Lesson Report-Senior 1-Sep.30th

・Bridge Work  C32-U2: G&C-3 => Ex-3, Gr. Writing pages 33-34
・Vocabulary in Use  C32-U2 #1: Voc, Sentences, practice
・10月号基礎英語3: Listen to Communicate  Listen w/o Textbook=> Task-> Read
- L-81 Listen & Repeat=> Shadow
- L-82 Listen & Explain what they wanted to do, what they are thinking of doing tomorrow and why.
- L-83 Listen & Repeat=> Read to practice how to use “mind” => Shadow
- L-84 Listen & Explain how Abby taught Momo to throw a ball: try –ing, try to/p.30
・Cover to Cover   Unit 5 Part 1 Learning in America
Before Reading: How do the teachers run classes? How do the students study in classes?
Comprehension Strategy: Recognizing common reference words – himself, it, this, they, each other
Read-1 -> Task-A-> Checking Comprehension/p.60
Read-2 with CD -> Read aloud: Par-5, 6, 7
Com Task-1 1. (Par-6) While I missed the respect shown to ~ in the American university.
2. (Par-7) I learned about differences in cultures and ~ influenced my life.
・Read & Write  Unit 7 Music: How does music make you feel?
Review Writing: Mark TS, SS and CS. Check punctuation

Lesson Report Primary-2 September 30th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Wednesday October 1, 2014. It`s sunny today.
Picture Dictionary Topic 35 Polar Regions (4)を学習しました。
This is Phonics2 Consonant Blends P43を学習しました。
Grammar Starter P36 Exercise 3,4 を完成させました。
Up and Away reader book 3B のプリント(P5)完成させました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 35 (4) Polar Regions
Sing chant
Do worksheet
This is Phonics 2. Consonant Blends Unit 3 P43 Read words, listen and repeat after CD.
Grammar Starter P 36 Exercise 3,4. Do exercise , read and repeat, present with pair
Up and Away Reader Book A (プリント 5)

Have a good week! 
See you on Friday.


Lesson Report Primary-1 September 30th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Wednesday October 1, 2014.
It's sunny today.
Picture Dictionary のTopic 10 Morning in the Bathroom(4)を学習しました。 
プリントはできましたか?次回は新しいTopic に入ります。
This is Phonics Unit5 P38を学習しました。
今日学習したSilent eのJingle を覚えましょう!
A says a,a game. リズムをつけると覚えやすいです。
Up and Away student book Level 2 What`s your name?を復習し、
新しくhis/herを学習しました。Up and away workbook P2を完成させました。
Up and Away Reader Book 1C P12,13,14,15を音読しました。
近いうちにまた音読リレーをします。Be ready!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 10 Morning in the Bathroom(4)
Sing the chant.
Do worksheet
This is Phonics   Unit 5 P38 Silent e. Listen, read and repeat after CD.
Up and Away student book Level 2 Unit 1 REVIEW What's your name?
Read sentences and repeat. Do his/ her. 
Do Up and Away workbook P2
Up and Away Reader 1C P12,13,14,15

Have a great week!
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-3 September 30th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, September 30, 2014.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Do you think you're kind enough to help others anytime?
Do you usually give up your seat for old people on the train?
We had a few students today.
Hope everyone comes for the next lesson.
The next speakers are still Akane, Sho, and Shunta.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Deep listening Lesson 6  Making a speech
Bridge Work
Chapter 30 Unit 1  Vocabulary in Use #1 職業に関する言葉
Chapter 30 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2  It's kind of you to ...
Exercise-2  Review practice
Reading practice

Have a good week!
See you on Friday!


MEL News October 2014

それでは、MEL News (2014年10月号)をお届けします。

News-1 2014 Halloween Event
今年のHalloween は10月29日(水)30日(木)31日(金)で実施します。
Trick or Treat でお菓子がもらえますよ!

News-2 2014年第2回英検実施のご案内
5級、4級、3級、準2級はMEL Schoolで実施しますが、2級は本会場です。

一次試験実施日時 10月12日(日)
5級    13:10 集合  14:20 終了予定    
4級      9:40 集合  11:10 終了予定
3級    13:10 集合  14:40 終了予定 
準2級        9:40 集合  11:35 終了予定 
2級    13:00 本会場    15:15    終了予定 

3級以上の一次試験合格者は 11月9日(日) に二次試験があります。

News-3 留学フェアのご案内

英国留学フェア      10月25日(土) 13:00-18:00    @秋葉原UDX Gallery

オーストラリア留学フェア 10月12日(日)11:00-18:00 @御茶ノ水ソラシティ2F

Update-1 欠席、遅刻、早退連絡について お願い
10月から欠席、遅刻、早退の連絡は電話ではなく、 mel@myenglish.co.jp にメールでお願いします。

Update-2 タブレットの使用について


MEL School 三鷹
Towako Asai

Lesson Report Junior-1 September 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Tuesday, September 30, 2014.
It's the last day in September!
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Do you sometimes read the newspaper in the morning?
Do you usually practice sports after school?
usually, sometimes のような言葉が入ると文の表現に広がりが出ますね。
Phonics も次回から新しいUnitになりますね。

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 5 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2  動詞の紹介ー2
Exercise-2  #2
Star Team Unit 6
Listening About Sharon's favorite sports
Phonics  Vowel Digraphs #1
基礎英語 Lessons 79 & 80

Have a wonderful week!
See you on Thursday!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Sep.29th

1. Daily 1500 #37 Working on Campaign - Diary
Voc run for ~, legislate-legislation-legislator, electoral campaign, vision-visionary
☆ Integ. Speaking:  Explain what Jennifer did and why she did it.
2. Open Forum-2  Chapter 3 Food Science #2
Interview with a food scientist about changes in eating habit #1
Preparing to Listen: Statistics about food and eating habit/p.22-23
   The average annual house hold expenditure for food away from home is larger than the one at home.
=> Discuss how often you would eat out a week/moth if it costs three to four times as much as eating the same food/dish at home.
1st Listening to Identify the Main Ideas and Explain each idea briefly.
2nd Listening by half to Explain the Details/p.23-24
☆ Integ. Speaking [90sec/Prep=>90 sec] x 2
Explain your thoughts/opinion: How eating habits will change in the next ten years especially when;
- the share of the senior citizens become even larger - the number of children become fewer
- the size of family continue to become smaller - the percentage of female workers increase.
3. Reading and Writing-2  Unit 4 Games Unit Objective Writing an Opinion Paragraph [40 min]
Reading 2: The Fastest Man on No Legs #2
- Review Writing Skills/p.76-77: Writing an Opinion Paragraph-> A=> B
=> What do you think?-A.1: => Write your opinion in response to the question within 15 minutes.
Do you think Pistorius should be allowed to compete against able-bodied athletes? Why, why not?
=> Pair State your opinion in 90 sec. without the writing. The partner asks questions or argue.

Lesson Report Junior-2 September 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, September 27, 2014.
It's cool today.
Some of you were wearing autumn clothes.
Did you decide what to do tomorrow?
Are you hoping to have a sunny day?
I really hope so!
A typhoon is coming close to Tokyo.
Hope we won't have terrible weather next week.
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers today.
The speakers next time are Haruka, Shun, and Minori.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 78 & 79
Bridge Work
Chapter 20 Unit 1
Exercise-1 #5
Grammar and Communication-2 hope/plan/agree/promise/decide/try/fail to ...
Exercise-2 #1-a.
Star Team Unit 4 Pronunciation, Song

Have a good Sunday!
See you next week.


Lesson Report Junior-2E September 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, September 27, 2014.
It's cool today.
Some of you were wearing autumn clothes.
Did you decide what to do tomorrow?
Are you hoping to have a sunny day?
I really hope so!
A typhoon is coming close to Tokyo.
Hope we won't have terrible weather next week.
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers today.
The speakers next time are Kentaro and Chiharu.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 78 & 79
Bridge Work 
Chapter 20 Unit 1
Exercise-1  #5 
Grammar and Communication-2  hope/plan/agree/promise/decide/try/fail to ...
Exercise-2  #1-a, 1-b.
Star Team  Unit 4  Pronunciation, Song

Have a good Sunday!
See you next week.


Lesson Report-Senior 2-Sep.27th

1.Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Grammar: C30-U2 – G&C-2, G&C-3
- Vocabulary: C30-U1 #1,2
2. Read & Write  Unit 7 Music:Writing-Review
[A] a paragraph about TPO (Time, Place, Occasion) you enjoy music and how it makes you feel.
[B] a paragraph about your favorite type of music.
3. Topic Study  Scotland Referendum for Independence
- Study: Scotland in the U.K, Brief Overview, Population
=> Integrated Speech: If you were a Scot, which would you have voted, yes for independence or no ?
What do you think they should do, Respect the result of the referendum (majority of the votes) and proceed to independence / stay status quo, or Respect those who opposed/supported independence and postpone the process to independence / hold a general election?
=> Discuss in a group of mixed supporters and opponents
=> Write what do you think they should do, respect the majority of the votes and … in 100 words.

Lesson Report Primary-2 September 26th

Hello Class!
This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Saturday September 27, 2014.
It's sunny today.
Picture Dictionary Topic 35 Polar Regions (3)を学習しました。
This is Phonics2 Consonant Blends P2を学習しました。
最後に単語を覚える時間では皆頑張って暗記していました。Good work!
Grammar Starter P36 Exercise 1,2 を完成させました。
Up and Away reader book 3B のプリント(P4)完成させました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 35 () Polar Regions
Sing chant
Memorize words and present . Say the word your peer says, then present your own word.
This is Phonics 2. Consonant Blends Unit 3 P42 Read words, listen and repeat after CD.
Grammar Starter P 36 Exercise 1,2.
Up and Away Reader Book A (プリント 4)

Have a good weekend! 
See you on Saturday.


Lesson Report Primary-1 September 26th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Saturday, September 27, 2014.
It's sunny today.
Picture Dictionary のTopic 10 Morning in the Bathroom(3)を学習しました。 
This is Phonics Unit5 P37を学習しました。今日からSilent eに入りました。
Cut が Silent eを加えるとCuteになります。
Up and Away student book Level 2に入りました。 
Unit 1 What's your name?を学習しました。
Workbook P1を完成させました。皆よくできていました。Good work!
Up and Away Reader Book 1C P8,9,10,11を音読しました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 10 Morning in the Bathroom(3)
Sing the chant.
This is Phonics   Unit 5 Silent e. Listen, read and repeat after CD .
Up and Away student book Level 2 Unit 1 What`s your name?
Read sentences and repeat. 
Do Up and Away workbook P1
Up and Away Reader 1C P8,9,10,11 Reader relay 10 seconds each P1-11

Have a great weekend!
See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Junior-3 September 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, September 26, 2014.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Do you think it's important study hard every day?
Do you like studying?
It's fun to study the things you like, isn't it?
The problem is there's time you have to study what you don't like.
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers today.
The next speakers are Akane, Sho, and Shunta.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 79 & 80
Bridge Work
Chapter 30 Unit 2 Grammar and Communication-2 It is necessary to ...
Exercise-1 #1 Review #2, 3
Grammar and Communication-2  It's kind of you to ...

Have a good weekend!
See you all next week.


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Sep.26th

・Bridge Work  C32-U2: G&C-3
・Vocabulary in Use  C32-U1 #2: Voc. Writing
・Cover to Cover   Unit 4 Part 2 The Internet: How Secure Is It?
Review Reading aloud w/CD-> Review Vocabulary
・Read & Write Unit 7 Music: How does music make you feel?
- Writing Skill: Supporting Sentences and Details.
  -> Ex.1-> Ex.2
- Choose a topic and write a paragraph within 10 sentences.
 A: TPO (Time, Place, Occasion) you enjoy music and how it makes you feel.
   Use the planning of the textbook.
 B: your favorite type of music.
Be sure to write a strong topic sentence, clear supporting sentences, and sentences with details.
Use the following questions to guide your writing.
1. What type of music is your favorite?
2. What do you like best about this kind of music?
3. What are examples of musicians that you like?
4. What songs or pieces of music do you like?
5. What are one or two other reasons that you like this kind of music?

Lesson Report Junior-1 September 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, September 26, 2014.
It's sunny and beautiful today!
Phonics も次回から新しいUnitになりますね。
Key Communication の再テストの人は忘れずに!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 5 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  動詞の紹介ー3
Exercise-1 #4, 5, and 6
Star Team Unit 6
Reading  About Sharon's week
Phonics  Consonant Digraphs #7
基礎英語 Lessons 77 & 78

Have a great weekend!
See you on Monday!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report-Advancing-Sep.25th

1. Grammar in Use
Unit 127  Adj+prep-1
=>Read the text and write two sentences about how you felt about each part using adjectives and pronouns
2. Open Forum-2  Chapter 3 Food Science #1  Lecture about Food Tastes
- Lis-3 w/Transcript => Task-2 ☆ Int Speaking Explain what the lecture is about. [60sec/Prep=>90 sec]
-> Vocabulary: crave, nutrition-nutritious, toxic-toxicity, oxidant-antioxidant, pregnant-pregnancy,
☆ Independent Speaking What are some foods that people crave in your culture? [60sec/Prep=>60 sec]
3. Topic Study  Scotland Referendum for Independence-2
Review What do you think they should do=> Discuss/Group Discuss in supporters and opponents .
4. Reading and Writing-2  Unit 4 Games
- Review  Rewriting: Do you think professional athletes earn too much? Why or why not?
- Reading Skill: Par. 3, 4, 6 Taking Notes -> Substituted by Underline, Highlight or Check.
Reading 2: The Fastest Man on No Legs #1
- Vocabulary/p.70: ban (v)
Preview: Oscar Pistorius
- Read-1/Lis-1: Magazine Article=> Main Ideas A. Details
- Read-2/Lis-2: Read “Letter to the Editor”-> Main Ideas B
- Writing Skills/p.76-77: Writing an Opinion Paragraph-> A=> B
=> What do you think?-A.1: => Write your opinion in response to the question within 15 minutes.
Do you think Pistorius should be allowed to compete against able-bodied athletes? Why, why not?

Lesson Report-Senior 2-Sep.24th

・Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Grammar: C30-U1: Direct-> Indirect speech using tell/ask ~ tells me to …, what/how/when/where to
- Vocabulary: C29-U2 #2
Cover to Cover  Unit 7 Part 2 An unlikely friendship
・Review Reading-2 w/CD
Comm Task-2  Explain why the two animals got close to each other within 100 words.
Comm Task-3/Pair Integrated Speech: Explain what happened to the hippo in two minutes.
・Expanding Vocabulary-> become separated, chase away, move sb in with~. probable-probably, frequent-frequently, eventual-eventually, name ~ after…, release
Read & Write Unit 7 Music   Writing
- Writing Skill: Supporting Sentences and Details. -> Ex.1-> Ex.2 -> Read each topic through.
Writing-A a paragraph about TPO (Time, Place, Occasion) you enjoy music and how it makes you feel.
Writing-B/Q-Classroom a paragraph about your favorite type of music.

Lesson Report Junior-2 September 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, September 24, 2014.
It's raining now.
Did you well on the Recap test today?
I hope so!
What do you want to do this weekend?
Do you think you can do what you want to do this weekend?
What do you want to be in the future?
今日のレッスンではwant to be の使い方を過去や現在の場面で練習しました。
The speaker today was Hinako.
She talked about visiting a high school festival.
The speakers next time are Haruka and Shun.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 76 and 77
Bridge Work 
Chapter 19 Unit 2 Recap test
Chapter 20 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  want to do, want to be, support, become

Have a good week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E September 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, September 24, 2014.
It's raining now.
Did you well on the Recap test today?
I hope so!
What do you want to do this weekend?
Do you think you can do what you want to do this weekend?
What do you want to be in the future?
今日のレッスンではwant to be の使い方を過去や現在の場面で練習しました。
The speakers today were Chiaki and Arisa.
Chiaki talked about seeing a play.
Arisa talked about her play at the school festival.
The speaker next time is Kentaro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 76 and 77
Bridge Work 
Chapter 19 Unit 2 Recap test
Chapter 20 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  want to do, want to be, support, become

Have a good week.
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-3 September 23rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, September 24, 2014.
It's cloudy today. We're going to have rain this evening.
Did you take your umbrella with you when you went to school today?
Do you think it's important to enter a good high school?
What is "good" for you?
Please think through which school to go.
Our speakers yesterday were Kaede and Mahiro.
Kaede talked about her school festival to come this weekend.
Mahiro talked about autumnal equinox day and other Japanese national holidays.
The next speakers are Akane and Sho.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 77 & 78
Deep listening  Lesson 5  Directions
Bridge Work
Chapter 29 Unit 2 Vocabulary in Use #2  Vocabulary practice
Chapter 30 Unit 1 Grammar in Use  What to do after high school
Chapter 30 Unit 2 Grammar and Communication-2  It is necessary to ...
Exercise-1  #1

Have a wonderful week!
See you all on Friday.


Lesson Report Primary-2 September 23rd

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Wednesday, September 24, 2014.
It's cloudy today.
Picture Dictionary Topic 35 Polar Regions (2)を学習しました。
This is Phonics 2 Consonant Blends P41を学習しました。
Grammar Starter では Review P34 Exercise 9 の答え合わせをしました。
Up and Away reader book 3B のプリントで内容の復習をしました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 35 (2) Polar Regions
Sing chant
Memorize words and present . Say the word your peer says, then present your own word.
This is Phonics 2. Consonant Blends Unit 3 P41 Read words, listen and repeat after CD.
Grammar Starter REVIEW P34 Exercise 9. Complete and review together.   
Begin My Teacher. Read skit and repeat.
Up and Away Reader Book A (プリント)

Have a good week! See you on Friday.


Lesson Report Primary-1 September 23rd

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Wednesday, September 24, 2014.
It's cloudy today.
Picture Dictionary のTopic 10 Morning in the Bathroom(2)を学習しました。 
This is Phonics Unit 4 P36 を学習しました。
Hen と ham を間違えた生徒が多くいました。
e はegg のe、a は apple の a です。
Up and Away student book Level 2に入りました。 
Unit 1 My/yourの文を学習し、P1,2の文をノートに写しました。
Up and Away Reader Book 1C P4, 5, 6, 7を音読しました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 10 Morning in the Bathroom(2)
Sing the chant.
This is Phonics   Unit 4  Vowels P36 Listen, read and repeat after CD .
Up and Away student book Level 2 Unit 1 My/your Read sentences and
repeat. Write sentences in notebook.(P1,2) Do as homework if not complete.
Do Up and Away workbook P45,46
Up and Away Reader 1C P4,5,6,7

Have a great week! See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Sep.23rd

・Bridge Work  C32-U2: G&C-2, Ex-2, Grammar Writing
・Vocabulary in Use  C32-U1 #2: Voc, Sentences Practice
・基礎英語3: Listen to Communicate   Listen w/o Textbook=> Task-> Read
- L-77 Listen to Tell a message: Who called for what?
- L-78 Listen to Tell a message: Who called for what?
- L-79 Listen & Repeat
- L-80 Listen & Explain: What an editor’s job is like. => Read=> Explain
・Read & Write Unit 7 Music: How does music make you feel?
☆ Sow & Tell: about a movie you like that has good and matching music

Lesson Report Junior-1 September 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, September 23, 2014.
It's sunny and beautiful today!
Are you enjoying the holiday?
How did your Key Communication test go?
You did well on that? I hope so!
Star Team では Sharon の1週間についてのReading をしましたね。
Phonics の書き取りはみんな苦戦したようです。

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 4 Unit 2
Key Communication test
Chapter 5 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  動詞の紹介ー3
Exercise-1 #2, 3
Star Team Unit 6
Phonics  Consonant Digraphs #6
基礎英語 Lessons 75 & 76

Enjoy the day!
See you on Thursday!

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Sep.22nd

1. Daily 1500 #36 Introducing a New Professor
Voc introduce you to ~, faculty, assume-resume, settle
☆ Integrated Speaking: Explain about the new faculty member. ( Dr. Sarah Adams)
2. Open Forum-2  Chapter 3 Food Science   Lecture about Food Tastes [30 min]
- Introducing the Topic: 1. Food Quiz-> 2. Taste=> 3. Preference: Discuss the taste and preference
- Focus on the Listening: Predicting
- Lis-1-> Main Ideas, Details,
- Lis-2=> Task-1: Take memos to answer the questions.
[1] What are wisdom of the body and eating habits?
[2] Why do certain people like sweetness, sour tastes and bitter flavor?
[3] What makes individual preferences and food cravings?
3. Reading and Writing-2  Unit 4 Games Unit Objective Writing an Opinion Paragraph
Review => Rewrite Writing: Do you think professional athletes earn too much? Why or why not?
Reading Skill: Par. 3, 4, 6 Taking Notes -> Substituted by Underline, Highlight or Check.
=> Learn how those paragraphs are written and organized.
4. Topic Study  Scotland Referendum for Independence-2 [50 min]
What do you think they should do, Respect the majority of the votes and stay status quo, Negotiate with the UK government and parliament to earn more autonomy, or Respect those who opposed and hold a general election?
Class Discussion in 5 min. => Discuss in supporters and opponents in 10 min.
=> Constructive Speech by Majority in 3 min. => Argument (5 min)
=> Constructive Speech by Minority in 3 min. => Argument (5 min)
Write your response in 100 words

Lesson Report-Senior 2-Sep.20th

・Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Grammar: C27-U2 – U1 How long have you known your best friend?
 U2 Have you ever been to …?
- Vocabulary: C28-U2 #2
Cover to Cover   Unit 7 Part 2 An unlikely friendship
・Before Reading: hippo/hippopotamus (河馬), tortoise-turtle rabbit-hare: First catch your hare then cook it.
・Fluency Strategy: Predicting the topic => Task A/p.90
・Listening-1 => Checking Fluency and Comprehension/p.92 -> Reading-1 to Check
・Reading aloud Par. 1-3
=> Comm Task-1 (Pr-2) The next day ~ from his familyを日本語にしなさい <=文法や表現(過去分子)
Read & Write  Unit 7 Music   Writing-Planning
Show & Tell about a movie you like that has good and matching music

Lesson Report Junior-2 September 20th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, September 20, 2014.
It was cloudy and cool today.
I was wearing a light coat when I came to MEL School this morning.
What do you want to do tomorrow?
It'll be nice and sunny.
Which would you like to visit, Florida or Manchester?
Those two are completely different from each other.
The speaker today was Sota.
He talked about his basketball matches.
The speakers next time are Haruka and Hinako.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 74 and 75
Bridge Work 
Chapter 19 Unit 2
Grammar in Use  Let's order a pizza!  Review practice
Chapter 20 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  want to do, want to be, support, become
Star Team  Unit 4  Listening

Have a good Sunday!
See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-2E September 20th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, September 20, 2014.
It was cloudy and cool today.
I was wearing a light coat when I came to MEL School this morning.
What do you want to do tomorrow?
It'll be nice and sunny.
Which would you like to visit, Florida or Manchester?
Those two are completely different from each other.
The speaker today was Tomoya.
He talked about going out on weekend.
The speakers next time are Chiaki and Arisa.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 74 and 75
Bridge Work 
Chapter 19 Unit 2
Grammar in Use  Let's order a pizza!  Review practice
Chapter 20 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  want to do, want to be, support, become
Star Team  Unit 4  Listening

Have a good Sunday!
See you next week!


Lesson Report Primary-2 September 19th

Hello Class!
This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Saturday, September 20, 2014.
It's cloudy today.
Picture Dictionary Topic 35 Polar Regions (1)に入りました
This is Phonics2 Consonant Blends P40を学習しました。
単語がたくさん書けるようになりました。Good work!
Grammar Starter では Review P34 Exercise 7,8,9を解きました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 35 (1) Polar Regions
Sing chant
Write new words in notebook
This is Phonics 2. Consonant Blends Unit 3 P40 Read words, listen and repeat after CD. Write new words in notebook. Memorize words and present to class
Grammar Starter REVIEW P34 Exercise 7,8,9 Finish 9 at home or during next support time

Have a good weekend! T
uesday is a school holiday but we have classes at MEL School! See you !


Lesson Report Primary-1 September 19th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Saturday, September 20, 2014. It's cloudy today.
Picture Dictionary のTopic 10 Morning in the Bathroom(1)に入りました。
This is Phonics Unit 4 P35を学習しました。
List A とList Bの単語が全て読めましたか?お家でもう一度確認してください。
Up and Away student book Unit 32 Simple Present have/has を復習しました。
Unit 32 More Verbs, Simple presentの内容を理解しておきましょう。
Workbook P 45, 46 を完成しました。
Up and Away Reader Book 1Cに入りました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 10 Morning in the Bathroom(1)
Sing the chant.
Write new words in notebook
This is Phonics   Unit4  Vowels P35 Read and repeat List A and B Work
with partner and check list .
Up and Away student book REVIEW Simple present have/has Do Unit 32 More
Verbs; Simple present Read sentences( Pair work), present. Make own
Do Up and Away workbook P45,46
Up and Away Reader 1C P1,2,3

Have a great weekend!
Tuesday is a school holiday but don’t forget to come to class!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Sep.19th

・Bridge Work  C32 U1 Reporting, C32-U2: G&C-1  amazed, amazing-> practice
・Vocabulary in Use  C32-U1 #1: Vocabulary Writing
・Cover to Cover  Unit 4 Part 2 The Internet: How Secure Is It?
- Before Reading: What do you do on the Internet? => Pair
- Fluency Strategy: Ignoring Unknown Words
- Reading-1 -> Task-A, Checking Fluency and Comprehension
- Reading-2 w/CD by Par-> Read aloud
- Expanding Vocabulary: watch out for, figure out, look over, look up, show up
=> Voc. Task Predict the meaning of or replace the unknown/unfamiliar words. => Dic
Par.1: pay bills, coworker, secure, access
Par.2: withdraw money, (bank) account, bank official, identity thief, scams
Par.3: turn out
Par.4: auction, secondhand
Par.5: show up, cheat
・Read & Write  Unit 7 Music – Writing
- Grammar-A, B: Prepositions of Location: in, on, at
- Writing Skill: Supporting Sentences and Details. -> Ex.1-> Ex.2 -> Read each topic through.
☆ Ind. Speaking: Do you like watching movies?  [60sec/prep=>60sec]

Lesson Report Junior-3 September 19th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, September 19, 2014.
It was a lovely sunny autumn day again!
Did you find the vocabulary challenging today?
As I told you, it's your first round to explore those words, so it's going to be OK!
If you try hard, of course.
Please try to practice with your tablet PC at home.
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers today.
The next speakers are Akane, Kaede, and Mahiro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 75 & 76
Bridge Work
Chapter 29 Unit 2 Vocabulary in Use #2  Vocabulary practice
Chapter 30 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-3 間接話法
Exercise-3 #2 Review => #3
Grammar writing  tell/ask somebody to ..., what/how/where to ...

Have a great weekend.
See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-1 September 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, September 19, 2014.
It's sunny and beautiful today!
What time do you usually leave home for school?
Star Team のListening ではいろいろな国の人が有名なスポーツチームについて話をしていましたね。Ireland の人もいました。みんなが気にしていたScotlandの投票結果がでたようですね。
Union Jackはそのままのようですね。

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 4 Unit 2
Key Communication practice
Chapter 5 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  曜日の言い方、動詞の紹介ー3
Exercise-1 #1
Star Team Unit 5 
Culture Sports in the USA  Listening
Phonics  Consonant Digraphs #5
基礎英語 Lessons 73 & 74

Have a good weekend!
See you next week.

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Sep.18th

1. Grammar in Use  Unit 64 To adj to do, Adj + prep + -ing
2. Open Forum-2  Chapter 2 Psychology - Web Lecture about the Theory of Multiple Intelligence
=> Task-1: Explain what intelligence is.
=> Task-2: Explain what the Theory of Multiple Intelligence is about-1. [60sec/Prep=>90 sec]
=> Task-3: Explain what the Theory of Multiple Intelligence is about-2. [60sec/Prep=>90 sec]
- Vocabulary: interpersonal- intrapersonal,
3. Reading and Writing-2  Unit 4 Games Unit Objective Writing an Opinion Paragraph
Reading 1: Money and Sports #2
Review Reading -> Review summary what this article wants to say in three sentences.
Money gives unfair advantage for professional sport teams. Wealthy teams are more successful and make even more money than less wealthy ones and they can also recruit better coaches and players. Sports fans want to enjoy close and fair competitions but it seems to be difficult to agree on effective solutions. (50 words)
=> What do you think?  Write five to eight sentences in response in 15 minutes.
Do you think professional athletes earn too much? Why or why not?
=> Pair Explain your thoughts in 60 seconds w/o the writing
Reading Skill: Par. 3, 4, 6 Taking Notes -> Substituted by Underline, Highlight or Check.
=> Learn how those paragraphs are written and organized.

Lesson Report-Senior 2-Sep.17th

1.Cover to Cover   Unit 7 Part 1 Survival after eight days at sea
・Reading-2 with CD => Checking Comprehension-B 
=>Task-1 Pr-2: The huge waves ~ be his last. 表現(現在分子)を意識して、切実な状況を伝える日本語にしなさい。
・Vocabulary: drift, raging water, sweep-swept-swept, be about to, manage to, crack, current, devastate-devastating-devastated, drown
・Looking at Vocabulary in Context/p.89: drift, mosque, struck, devastate-devastating, drown, destroy
=>☆ Ind. Speaking: Do you think you’re good at dealing with an emergency?
2.Read & Write Unit 7 Music   Writing
- Grammar-A, B: Prepositions of Location: in, on, at
- Writing Skill: Supporting Sentences and Details. -> Ex.1-> Ex.2 -> Read each topic through.
3.・Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Grammar: C27-U2 – Have you heard the news?, Present perfect or past/just, already, yet, since, for
1. Talk about the weather: It hasn't rained for the last three days/since last Thursday.
2. Talk about what you've done since the summer holiday was over.
- Vocabulary: C27-U1 #2 – Voc Review and writing
4.☆ Integrated Speaking: Scotland Referendum for Independence<= PPT
Scotland’s Referendum for independence is going to be held on 18th September, 2014. The early polls suggest it’s going to be a tight race. Not only politicians including the PM and other party leaders, but also famous celebrities and billionaires are visiting Scotland and calling for unification.
=> Pair If you were a Scot, which would you vote, independence or status quo?

Lesson Report Junior-2 September 17th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, September 17, 2014.
It was cloudy and bit humid today.
Would you like pizza for dinner tomorrow?
Would you like to try a Greek salad?
The salad looks delicious, doesn't it?
Would you like to visit Florida someday?
It's a beautiful place.
I'm sorry I skipped the speach.
The next speakers are Kota and Hinako.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 72 and 73
Bridge Work 
Chapter 19 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3  How long does/did/will it take to ...?
Grammar in Use  Let's order a pizza!

C15U2 Ex-Reading  Review reading
Make questions => Ask the questions in class
C19U2 G&C-2 Would you like …?
G&C-3  How long does/will/did it take

Have a good night!
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E September 17th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, September 17, 2014.
It was cloudy and bit humid today.
Would you like pizza for dinner tomorrow?
Would you like to try a Greek salad?
The salad looks delicious, doesn't it?
Would you like to visit Florida someday?
It's a beautiful place.
The speaker today was Sae.
She talked about her school festival.
The speakers next time are Arisa and Tomoya.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 72 and 73
Bridge Work 
Chapter 19 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3  How long does/did/will it take to ...?
Grammar in Use  Let's order a pizza!

Have a good night!
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 September 16th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Wednesday, September 17, 2014.
It's nice today!
Picture Dictionary Topic 34(4) Tropical Rainforestを学習しました。
次回はTopic 35にはいります!
This is Phonics2 Consonant Blends P39を学習しました。
Str, Spr 等のblendに早く慣れましょう!
Grammar Starter では Review P33 Exercise 5,6を解きました。6はやや難しかったようです。
Up and Away Reader Book BのプリントP2を復習しました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 34(4) Tropical Rainforest
Sing chant
Memorize words and present
This is Phonics 2. Consonant Blends Unit 3 P39 Read words, listen and repeat after CD. Write new words in notebook.
Grammar Starter REVIEW P34 Exercise 5,6

Have a good week!
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 September 16th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Tuesday September 16, 2014.
It's sunny today.
Picture Dictionary のTopic 9 My Family Album(4)を学習しました。
Good work!
This is Phonics Unit 4 P34を学習しました。穴埋め問題はできましたか? 
Hot と hat の違いに気をつけましょう!
Up and Away student book Unit 32 Simple Present have/has を学習しました。
Up and Away Reader Book 1B の音読リレーはとても上手でした!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 9 My Family Album(4)
Sing the chant.
Memorize words from Family Album and present
This is Phonics   Unit4  Vowels P34 Listen to CD and fill in blanks .
Up and Away student book Do Unit 32 Simple present Have/has Read
sentences( Pair work), present. Make own sentences using have, has
Up and Away Reader 1B 音読リレー

Have a great week!
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Junior-3 September 16th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, September 16, 2014.
It was a lovely sunny autumn day!
Does your mom tell you to study hard often?
Who tells you not to waste your time?
Mr. TK always tells us not to waste our time.
Yes, you don't have any time to waste, so please always try your best!
Vocabulary is getting challenging.
Please practice with your tablet PC at home.
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers today.
The next speaker is Kaede.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 73 & 74
Bridge Work
Chapter 29 Unit 2 Vocabulary in Use #1 Vocabulary writing (Worksheet)
Chapter 30 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-3  間接話法
Exercise-3 #1, 2

Have a wonderful week.
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Sep.16th

・Bridge Work  C32-U1: Gr writing/p.29, GIU The outbreak of an influenza epidemic -2, Reporting
・基礎英語3: Listen to Communicate  Listen w/o Textbook=> Task-> Read
- L-73 Listen to Talk=> What do you think? (Do you think a pet is part/a member of the family?)
- L-74 Listen to Repeat the haiku Leslie read.=> Read and Explain haiku.
- L-75 Listen & Repeat
- L-76 Listen & Repeat=> Shadow
・Read & Write Unit 7 Music: How does music make you feel?
- Vocabulary Skill: Prefix un- A => B. Write five words using un- + Past Participle + Noun.
uncooked meat, unattended baggage, uncared child, unfinished work, unpaid bill, unlocked door,
unemployed adults, unintended act, unsold merchandise, unmanned spacecraft
undisclosed document, undiscovered secret, undischarged gas
Reading Comprehension from Q-Skills:  John Williams, King of Movie Music<= Music
- Some of his notable works-> How many of the movies or musical works do you know?
- WDT-2 ☆Ind. Speech Talk about a movie you like that has good and matching music.
  => Prepare a 3 min. Show & Tell about a movie you like that has good and matching music=>9/23
Topic: about a movie you like that has good and matching music
Try These!: make sb do, make sb adj, can’t help –ing, remind sb of ~, remember –ing, match, suit
particularly, especially, sound/special effects, sound track, composer, director
Prepare and practice. Show or play something. You CAN look at the script but try NOT to read it.

Lesson Report Junior-1 September 15th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, September 16, 2014.
It's sunny and beautiful today!
Do you like sports?
Bridge Work では引き続き何時にどんなことをするのか、日常の生活をどのように英語で表すのかを練習しました。
どんどん単語がいえた人もいましたね。Good job!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 4 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3 What time do you ...?
Exercise-3 Review practice
Star Team Unit 5 
Culture Sports in the USA
Phonics  Consonant Digraphs #4
基礎英語 Lessons 71 & 72

Have a wonderful week!
See you on Thursday.

Miharu and Towako


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MEL School 三鷹

Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Sep.15th

1. Daily 1500 #35 High School Alumni Newsletter
Voc alumnus-alumni, secretary, treasurer, catch up with-keep contact with, inner city
☆ Integrated Speaking: Listen to Answer the Question [60sec/Prep=>60 sec]=> Read to Explain
Who is Sister Beatrice? What did she do to the students and is she doing now?
2. Reading and Writing-2  Unit 4 Games Unit Objective Writing an Opinion Paragraph
Preview the Unit
Reading 1: Money and Sports #1
- Vocabulary/p.65: finance-financial, have an advantage/disadvantage
- Preview the Chart of the world top football teams/p.67
- Listening-1/Q-Classroom-> Main Ideas, Details 1-4
- Reading-1: Underline the Main Idea and Identify the Supporting Ideas/Examples of each Paragraph
=> Summarize what this article wants to say within 50 words (3~5 sen) in 10 min=> Pair=>Revise
3. Topic Study  Scotland Referendum for Independence/PPT
Scotland’s Referendum for independence is going to be held on 18th September, 2014.
The early polls suggest it’s going to be a tight race. Not only politicians like PM and other party leaders, but also famous celebrities and billionaires are calling for unification.
The referendum question will be, "Should Scotland be an independent country?"
Voters can answer only Yes or No. All residents in Scotland aged 16 or over can vote, representing over 4 million people. To be successful, the independence proposal requires a simple majority, at least one more vote for the proposal than against it.
=> If you were a Scot, which would you vote, Yes to independence or No?
Prepare your response in 5 minutes.=> Pair.

Lesson Report-Senior 2-Sep.13th

Cover to Cover  Unit 7 Part 1 Survival after eight days at sea
・Reading-2 with CD => Checking Comprehension-B 
Task-1 Pr-2: The huge waves ~ be his last. 表現(現在分子)を意識して切実な状況を伝える日本語にしなさい。
・Vocabulary: drift, raging water, sweep-swept-swept, be about to, manage to, crack, current, devastate-devastating-devastated, drown
・Looking at Vocabulary in Context/p.89: drift, mosque, struck, devastate-devastating, drown, destroy
=>☆ Ind. Speaking: Do you think you’re good at dealing with an emergency?
Read & Write Unit 7 Music   Reading-2
- Vocabulary: tense (adj): ~ person/moment/meeting, is/gets/sounds ~, (n) form of verb to show time
- Reading #1-> Underline TS and CS and mark the key word(s), Identify signal/key word(s) in SS
=> Pair-> Details A, B w/o Reading-> Reading #2
- Vocabulary Skill: Prefix un- A => B. Write five words using un- + Past Participle + Noun.
uncooked meat, unattended baggage, uncared child, unfinished work, unpaid bill, unlocked door,
unemployed adults, unintended act, unsold merchandise, unmanned spacecraft
undisclosed document, undiscovered secret, undischarged gas
- Reading Comprehension from Q-Skills: John Williams, King of Movie Music <= Music
- Some of his notable works-> How many of the movies or musical works do you know?
- Ind. Speech Talk about a movie you like that has good and matching music.
=> Prepare a 3 min. Show & Tell about a movie you like that has good and matching music=>9/20
Topic: about a movie you like that has good and matching music
Try These!: make sb do, make sb adj, can’t help –ing, remind sb of ~, remember –ing, match, suit
particularly, especially, sound/special effects, sound track, composer, director
Prepare and practice. Show or play something. You CAN look at the script but try NOT to read it.
・Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Grammar: C27-U2 –What you used to do. What were you like?
- Vocabulary: C27-U1 #2 – Vocabulary Review and Writing

Lesson Report Junior-2 September 13th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, September 13, 2014.
It was sunny and beautiful today.
Did you enjoy the early autumn day?
It's also the first day of the three-day weekend.
Did you go out during the day?
What would you like to do tomorrow?
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers today.
The speakers next time are Sota and Hinako.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 19 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  I'll ... その場で決めたことについて伝える
Exercise-1   Practice the conversation with the tablet PC
Grammar and Communication-2  Would you like to ...?  I'd like to ...
Activity: What would you like to do this weekend?  Answer in at least two sentences.

 Chapter 14 U2 GIU-2: Practice Reading-> Check comprehension, name/call sb sth
Small Talk: -Where are you from/did you go in ~? -Where were you born? -Where was your mother born? - Where do you want to live?

Enjoy the rest of the holiday.
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E September 13th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, September 13, 2014.
It was sunny and beautiful today.
Did you enjoy the early autumn day?
It's also the first day of the three-day weekend.
Did you go out during the day?
What would you like to do tomorrow?
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers today.
The speakers next time are Sae and Arisa.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 69, 70 and 71
Bridge Work 
Chapter 19 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  I'll ... その場で決めたことについて伝える
Exercise-1   Practice the conversation with the tablet PC
Grammar and Communication-2  Would you like to ...?  I'd like to ...
Activity: What would you like to do this weekend?  Answer in at least two sentences.

Enjoy the rest of the holiday.
See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 September 12th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Saturday, September 13, 2014.
It's nice today!
Picture Dictionary Topic 34(3) Tropical Rainforestを学習しました。
プリントは解けましたか? There are six frogs.等の文作りをしました。
This is Phonics2 Consonant Blendsjingleを唄いました。
Grammar Starter では Review P33 Exercise 3,4を解きました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 34 (3) Tropical Rainforest
Sing chant
Do worksheet
This is Phonics 2. Consonant Blends Unit 3 P3Read words, listen and repeat after CD. Write new words in notebook.
Grammar Starter REVIEW P3 exercise 3,4

Have a good weekend!
See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 September 12th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Saturday September 13, 2014.
It's sunny and nice today.
Picture Dictionary のTopic 1 My Family Album (3)を学習しました。
プリントはできましたか?外国ではmom, dad の順(ladies first)の順に書くことが多いです。
This is Phonics Unit 4 P33を学習しました。
Up and Away student book Unit 31 Verbs・ Let`s…!の学習をしました。
Up and Away Reader Book 1B P28, 29の問題を解きました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 9 My Family Album(3)
Sing the chant.
Do worksheet
This is Phonics   Unit 4  Vowels P33 Listen to CD and fill in blanks .
Up and Away student book Do Unit 31 Verbs/ Let's…!
Up and Away workbook Unit 31 P44
Up and Away Reader 1B P28, 29 1-8

Have a great weekend!
See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Junior-3 September 12th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, September 13, 2014.
It's sunny today. I love the sunny autumn day.
Have you decided when to go during the three-day weekend?
Some of the high schools you may be interested in going hold school festivals this coming three-day weekend.
I'm sure some of you are visiting there.
Today's speaker was Yuma.
He talked about his excursion to Kansai region.
He enjoyed Kyoto the best.
The next speaker is Akane.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 71 & 72
Bridge Work
Chapter 29 Unit 2  Vocabulary in Use #1  Vocabulary practice
Chapter 30 Unit 1 Grammar and Communication-2  what/how/when/where to do

Have a great three-day weekend.
See you next week!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Sep.12th

・Bridge Work  C32-U1: WB Gr writing/p.29, GIU The outbreak of an influenza epidemic -1
・Vocabulary in Use  C32-U1 #2: Vocabulary Writing
・Read & Write Unit 7 Music: How does music make you feel?
Objective: Identify what type of music you like, where you listen to it, and how it makes you feel.
Reading-2   Music and Movies
- Vocabulary-> Dic tense (adj): ~ person/moment/meeting, is/gets/sounds ~, (n) form of verb to show time
- Reading #1-> Underline TS and CS and mark the key word(s), Identify signal/key word(s) in SS
- Vocabulary Skill: Prefix un- A => B.
・Cover to Cover  Unit 4 Part 1: Not All Fun and Games?
Review Reading aloud: Par.4,5 Check the answers for Task-1  日本語にしなさい
(2) Pr-4: I was so focused on the unreal world that my real life became empty.
(3) Pr-5: He says that doing well in these games ~ exam stress and other problems.
Task-2  Write in English
(4) Pr-1: オンラインゲームで遊ぶ子供たちの数が増えるにつれて、より速いインターネット接続への要求が高まってきている。(Internet connections)
Task-3  What do you think?
If your child is addicted to online games and not doing what he/she is supposed to do, what would you say to or do to him/her? Use Indirect Speech and provide reasons why you say so.
If my son is addicted to …, I would probably tell/advise/recommend him to/not … because/to …
=> Discuss if the advice/recommendation is appropriate or effective to the child.
=>Write a topic sentence to answer the question clearly. Then write three or four sentences to support it.

Lesson Report Junior-1 September 11

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, September 12, 2014.
It's sunny today!
What time do you usually get up?
What time do you usually go to bed?
he, she の使い方も上手になってきましたね。
Star Teamでは久しぶりに単数・複数の文の作り方を復習しましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 4 Unit 2
Exercise-2 #2
Grammar and Communication-3 What time do you ...?
Star Team Unit 5  Grammar  Singular and Plural
Culture Sports in the USA
Phonics  Consonant Digraphs #3
基礎英語 Lessons 69 & 70

Have a good weekend!
See you next week.

Miharu and Towako

Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Sep.11th

1.Grammar in Use
Unit 63 Adjective + to …
Unit 64 To adj to do, Adj + prep + -ing
-> What are you afraid to do/of doig?
=> What are you interested in doing when …?
=> I’m sorry to ~ but … / sorry to hear … /
sorry for/about –ing / sorry (that) I …
2. My Global Learning-2 Part-2: Industrial Revolution #6 Writing-Summary
HW=> If you were a member of the Iwakura mission, what would you propose to the government?
Peer Review => Revise=> Group Present w/o Writing => Q&A
3. Open Forum-2  Chapter 2 Psychology Part 2: Personal Interviews about the survey [40 min]
Lis-3 with transcript-> Learn how each person answers and responds to the questions.
- Pronunciation: Unstressed Function Words
- Speaking Skills: Elaborating to Keep a Conversation Going
=> Pair Role-Read the transcript of two of the interviews to learn how an interview is made.
=> Pair Ask and Answer/Elaborate question 1, 2, 3 and an own question. Elaborate, Echo/Repeat Qs.
- Speaking Practice: Complete the survey=> Interview four questions=> Report
☆ Ind. Speaking: What do you enjoy doing the most?  [30sec=>60 sec]

Lesson Report-Senior 2-Sep.10th

Cover to Cover  Unit 7 Part 1 Survival after eight days at sea
・Before Reading: Aceh and Sumatra in Indonesia, tsunami in 2005
・Comprehension Strategy: Finding main ideas in paragraphs
・Listening => Task-A: Events by order
・Reading-1: Underline the main idea of each paragraph
=> Recognize the Subject of the main ideas-> Recognize the Subjects of the supporting details.
=> Checking Comprehension A: Number the events in the order they happened to Rizal
Read & Write  Unit 7 Music   Reading-2  Music and Movies
- Review Writing: Revise to explain a music plan for your business.=> Revise

・Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Grammar: C27-U1  Let's make a tour plan and tell the participants. You are a tour guide!
- Vocabulary: C26-U2 #1  Vocabulary Review and Writing

Lesson Report Junior-2 September 10th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, September 10, 2014.
It was raining hard this evening.
Do you think you can have your favorite dish on weekend?
What do you think you will have for breakfast tomorrow?
Are you sure you can pass the Recap test on Saturday?
I hope so!
Our speakers today were Ami and Yoshiki.
Ami talked about her basketball game.
Shitaro talked about enjoying the space event in Makuhari.
The speakers next time are Sota and Kota
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 19 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-3  Do you think your mom will be happy if you get a good score on your math test?
Grammar and Communication-4  I hope ..., I'm sure ..., I'm afraid ...

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-2E September 10th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, September 10, 2014.
It was raining hard this evening.
Do you think you can have your favorite dish on weekend?
What do you think you will have for breakfast tomorrow?
Are you sure you can pass the Recap test on Saturday?
I hope so!
Our speakers today were Ryuto and Shintaro.
Ryuto talked about visiting Kyoto in summer.
Shitaro talked about a fishing competition and he won the first prize!
The speaker next time is Sae.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work 
Chapter 19 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-3  Do you think your mom will be happy if you get a good score on your math test?
Grammar and Communication-4  I hope ..., I'm sure ..., I'm afraid ...

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-3 September 9th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, September 10, 2014.
It's cloudy and cool today.
What do you often ask your parents to do?
What do your teachers or parents sometimes ask you to do?
Have you ever asked your mom to give you more pocket money before?
I don't think no one has done that.
The next speakers are Shunta and Yuhei.
Shunta talked about going to an event during summer holiday.
Yuhei talked about visiting high school festivals he is interested in.
The next speaker is Yuma.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 69 & 70
Bridge Work
Chapter 29 Unit 1 Vocabulary in Use #2  Vocabulary writing
Chapter 30 Unit 1 Exercise-1

Have a wonderful week.
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 September 9th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Wednesday, September 10, 2014.
It's cloudy today.
Picture Dictionary Topic 34(2) Tropical Rainforestを学習しました。
生徒一人につき、一個の単語を覚えるコンテストは皆完璧でした!Great work!
This is Phonics 2 Consonant Blendsに入りました。
Grammar Starter では Review P32 1,2を解きました。
Exercise 2は難しく感じた生徒がいると思います。必ずお家で復習しましょう。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 34(2) Tropical Rainforest
Sing chant
Memorize one word per person and present.
This is Phonics 2. Consonant Blends Unit 3 P37 Read words, listen and repeat after CD. Write new words in notebook.
Grammar Starter REVIEW P32 exercise 1,2

Have a good week!
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 September 9th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It's Wednesday September 10, 2014.
It's cloudy today.
Picture Dictionary のTopic 1 My Family Album (2)を学習しました。
宿題が出ています。She is my cousin. She is a nurse. 等。一文を書いて来てください。
This is Phonics Unit 4 P32を学習しました。 
Up and Away student book Unit 29 Why, because…? の続きを学習しました。
Up and Away Reader Book 1B P27の問題を解きました。
True or False を答えるにはリーダーの内容を思い出しましょう。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 9 My Family Album(2)
Sing the chant.
This is Phonics Unit 4  Vowels P32 Listen to CD and fill in blanks.
Up and Away student book Do Unit 29 Why, because…? P70
Write sentences in notebook
Up and Away Reader 1B Read P27(true or false questions. Read and answer)

Have a great week!
 See you on Friday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1-Sep.9th

・Bridge Work  C32-U1: G&C-3 => Ex-3 => WB Activity and Exercise
・Vocabulary in Use  C32-U1 #2: Vocabulary, Sentences, Practice
・基礎英語3: Listen to Communicate
- L-69 Listen to Repeat=> Shadow Reading
- L-70 Listen to Repeat=> Shadow Reading
- L-72 Listen & Repeat=> Shadow Reading=> Introduce yourself, ask questions: What is it like …?
・Cover to Cover  Unit 4 Part 1: Not All Fun and Games?
- Review Reading w/CD-> Reading aloud: Par. 1, 4, 5
Task-1  日本語にしなさい
(1) Pr-1: As the number of people playing ~ impact of this trend.
(2) Pr-4: I was so focused on the unreal world that my real life became empty.
(3) Pr-5: He says that doing well in these games ~ exam stress and other problems.
Task-2  Write in English
(4) Pr-1: オンラインゲームで遊ぶ子供たちの数が増えるにつれて、より速いインターネット接続への要求が高まってきている。(Internet connections)
- Vocabulary in Context: ban, grounding, addicted
- Vocabulary: skip school, ban, entire, ground, sneak out, keep a balance, proper-properly, split up with sb, empty, addict-addicted, virtual universe