Lesson Report-Adv.1-Feb.27th

1. Kikutan-6K  Day 43: Flu Season
Because there is no cure for the flu, it’s important for everyone to try to prevent it from spreading to others. Paraphrase => Dic-> Expression-> Chant
- remedy  sth that cures or relieves a disease or bodily disorder; cure, solution, treatment: ~ for/to a problem
- diminish  to make/cause to seem smaller, less, less important; lessen; reduce: decrease: resources are ~ing.
2. Inside Reading-2  Unit 9 True and Faults   Reading- 2  Playing with the Pixels
- Preview: alter to change, to become/make sb/sth different; change, revise, adjust, modify, amend
- falsify, forge, fake, counterfeit, manipulate  doctor (v)  to change sth to deceive sb; falsify 
- Check the title, headings, image/captions-> Predict the topic
- Skim the text: Introduction, the first and last sentence of each paragraph and the last paragraph.
=> Speak the main ideas in sentence
Even with restrictions, photos are taken or altered intentionally and don’t always show the truth.
- Read-1 for Reading Comprehension  T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements. Mark the key words to look for the answers before reading.
3. Open Forum-1 Chapter 12 Law  Radio Call-in Program about Legal Questions  
A = Host,  B = Patty,  C = Sarah Cole(legal expert),  D = Andrew
Before listening  What would you do if you found something valuable like an iPad or 10 lottery tickets on the street and no one was around you?
-> Vocabulary: ethic-ethical, liable-liability
- 1st Listening: Main Ideas, More Details=> Pair-1
[A] Describe Patty’s problem in the first person speech
=> Give the legal expert’s answer in the first person speech.
[B] Describe Andrew’s problem in the first person speech
=> Give the legal expert’s answer in the first person speech.
- 2nd Listening=> Pair-2 Switch the roles
[A] Describe Patty’s problem in the first person speech
=> Give the legal expert’s answer in the first person speech.
[B] Describe Andrew’s problem in the first person speech
=> Give the legal expert’s answer in the first person speech.
=> What do you think?  Discuss with a partner what you would do if you were Patty. 

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