Lesson Report-Adv.1-Feb.24th

1. Kikutan-6K  Day 42  The Trouble with Leather
- Listen-> Read aloud=> Tell-1 a summary in 2-3 sen-> Read aloud=> Tell-2->Practice Chant
Chemicals are used to color leather products. But they are both physically and environmentally harmful and dangerous. The industry tries to regulate the use of such chemicals by setting safety procedures.
2. Read & Write-2 Unit 8 Stories  Writing: Write a Narrative
- Grammar: Simple Past & Past Continuous -> A-> B-> C
- Writing Skill: Setting, Sequence, Sensory Details-> A-> B-> C 
- Writing: Write a narrative about a special event/incident you attended/took part in/were involved.
-> Use the steps in Reading 2.  
-> Tip/p.158  Think carefully before writing. => Plan 
What was the event/incident for? Who were the organizer and attendees? 
<= Use adjectives to describe them.
When and where did the event/incident take place?
How did the event go? 
<= Use sensory details to make the narrative more realistic and interesting to the reader.
Write the topics of the event/incident in order.
=>Blog Write a narrative about a special event/incident you attended/took part in/were involved in two paragraphs, one to introduce the event/incident and the other to describe it. Try using connotations. 
=> by Feb.29th

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