2. Review how the four east-Asian countries restored and developed their economy.
- 3. Compare the paths those four countries took to that of Japan. 
=> What have you learned from the history of East Asia and/or through MGL? 

Lesson Report Junior-3 February 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's everything going?
It's Saturday
, February 27, 2016.
It's beautiful and warm today.
Was it difficult for you to understand the example sentences in VIU today?
It seemed that you have a lot of things to work with.
Please try to review what you learned whenever you have time.
Our speaker today was Haruka.
She said she would get up early enough to eat breakfast.
The next speaker is Ami.
Get ready for your speech!

< Lesson Review>

Small Talk: Can you tell me what you ate for lunch or dinner today?
基礎英語 Lessons 159 & 160
Summarizing the week
Bridge Work
Chapter 34 Unit 2  page 143
Vocabulary in Use #2 批評などに関することば(1)  Fill in the blanks to compete the sentences. => Practice reading aloud with the tablet

Have a great week.
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-1 February 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, February 27, 2016.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Did you enjoy reading a story in English?
You read two stories yesterday.
One is about a ski trip, and the other is about an old hunter living in the mountains.

  <Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 11 Unit 2
Let's learn!  #22-26
Extra Reading Ski trip to Mammoth Mountain
Chapter 12 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication - Bonus 天気の表し方
Exercise #3
Grammar in Use  An old hunter

Have a great weekend.

See you all on Tuesday.


Lesson Report Primary-2 February 26th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's February 27, 2016.  
It's sunny today!
Picture Dictionary Topic48 (4) を学習しました。
Oxford Discover Student Book P182, 183 ShouldShouldn'tの使い方を学習しました。
Oxford Discover Workbook P159 の問題を解きました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 47 (4)
Sing chant
Play word game in groups
Oxford Discover Student book  P 182, 183  Should and Shouldn't
Oxford Discover workbook P159

Have a wonderful weekend!
See you!


Lesson Report Primary-1 February 26th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's February 27, 2016.  

It's sunny today! 
Picture Dictionary
Topic 20(4)を学習しました。

This is Phonics
2 Unit 3 P37Chantを唄いました。
Up and Away Student Book Unit 25P58, 59, 60, 61)の復習をしました。
ペアワークで練習し、発表もしました。Good work everyone!
Up and Away reader book DP12-17の音読をしました。
Adjectives の単語を探し、線を引きました。

Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 20 (
Sing the chant

Do BINGO game

This is Phonics 2  Sing P37 ,sing chant,  read words,  and practice. 
Up and Away student book Unit 25 (P58-61)  Read story and practice out loud
Up and Away  reader book 1D Read out loud P12-17 
Look for adjectives and underline

Have a great weekend!  

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Feb.26th

1. Kikutan-4K  Week 7 Review  Communication Devices of the Future
Like smartphones appeared only in science fiction world 20 years ago, it’s hard to imagine what sort of communication device will be used in the future.
2. Inside Reading-2  Unit 2  Reading-2 Product Placement
Before you Read: Think of any movies or TV programs that some products or services are shown or used. Are you more likely to buy or use such products or services?
- Previewing and Predicting
-> Skim the Text by marking the topic and underlining the topic sentence of each paragraph.
=>Blog Write what this magazine article is about in one sentence.
Sponsors use product placement on various media as an effective tool to reach and influence consumers. 
- Read-1 -> Check and study if and how the topic and main idea is supported and explained in each par.
-> Reading Comprehension: T/F, Mark the paragraph #, Correct false statements.
3. Open Forum-1 Chapter 2 Literature   #2: Informal Conversation about Books - Listening-1/by Person-> Try to get the Main Ideas
- Listening-2/by Person-> More Details=> Write the Main Idea in the Textbook
=> Ineg. Speech Explain each person’s reading experience
=> Thinking and Speaking/p.14 => Pair
=> ☆ Explain When you choose a book to read, what influences you the most, the title, cover, description, someone’s recommendation, readers’ reviews or comments? Answer the question in 90 seconds

Lesson Report Junior-2 February 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, February 26, 2016.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
How did you find Yuki's email to her friends?
Do you want to travel abroad with your friends like someday?
By the way, when you finish your exams at school in March, your spring break will come closer.
What do you look forward to doing during the spring break?
いよいよBridge to MEL-2 の最終チャプターに入りましたね。
Wow, you've come a long way!!
Hope you'll be ready for starting the next book!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 24 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-3  to -
Exercise-3  Review
Let's check-3
Let's check-4
Chapter 24 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3  接続詞のまとめ
Exercise-3 #4
Let's check-3
Grammar in Use  Email from Yuki to Jennifer, Sally, and Luna
Chapter 25  Grammar and Communication-1  look forward to -ing, can't help -ing
Exercise-1 #1-a, 1-b, and 2
基礎英語 Lesson 153 & 154

Have a wonderful week.
See you next week!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-1 February 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, February 26, 2016.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Did you enjoy reading a story in English?
You read two stories yesterday.
One is about a ski trip, and the other is about an old hunter living in the mountains.
次回はChapter 12 Unit 1のKey Communication test です。

  <Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 11 Unit 2
Let's learn!  #22-26
Extra Reading Ski trip to Mammoth Mountain
Chapter 12 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication - Bonus 天気の表し方
Exercise #3
Grammar in Use  An old hunter
Key Communication practice

Have a great weekend.

See you all on Monday.

 Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report Junior-3 February 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday
, February 25, 2016.
It's beautiful and cold today.
It's been really cold these days.
Most of you finished your exams. Some took Eiken interview tests, and others took the high school entrance exams.
In any case, I hope you're getting good results!
Our speaker yesterday was Shun.
He said he would read a lot of books, which he couldn't do last year.
The next speaker is Haruka.
Get ready for your speech!

< Lesson Review>

基礎英語 Lessons 157 & 158
Bridge Work
Chapter 34 Unit 2  page 143
Vocabulary in Use #1 申込みや参加に関することば(2)  Practice reading aloud with the tablet
Chapter 35 Unit 1
Chapter 35 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 Relative pronouns - what
Exercise-1 #1 and 2

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Feb.24th

1. Kikutan-6K  Day 42  The Trouble with Leather
- Listen-> Read aloud=> Tell-1 a summary in 2-3 sen-> Read aloud=> Tell-2->Practice Chant
Chemicals are used to color leather products. But they are both physically and environmentally harmful and dangerous. The industry tries to regulate the use of such chemicals by setting safety procedures.
2. Read & Write-2 Unit 8 Stories  Writing: Write a Narrative
- Grammar: Simple Past & Past Continuous -> A-> B-> C
- Writing Skill: Setting, Sequence, Sensory Details-> A-> B-> C 
- Writing: Write a narrative about a special event/incident you attended/took part in/were involved.
-> Use the steps in Reading 2.  
-> Tip/p.158  Think carefully before writing. => Plan 
What was the event/incident for? Who were the organizer and attendees? 
<= Use adjectives to describe them.
When and where did the event/incident take place?
How did the event go? 
<= Use sensory details to make the narrative more realistic and interesting to the reader.
Write the topics of the event/incident in order.
=>Blog Write a narrative about a special event/incident you attended/took part in/were involved in two paragraphs, one to introduce the event/incident and the other to describe it. Try using connotations. 
=> by Feb.29th

Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Feb.23rd

1. Kikutan-4K  Day 40  Cellphone Manners
Cellphones are so convenient that are used by almost everyone. However, they aren’t always considerate as to how to use cellphones especially in busy places. People should improve their manners when they use cellphones.
2. Read & Write-2   Unit 8 Stories  Writing: Write a Narrative
- Grammar: Simple Past & Past Continuous -> A-> B-> C
- Writing Skill: Setting, Sequence, Sensory Details-> A-> B-> C 
- Writing: Write a narrative about a special event/incident you attended/took part in/were involved.
=> Blog
3. Inside Reading-2  Unit 2 The Business of Branding  Reading-1 The Power of Branding
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level 
- A. 3. lesser (adv) lesser-known  (adj) insignificant, inferior <-> greater
- Corpus-1: medium (n) – media -> Dic
=> B. Write sentences: The/A ~ is a medium that …
- Corpus-2: subsidize (v) -subsidization(n) Dic
to give money to get started/operated, finance, sponsor, fund: school is ~d by the government.
subsidy (n) money paid to help a service running/product competitive: agriculture/housing ~
=> C. Discuss what businesses, products, and services are subsidized by the government and why.
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- presume - to take for granted, assume, or suppose: I ~d him to be …, It is ~d that he died young.
- D. Mark the word/phrase to be restated by the word in parentheses with the same part of speech. 
=> Restate only the essential information using the words in parentheses.
2. corporate (adj) decide what you want your ads to develop in your corporate plan.
3. symbolize (v) Plan what your products should symbolize and how it is shown to consumers.
4. theme (n) To promote the brand name, try using a theme that isn’t associated with your product directly.
5. consume (v) Make sure to try showing your ad plan checking the response and/or reaction before the ad budget is consumed.
6. presume (v) Never presume the effectiveness of your ads without testing.
- E. Collocation -> Check the dictionary if there is a collocation dictionary.
☆ Ind. Speaking Talk about a brand you like and why? Answer in 60 sec.=> Pair 

Lesson Report Primary-2 February 23rd

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School. 
It's February 23, 2016.  
It's sunny today!
Picture Dictionary Topic48 (3) を学習しました。
Oxford Discover Student Book P178, 179Gingerbread manのお話をもう一度音読しました。パート分けしてもしました。
Good work everyone! P180, 181を学習しました。
Oxford Discover Workbook P158の問題を解きました。

<Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 47 (3) 
Sing chant
Play word game
Oxford Discover Student book  P 178,179  
Review story about Gingerbread man. Do P180,181
Oxford Discover workbook P158

Have a wonderful week! 
See you in a couple of days!


Lesson Report Primary-1 February 23rd

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It’s February 24, 2016.
It's sunny today!
Picture Dictionary 
Topic 20 (3)を学習しました。
Great work!
This is Phonics 2 Unit 2 P21 Chantを唄いました。
P 35 の単語をリピートし、ミニテストをしました。
Up and Away Student Book Unit 19 のWhat's your phone number? How old are you?の復習をしました。
ペアワークで練習しました。Good work everyone!

Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 20 (
Sing the chant 
Do word game  Write words on board
This is Phonics 2 Sing P21  read words,  and practice. 
Divide class into 2 groups. Write words on board.
Up and Away student book Unit 19  What`s your phone number?  How old are you?   
Read sentences, practice and make your own sentences and present.

Have a great week!  
See you soon !