Lesson Report-Advancing 1-Sep.1st

Daily 1500 #31, 32 Pre-Departure Trip -1, 2
Voc expire-expiration, carry-on bag-check-in baggage, anticipate-anticipation comply with=> J to Eng
☆ Integrated Speaking: L&R=> [60sec/Prep=>60 sec]
Describe what you should do before going to the airport for an int’l travel.
Reading and Writing-2   Unit 3 Courtesy: What does it mean to be polite?
Unit Objective Supporting your main idea with examples
Writing-1: Write a paragraph with supporting examples
Writing Skill A-> B: Complete the par. with examples to support the main idea; For example, Another ~
Grammar B/p.59: Identify the main idea and examples. Study how the examples support the main idea.
☆ Prefixes
My Global Learning-2 Part-2: Industrial Revolution #4  Social Influences by the IR
=> Review Prep Reading-2: Industrial Revolution
Prep Reading-3: Labor and Employment by the IR [PPT]
- The Condition of Labor, Problems of Capital and Labor, Laissez-faire, Child Labor, Rise of Labor Unions
Industrial Capitalism, Bourgeoisie
=> Summary-3 Social Influences by Industrial Revolution: Population, Living Conditions, Industrialization, Capitalism, Employment/Labor, Social Class/Influences
=> Speaking Task What would you do if such drastic changes are occurring in your society?
State and explain your response in 90 sec.
☆Reading Assignment  Prep Reading-4: Second Industrial Revolution  [PPT]

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