How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, October 21, 2014.
It was cloudy and rainy today.
You learned what famous people done in English.
Do you remember what to say things in the past in English?
Next time, you'll have the presentation test.
Please get prepared well and try your best!
Our speaker today was Mahiro.
She talked about ice from Antarctica.
She ate the ice! Wow!
The next speaker is Sho.
Get ready for your speech!
<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 93 & 94
Bridge Work
Chapter 31 Unit 1Grammar and Communication-1 受動態
Exercise-1 #3-a. Review reading
Grammar and Communication-2 by を使う受動態
Exercise-2 #1, 3
Chapter 30 Unit 2 Vocabulary in Use #1
Preparing for the presentation test
Have a great week.
See you on Friday!
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