Lesson Report-Senior 2p-May 12th

1. Cover to Cover-2 Unit 3 Entertainment  Part 1  Unusual Festivals
- Before Reading: Talk about festivals you saw, enjoyed or participated.
- Comprehension Strategy: Identifying meaning from context
- Reading-1 => Checking Comprehension A, B
2. Kikutan-4K  Day 7: Manage Your Time
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence.-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise the Main Idea. -> Shadow Reading
=> Study Vocabulary: depend on, get a good grade on ~
3. Read & Write-2  Unit 1 Trend: Why does something become popular?
Review the par. to explain and support your topic sentence. Use some of the answers from 1~4/p.19-20
Unit 2 Color: How do colors affect the way we feel
Unit Objective Free Writing=> Write a color proposal for a business
Preview the Unit - A: Listen to the Q-classroom/Web=> Discuss the questions
- C: Look at the pictures and read the captions=> Discuss the question-1, 2
- Read Reading/Online: Men, Women, and Color
=> Write your response within 5 sentences to Q-3/p.24: What colors do you like to wear?=> Pair

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