Do you believe in ESP or think it's just coincidence? Whether you believe or not, some people are really in it and spend fortune to get prediction for their future. Do you want to know what will, or likely to happen in the future?
[1] Vocabulary in Use C36-U2 #1: 訳 Voc Writing Phrase
[2] Bridge Work: C36-U2 - G&C-1 whatever, whoever #1
[3] Read & Write Unit 5 Vacation: why is vacation important?
- Vocabulary Skills: Compound Nouns-> A, B
- Writing Skill: Using correct paragraph structure/p.94-95 <= ☆ Using Time Order Words/p.74
[4] Cover to Cover Review - Unit 3 Part 1: An Extra Sense
Reading-3 with CD => Read aloud: Pr.5
Task-1(Pr-5) Many people think ESP doesn’t existについて、以下に続く具体的な説明をまとめなさい
Review Reading=> Comm Task-2
1. (pr-2)彼女は、先月その語学コースを受講登録するまでずっと、何かやりがいのあることを常にしたがっていた。
She had always wanted to do something challenging until she signed up for the language course last month.
2. (pr-2)その超能力者は、彼女がそれを見ていなければ知り得ない何かを、その刑事に語った。
The psychic told the detective something that she couldn’t have known if she hadn’t seen it.
- Vocabulary: psychic, client, sense-sensory, perceive-perception, skeptical, clues, term, experiment, predict-prediction, skeptical-skeptics, turn out to be
-> Vocabulary in Context
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