Lesson Report-Adv.1-Feb.17th

1. Kikutan-6K  Day 41  Organic Cotton
Cotton is most widely used material for clothes. But to grow cotton, a lot of chemicals are used which is harmful to both human health and environment. More organic cotton is being grown and used because it doesn’t use any of such chemicals.
2. Read & Write-2 Unit 8 Stories  Write a narrative about a special event
Blog Review the summary of the story in 100 words/6-8 sentences =>Blog Sample Summary
Reading 2 : Writing a Short Story
- Vocabulary: resolve-resolution, time span; a distance, amount, piece
- Reading-1-> Main Ideas, Details
- Vocabulary Skill: Connotations  (an association or idea suggested by a word or phrase; implication)
=> What do you think? B.2 
(1) Identify the challenge and conflict The Hodja faces in the story. 
- To stay out in a freezing temperature or give up the challenge. (par.7)
- To accept the blame his friends made on him and invite them for/to dinner. (par.12)
(2)Blog Tell what those challenges and conflicts are and how the Hodja resolves them in 3-4 sen respectively.
3. Inside Reading-2  Unit 9 True and Faults   Reading-1  A Game of Checkers
- Blog Review the Summary of the article in four to six sentences/100 words.
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level 
- A. 1. seemingly->seeming: apparent   5. admit, grant, concede; give in, confess, acknowledge  
7. submit to; comply, endure, agree, surrender  show up ; arrive, attend, appear, turn up    put up with; bear, tolerate, accept, stand for, allow   8. attribute; assign, connect, blame, associate, refer
- B. Dic grant (v); allow, authorize, permit, accept, allocate, assign, give, award: ~ permission, a request, a wish 
grant (n); allowance, allocation, gift, donation endowment, award, reward, scholarship 
- take it for granted (that…) to accept without question or objection; assume: I took ~ that she’d always be around.
- take sb/sth for granted to be so used to sb/sth w/o recognizing the true value any more: She took her husband ~, We often take water ~. 
- Corpus - perceive  to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses: notice, recognize, observe, identify: I ~d an object looming through the mist. I ~d a change in his behavior. 
perceive (as) sth  to understood/thought in a particular way; The discovery was ~ d as a major breakthrough.
-> perception: visual/color ~, show ~ in sth 
->C. Check the things if they could be replaced by a word of sensation (see, hear, etc) 
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- Corpus   ignore  pay no attention to sth; disregard, neglect, reject: He ~d the sign/warning/advice.
-be ignorant (of/about) lacking knowledge/info; innocent, unaware, uninformed, : an ~ person, ~ of/about computer 
- D. Rephrase the words/phrases with ignore or ignorant of/about.
5. leave out not to include/mention: L~ of the argument. I felt left out.
5. go away  to leave a person/place, to disappear: the smell still hasn’t gone away.
- Word Form Chart succeed - attain good outcome; achieve, realize, get, win: Our efforts succeeded. ~ in sth/-ing - take the place of; assume, replace, take over: ~ sb as president, ~ was ~ed by sth, ~ing generations/events

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