・Vocabulary in Use
・10月号基礎英語3: Listen to Communicate Listen w/o Textbook=> Task-> Read
- L-91 Listen & Explain what a spelling bee is about.
- L-92 Listen & Repeat=> Shadow => One More Thing/p.71: it’s ~ of sb to …
・Cover to Cover Unit 5 Part 2 A Team Player
- Review Reading w/CD
- Com Task 2. (Par.4) 私が社会において他人に誠実であるということが何かを学ぶのに多くの年月がかかった。: It took me many years to learn what being sincere to others means in the society.
- Expanding Vocabulary A, B
- Vocabulary: colleague, aspect, organize, I was confident that ~, come to understand, whisper, briefly, reach an agreement, (put) emphasis on
- What do you think?: Choose a topic and prepare your answer in three to five sentences.=> Pair
Try these! When it comes to ~, I put more emphasis on the (ind./group) than (group/ind.) because …
・Read & Write Unit 8 Honesty: Honesty and Parenting
Reading Comprehension from Q-Skills: Dishonest Journalism
1. Identify what the bold pronouns refer to.
2. Describe an incident or your experience of dishonesty in five to eight sentences.
=> Pair Explain what you think w/o the writing and Add your opinion/thought.
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