・Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Grammar: C27-U2 – U1 How long have you known your best friend?
U2 Have you ever been to …?
- Vocabulary: C28-U2 #2
Cover to Cover Unit 7 Part 2 An unlikely friendship
・Before Reading: hippo/hippopotamus (河馬), tortoise-turtle rabbit-hare: First catch your hare then cook it.
・Fluency Strategy: Predicting the topic => Task A/p.90
・Listening-1 => Checking Fluency and Comprehension/p.92 -> Reading-1 to Check
・Reading aloud Par. 1-3
=> Comm Task-1 (Pr-2) The next day ~ from his familyを日本語にしなさい <=文法や表現(過去分子)
Read & Write Unit 7 Music Writing-Planning
Show & Tell about a movie you like that has good and matching music
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