・Vocabulary in Use C33-U1 #1: Voc, Sentences, practice
2. 11月号基礎英語3: Listen to Communicate Listen w/o Textbook=> Task-> Read
- L-95 Listen & Repeat=> Shadow Reading
- L-96 Listen & Repeat=> Shadow Reading=> One More Thing/p.91: anything
3. Cover to Cover Unit 6 Part 1: The Secret to a Long Life
- Review Reading w/CD
- Com Task-1 Write in Japanese 1. Pr-3: Factors like war ~. When a country’s ~ .
2. Pr-6: She couldn’t see clearly enough ~ to do it for her.
- Vocabulary: disprove, life expectancy, developed country-developing country, lie in, genes, martial status, appear to, tend to, gender, on average, take a risk, give up ~ing
- Communication Task-2 Use seem to, appear to, and tend to as used in the text.
1. 婚姻の有無は平均余命に影響を与えるようだ。=>Marital status seems to affect life expectancy.
2. 結婚している男性達は、独身の男性たちよりもより健康的な食べ物を食べ、より少ない危険を冒す傾向があるので、平均するとより長く生きるようだ。=> Married men appear to live longer on average because they tend to eat healthier food and take fewer risks than single men.
=>Pair Talk about the oldest person you know. Describe his/her lifestyle, how he/she lives with others.
4. Read & Write Unit 8 Honesty: Honesty and Parenting
- Writing Skill-2 Q-Classroom: Writing Skills – Writing Concluding Sentences
Read the paragraphs. Underline the key point and write a concluding sentence for each paragraph.
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