Lesson Report-Senior 1-Sep.12th

・Bridge Work  C32-U1: WB Gr writing/p.29, GIU The outbreak of an influenza epidemic -1
・Vocabulary in Use  C32-U1 #2: Vocabulary Writing
・Read & Write Unit 7 Music: How does music make you feel?
Objective: Identify what type of music you like, where you listen to it, and how it makes you feel.
Reading-2   Music and Movies
- Vocabulary-> Dic tense (adj): ~ person/moment/meeting, is/gets/sounds ~, (n) form of verb to show time
- Reading #1-> Underline TS and CS and mark the key word(s), Identify signal/key word(s) in SS
- Vocabulary Skill: Prefix un- A => B.
・Cover to Cover  Unit 4 Part 1: Not All Fun and Games?
Review Reading aloud: Par.4,5 Check the answers for Task-1  日本語にしなさい
(2) Pr-4: I was so focused on the unreal world that my real life became empty.
(3) Pr-5: He says that doing well in these games ~ exam stress and other problems.
Task-2  Write in English
(4) Pr-1: オンラインゲームで遊ぶ子供たちの数が増えるにつれて、より速いインターネット接続への要求が高まってきている。(Internet connections)
Task-3  What do you think?
If your child is addicted to online games and not doing what he/she is supposed to do, what would you say to or do to him/her? Use Indirect Speech and provide reasons why you say so.
If my son is addicted to …, I would probably tell/advise/recommend him to/not … because/to …
=> Discuss if the advice/recommendation is appropriate or effective to the child.
=>Write a topic sentence to answer the question clearly. Then write three or four sentences to support it.

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