Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Feb.2nd

1. Kikutan-4K  Day 37 The Secret Collection of Information
Internet sites gather information of the visitors when they access their websites.
Many companies have dedicated group of people to make use of the information they gather from the visitors. Such information and access data are often collected without agreement.
2. Typing Practice  http://www.learntyping.org/  Free Typing Test F Free Typing Test G
Advanced Typing Skills-7, Free Typing Test H
3. Read & Write-2  Unit 8 Stories  Reading 1: Nasreddin Hondja and the Candle
- Words & Expressions (Par.1) brag  to speak of (one's own achievements, possessions) arrogantly   strike out  to set forth; venture forth: She struck out on her own at the age of 18. 
(par.5) make/strike a bargain Dic to agree on terms -> bargain (n) an agreement or contract establishing between parties, sth bought/offered at a low price: a ~ at an auction, a ~ price   - bargain (v)  (par.9) stroll  to walk about in a leisurely manner (par.11) glow  light emitted by a substance or object at a high temperature, a steady even light without flames  (par.11) reluctantly -> reluctant; unwilling, hesitant -> reluctance
- Reading Skill: Summarizing
☆Tip/p.149: You don’t have to use the same tense as the original but you can write the summary in the present.
-> B. Complete the summary of the first part
☆ Blog Guidelines to Write a Summary
=> Retell-2 the whole story in four to six to eight sentences
=> Write a Summary of the story in six to eight sentences.
=>HW by Feb.7
4. Inside Reading-2  Unit 1  Reading-2  Understanding Philly’s Basement
> Study Sentences-2:   [L90-P9] Their clever tunneling ~ in the city. 
[L110-P10] Responder is equipped with ~ the pipe walls. 
[L115-P11] Locating problem is ~ the bulk of the job. 
-> Study Words/Expressions [P1] rock-solid   vast (very large in size, extent, degree, or number): the ~ majority of the attendees, the ~ number of bison, sewer, archaeology-archaeological-archaeologist  [P2] sinkhole  rig (truck), Interstate 99  [P4] liberal-liberally: openly, broadly   in no particular order, document (v)  ethnic: racial, cultural, ~ group, ~ bias   [P5] scatter (to throw about in various directions ) disperse, spread  [P7] trace-tracer (find/discover sb/sth by searching, find the origin/cause of sth) track down, discover   [P8] penetrate (pass into/through, enter the interior of, obtain a share of: invade, go though/into)   radar pulse (rhythm, beat, vibration),  nano- (very small, one-billionth), bounce back: rebound   [P9] unravel: unfold, solve, resolve, clear up - ravel (to make a situation/problem more complicated)  notwithstanding: nonetheless, nevertheless, despite  abandoned tunnel: deserted, left out  smuggle-smuggler (to import or export prohibited or dutiable goods secretly)  [P10] corrode-corrosion (to eat/be eaten away by chemical action as in the oxidation or rusting of a metal), Dic register (record a name on an official list, ->an instrument shows/records amount) [P11] bulk: main part, most, majority  [P12] resin[z] 松やに harden <-> soften, 

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