[2] Inside Reading-2 Unit 2 The Business of Branding Reading-2 Product Placement
- Study Sentences: [L54-P3] If the film is ~ that of the product.
[L76-P6] Financing product placement ~ for three to four years.
<= $175k/30sec->$3.5mil/10min x 300days/year= $3.5bil (Prod Placement in US)=> Prod Plc/3~4yrs.
[L131-P9] Conversations like this ~ great advertisers dream.
- Study Words/Expressions:
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
- A. 1. fad (sth people are interested in for a short time) 3. draw on (use sth available)
5. branch off (extend, diversify)
- B. convert -> Dic (v) ~ a hotel into a condo, ~ euros to dollars, ~ coal to gas, ~ a bed into a sofa, ~ from Christianity to Islam, ~ to a vegetarian, ~ me/him,
- convert (noun) a ~ to Islam, a ~ from a communist
- convertible (adj) ~ sofa, ~ currencies, ~ into ordinary shares,
- converter (noun) digital to analog ~, currency ~
- conversion (noun) ~ of a house into …, house ~. ~ from analog to digital, ~ table
-> divert-diversion: the Chicago bound flight was ~ed to Minneapolis.
-> revert-reversion: the car was ~ed back to its original condition
=> Write two sentences using convert.
[3] Open Forum Ch-5 Anthropology Web-Presentation on a famous anthropologist, Margaret Mead
- Listening 1-> Answer the questions- Listening 2=> Task-1
- Listening 3 w/Transcript-> Check the answers
-> Study Voca set her on a path toward, cultural relativist-relativism-relative, neutral-neutrally,
ethnography (the scientific description of different races and cultures)
Task-2 Study the last sentence (quote) => Rewrite in your own words=> Restate to a partner.
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