Review Shadow Reading => Write a summary in 2~3 sentences. Use; organize, aggressive, recession
=> Pair Tell the summary without the writing.
[2] Inside Reading-2 Unit 2 The Business of Branding-1 The Power of Branding
- Read-2 ->Study the structure: how the topic is explained by pronouns/example/explanation in each par.
=> Discuss what the last paragraph is saying.
-> Study Sentences: [L3-P1] Nevertheless, other companies ~ that goes with it.
[L16-P2] The term brand ~ or a horse. [L46-P4] The McDonald’s restaurant ~ these difficult situations. [P9] The origins of branding ~ not so far away.
-> Study Words/Expressions:
[P1] speed-sped/speeded, revenue (gov. income from tax, gross income from biz) tax ~s, in ~
Dic convert (v: to change/adapt the form, character, or function of; transform) – convert (n) – conversion equate (to regard, treat, or represent as equivalent)- equal-equation [P2] ranch (a large farm to breed and grow livestock) stock (livestock), recognize-recognition: brand ~, [P3] register with (impress), aristocratic-aristocracy-aristocrat (elite, nobility-noble) [P4] franchise (store/restaurant/biz operating under a license) Dic prominent: important, famous, distinguished, outstanding, well-known, leading, big name [P5] subculture (a group distinctive enough to be distinguished from others within the same culture/society) medium-media(pl) [P7] no-nonsense: practical, serious, economical [P8] patriotism-patriot
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
- A. 3. lesser (adv) lesser-known (adj) insignificant, inferior <-> greater
- Corpus-1: medium (n) – media -> Dic => B. Write sentences: The/A ~ is a medium that …
- Corpus-2: subsidize (v) -subsidization(n) Dictionary
to give money to get started/operated, finance, sponsor, fund: school is ~d by the government.
subsidy (n) money paid to help a service running/product competitive: agriculture/housing ~
=> C. Discuss what businesses, products, and services are subsidized by the government and why.
[3] Open Forum-1 Chapter 5 Anthropology Interview with an anthropologist
- 3rd Listening w/Script-> Vocabulary: human origins, genetics, biological variation, area of specialty, vary-variable-variation, introduce-introductory, sub-category, broaden and expand, fascinating field
- Vocabulary/p.37-38
- ist: person, member - anthropologist, artist, pianist, dentist, psychologist, chemist, socialist, egoist
- ian: specialist - mathematician, politician, musician, magician, physician, historian, librarian,
- al: official, professional,
- or: thing, person - actor, mayor, governor, conductor, escalator, elevator
- er: think, person - employer, announcer, manager, speaker, builder, villager, cooker, cooler/heater
=> Extra-Listening: Grammar Grater-Suffix er vs. or by CalWORKs-Distance Learning
=> Task Which suffix should the man use, adviser or advisor? Why?
=> Nouns ending in –er and –or
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