Lesson Report-Senior 2-Oct.18th

・Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Grammar: C31-U2: G&C-3  passive with modal verbs, Grammar writing Round 2
- Vocabulary in Use: C31-U1 #2
Cover to Cover   Unit 9  Part 1: Understanding Ourselves
- Before Reading: rebellious, active, reserved, dependable
- Comprehension Strategy: Recognizing Reference Words - it, them, this, that, etc.
- Reading-1 => Task-A => Checking Comprehension
- Reading-2 with CD -> Read aloud: Pr-5~9
☆Mark the first word(s) of each paragraph to understand the structure of the text.
Com Task-1 Paragraph-5 “theories about where personality and behavior come from”
人の個性や振舞いに影響を与える要因の1つは遺伝子で、個性は主に遺伝によるとする考え方がある。また、人が育つにつれて環境や育てられ方がその人の個性に影響するという理論がある。他にも血液型や、兄弟姉妹の有無や長子・末子といった兄弟間の位置が個性に影響するという考えもある。 (134字)
Read & Write Unit 8  Honesty: is it ever OK to lie?
Before Writing <=Reversed Order
Q-Classroom: Writing Skills – Writing Concluding Sentences
Read the paragraphs. Underline the key point and write a concluding sentence for each paragraph.
A/K 1. I don’t like to lie but I wanted to help him.  2. Honesty can lead to riches that are more valuable than money.  3. No matter what happens, always be honest.  4. Now, instead of lying, I just say, “I don’t know.”  5. Now I try to believe students more.  6. For me, honesty is the best policy.
- Grammar: Infinitives of Purpose A=> B: write “because” clause as well. => Compare

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