Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
How positive do you think you are compared to most of your classmates?
Being positive is a good start for anything. Nothing can be achieved without positive attitude and hard work before praying for luck.
So, attitude, action and achievement seem to be the key words for your success!
[1] Bridge Work: C29-U2 Have you ever been to Oxford before?
- G&C-2 -> Ex.2
[2] Vocabulary in Use/Asai: C28-U1 #2 人の生活や一生に関することば
✩Practice Reading: Words, Sentences => Voc-Writing ✩Practice Reading
[3] Deep Listening -3: Lesson 16 Famine in Ireland
- Vocabulary: famine, the former-the latter, emigrate-immigrate, starve-starving-starvation
[4] Read & Write: Unit 4 Positive Thinking: What are the benefits of positive thinking?
Review Reading-1: The Power of Positive Thinking?
- Vocabulary-> Dic how to look up a phrasal verb: work out, give up, hand sth in, hand sth out
- Reading Skill: Making Inferences-> A/p.66: -> Identify the key words in the text that made you find the answers
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